...an increased degree of interconnectedness and interdependence between people, groups and institutions based in different countries of the world. As a process of spatial outreach it is not new and has long historical antecedents (Held et al., 1999). Nonetheless it is argued in this chapter that the current process is considerably different from any previous process of outreach. One of the major differences is seen in the role that transnational corporations (TNCs) play in the globalisation process. The chapter proceeds in section 2 with an analysis of the salient characteristics of the globalisation process. The third section considers the role of TNCs in cross-border transactions. Section 4 develops the argument that the TNCs are a dominant cause of the globalisation process. Section 5 considers the wider policy implications of this perspective and the last section concludes. 2. Salient characteristics of globalisation The current globalisation process is characterised by both qualitative and quantitative aspects and it differs from previous outreach processes in many of these aspects. The process is cumulative and thus the various aspects and mechanisms reinforce each other. Among the qualitative aspects of globalisation the following play an important part: l l l l Breadth of change. The changes now involve a variety of fields or ‘domains’ (Held et al., 1999) ranging...
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...The Relationship between Financial Markets and Economic Growth: Implications for Canada Research Study Prepared for the Wise Persons’ Committee Gordon Boissonneault Senior Economist, WPC Staff October 24, 2003 The Relationship between Financial Markets and Economic Growth: Implications for Canada Executive Summary The financial sector has experienced significant change over recent decades, driven by advances in information and communications technology and widespread reductions in international barriers to trade and investment. International integration is advancing rapidly, reflecting in part the development of global production chains and the rapid growth of emerging market economies. As a result of the forces of integration, international competition has become more fierce and firms are under increasing pressure to cut costs and differentiate their products to survive. Canada’s economy has numerous linkages beyond its borders, particularly with the United States. The future improvement of Canadians’ standard of living will depend in large part on foreign investment in Canada and the ability of Canadians to invest abroad. In this regard, a thriving financial sector will be a key component of our success. Canada has a small share of the global capital market. Thus, to be competitive, the Canadian capital market must be efficient and offer a low cost of capital. As much as possible, the policies and institutions that govern the Canadian financial...
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...Globalisation 1 Lecture/Chapter Topics • Chapter Introduction • Definition of Globalisation • Emergence of Global Institutions • Driving Forces of Globalisation • Changing Characteristics of Global Economy • Globalisation Debate • Managing in Global Marketplace Definition of Globalisation • • Globalisation: the trend towards a more integrated global economic system Effects of globalisation can be seen everywhere, for example: – – – – the cars people drive the food people eat the jobs people have the clothes people wear Definition of Globalisation • What is Globalisation? – Globalisation refers to the shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy. • Facets of Globalisation – Globalisation of Markets – Globalisation of Products – Emergence of Global Institutions Definition of Globalisation • The Globalisation of Markets – – The historically distinct and separate national markets are merging into one huge global marketplace in which the tastes and preferences of consumers in different nations are beginning to converge in some global norm. Examples of consumer products: Prada fashions, Sony Playstation video games, McDonald’s hamburgers (US), Nescafe coffee (Switzerland), Nokia mobile phones (Finland), IKEA furniture (Sweden) Definition of Globalisation • Globalisation of Production – Sourcing goods and services from different locations around the globe in an attempt to take advantage...
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...UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Implications of Global International Monetary Policy Decision on Economic Systems in East Africa: A Case Study of Kenya NAME: LILLIAN WACHIRA REG NO: R50/63875/2010 Supervisor: Dr. Gerrishon Ikiara A Research Proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Masters of Arts in International Studies (MA IS) DECLARATION I declare that this research proposal is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university. NAME: LILLIAN WACHIRA REG. NO: R50/63875/2010 Sign: ………………………………… Date: ……………………… This research proposal has been submitted for examination with my approval as university supervisor SUPERVISOR: Sign: ……………………………… Date: …………………………. DEDICATION I dedicate my project to my lovely mother Beatrice, my brothers Edwin and Eric whose prayers words of encouragement and push for tenacity ring in my ears. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Gerrsihon Ikiara for the continuous support and guidance while carrying out my project, for his patience, motivation and immense knowledge. I would also like to thank the participants in my survey, who have willingly shared their precious time during the process of interviewing. I...
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...global marketplace. Ex: In many industries, it is no longer meaningful to talk about the “German market” or the “American market”. Instead, there is only the global market. Falling trade barriers make it easier to sell internationally. The tastes and preferences of consumers are converging on some global norm. Firms help create the global market by offering the same basic products worldwide. 2) The Globalization Of Production: The globalization of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production like land, labor, and capital Companies compete more effectively by lowering their overall cost structure or improving the quality or functionality of their product offering. The Emergence Of Global Institutions : Institutions are needed to: * help manage, regulate, and police the global marketplace * promote the establishment of multinational treaties to govern the global business system Institutions created over the past half century include: * the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) * the World Trade Organization (WTO) * the International Monetary Fund (IMF) * the World Bank (WB) * the United Nations (UN) a)The World Trade Organization (like its predecessor GATT) is...
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...Long-term Finance and Economic Growth Working Group on Long-term Finance The views expressed in this report are those of the Working Group on Long-term Finance and do not necessarily represent the views of the individual members of the Group of Thirty. ISBN 1-56708-160-6 Copies of this paper are available for $49 from: The Group of Thirty 1726 M Street, N.W., Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel.: (202) 331-2472 E-mail: info@group30.org; www.group30.org Long-term Finance and Economic Growth Published by Group of Thirty© Washington, D.C. 2013 Table of Contents Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Glossary .............................................................................................................................................................................................6 Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................8 Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................................................................................10 Working Group on Long-term Finance ................................................................................................................
Words: 26174 - Pages: 105
...International Business Chapter 1 What is international Business Key Concepts In International Business * International Trade - describes the exchange of products and services across national borders * Exchanges can be made through exporting or can also take the form of: * Importing or Global Sourcing - the procurement of products or services from suppliers located abroad for consumption in the home country or a third country. * International Investment - refers to the transfer of assets to another country or the acquisition of assets in that country. Economists refer to such assets as factors of production and they include capital, technology, managerial talent and manufacturing infrastructure. * Foreign Direct Investment - is an internationalisation strategy in which the firm establishes a physical presence abroad through acquisition of productive assets such as land, plant, equipment, capital and technology. It is a foreign-market entry strategy that gives investors partial or full ownership of a productive enterprise. * International portfolio investment - refers to the passive ownership of foreign securities such as stocks and bonds for the purpose of generating financial returns. International portfolio investment and foreign direct investment are the two essential types of cross-border investment. The Nature of International Investment Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the ultimate stage in internationalisation and encompasses the...
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...the International Finance course at Harvard Business School for instructors considering adopting the associated material. The paper begins by arguing that the forces of globalization have fundamentally changed the scope and activities of firms thereby altering the practice of finance within these firms. As a consequence of an increasing reliance on tightly-integrated foreign operations, a parallel world of finance has been opened within every multinational firm and this world has, heretofore, been overlooked. The course materials are designed to address the many aspects of financial decision making within global firms prompted by these changes that are not addressed in traditional materials. The paper provides an overview of the structure of the course and its seven modules with particular emphasis on the three modules that constitute the core of the course. The paper also describes an analytical framework that has been developed through the creation of the course materials to guide critical financial decisions on financing, investment, risk management and incentive management within a multinational firm. This framework emphasizes the need to reconcile conflicting forces in order for multinational firms to gain competitive advantage from their internal capital markets. The paper concludes with a discussion of the course's pedagogical approach and detailed descriptions of all the course materials, including 19 case studies, corresponding teaching notes, several module notes and supplementary...
Words: 25419 - Pages: 102
.............................................................. 16 BEST CROSS - BORDER M&A DEAL .................................................................................................................. 18 The Literature on Chinese Outward FDI ................................................................................................................ 19 Page 1 of 36 © 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved. Economics for Everyone: Going Global–FDI Fables–FDI in Multibrand Retail Economics for Everyone: Going Global–FDI Fables–FDI in Multibrand Retail India Infoline News Service 5,801 words 2 May 2012 Indiainfoline News Service INFOIN English Copyright © 2012. Indiainfoline Ltd. FDI- Foreign Direct Investment Context: NEWS FDI in multi-brand retail to go ahead,TNN (TIMES OF INDIA) Govt says committed to multi-brand retail FDI FE BUREAU Aviation FDI: Cautious, Centre set to take allies on board, BUSINESS STANDARD India has been ranked at the third place in global foreign direct investments in 2009 and will continue to remain among the top five attractive destinations for international investors during 2010-11, according to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in a report on world investment prospects titled, 'World Investment Prospects Survey 2009-2011' released in July 2009. A report released in February 2010 by Leeds University Business School, commissioned by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), ranks India among the top three countries where...
Words: 24307 - Pages: 98
...through a number of structural changes in the past few decades: Real changes liberalization of product and factor markets, allied with technological developments increased output in many countries and particularly in the previously centrally planned economies Monetary changes a global commitment to maintain low rates of inflation after the boost in inflation in the ’70s Financial changes growing completeness and integration of world financial markets, fueled by deregulation and technology 3 Globalisation of financial markets Realities of global financial markets: Short-term nature of capital flows High turnover in financial markets Multiplicity of agents High number and complexity of instruments High speed with which market participants react to new information Global reach of financial institutions Implications: Growing integration of financial markets, including emerging markets Better financing of current account deficits Financial contagion risks 4 How developed are the world’s financial markets? The world’s financial assets totalled $196 trillion at end 2007 and were expected to reach $214 trillion by the end of 2010 The value of the world’s financial assets exceeded the global GDP by a factor of 3 – this is an unprecedented degree of financial depth The financial crisis that worsened at end 2008 changed the evolutions until 2007 Most of the growth...
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...U N I T E D N AT I O N S C O N F E R E N C E O N T R A D E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT 2011 NON-EQUITY MODES OF INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT U N I T E D N AT I O N S C O N F E R E N C E O N T R A D E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT 2011 NON-EQUITY MODES OF INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT New York and Geneva, 2011 ii World Investment Report 2011: Non-Equity Modes of International Production and Development NOTE The Division on Investment and Enterprise of UNCTAD is a global centre of excellence, dealing with issues related to investment and enterprise development in the United Nations System. It builds on three and a half decades of experience and international expertise in research and policy analysis, intergovernmental consensus-building, and provides technical assistance to developing countries. The terms country/economy as used in this Report also refer, as appropriate, to territories or areas; the designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. In addition, the designations of country groups are intended solely for statistical or analytical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage...
Words: 156270 - Pages: 626
...FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN EMERGING MARKET COUNTRIES Report of the Working Group of the Capital Markets Consultative Group September 2003 This report reflects the views of private sector participants in a working group examining the determinants, trends and prospects of foreign direct investment (FDI) in emerging market countries. The views expressed should not be attributed to the staff and management of HSBC, members of the CMCG, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. -2- Contents Page Main Findings ..........................................................................................................................3 I. II. III. Introduction....................................................................................................................10 Overview of FDI in EMCs.............................................................................................14 Motivation, Location, and Decision-Making.................................................................15 A. Motivation ...............................................................................................................15 B. Locational Determinants of FDI..............................................................................16 C. Decision-Making .....................................................................................................19 Financing, Global Conditions, and Managing FDI Risks................................................
Words: 20451 - Pages: 82
...defined as the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows through the rapid and widespread diffusion of technology. The fact that is important in today’s globalisation that really matters is that the accelerating speed is very fast. In the past it takes years or decades for influence to be passed for such an impact to be made. But today the influences or transmission of culture values, language, economy and administration can take place within months. This is the major difference. So globalisation is the transmission or extension of values, goods, services, thought or culture across border and it occurs with accelerated rate. The drivers for this accelerated speed are the technology and economic liberalism and the free movement of people. The nature of capitalism was such that entrepreneurial talent would not be constrained by geographical and legal boundaries. The growth of a dynamic trade system and the consequent development of classical payment arrangements like the gold standard have been seen by political economists as early yet decisive pointers towards the globalisation of the world economy. At the centre of this process is the idea of the Market and in particular the market for finance, capital, allied with the Multinational Corporation (MNC) is seen as a major agent and channel for the globalisation of production...
Words: 8031 - Pages: 33
...business Chris Britton Businesses of all sizes operate in international markets – products are sold across borders; the resources used in production can come from anywhere in the world; communication is instantaneous; and financial markets are inextricably linked, as the events of 2008 demonstrate. Individual businesses operate across borders in a variety of ways – they can do this directly, through the formation of strategic alliances or through merger and takeover. It is clear then that businesses need to be aware of the global context of their markets. Having read this chapter you should be able to: G G G G Learning outcomes understand the difference between globalisation and internationalisation outline the main elements of globalisation illustrate the role of the multinational enterprise introduce the implications of globalisation for business Key terms Capital market flows Consortium Cross-subsidisation Customs union Emerging economies Foreign direct investment (FDI) Franchising Free trade area Globalisation Hyperglobalisation Internationalisation International trade Joint venture Licensing Multinational enterprise (MNE) Regionalism Regional trade agreements (RTAs) Strategic alliance Transfer pricing Transformationalism Globalisation versus internationalisation 39 Introduction Businesses operate in a global context: even if they do not trade directly with other countries, they might be affected by a domestic shortage of skilled labour or may be...
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...a dramatic impact on the American banking industry. In my current role| |at Bank of America I have been able to witness the affects of these two contingent factors with my industry, my firm, and directly with my job. The | |effects of international business and public policy related to banking have been widely observed of late. With the recent media focus on financial | |service firms it is widely accepted that policy changes fundamentally alters firms’ operating environment and mark transitions to a new era of | |financial reform. As an industry, banking is simultaneously embedded in and affected by these two external conditions and the effect of one on the | |industry is often contingent upon the other. | |Banking has recently seen exponential domestic and foreign growth that can be attributed to expanding international trade policies and evolving | |public policy. This liberalization of trade in financial services has been a visible result from international economic and financial integration. | |International trade has been spurred on by economic and technological developments that facilitate the flow of goods, services, capital, and even | |people. This rapid expansion is evident at the bank when you recognize that as an organization, the global presence of Bank of America has grown to | |include 57 foreign countries. Global Corporate and...
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