...Assessment task instructions This assessment covers Outcome 2 of Business Culture and Strategy. It is based on the case study of Alphabet Games. Each of the following questions must be correctly answered. In some cases it is possible, to make use of diagrams or tables in your answer. You do not need to do this if you do not feel it is required. However, a diagram or table on its own is not likely to be enough to provide a full answer. If you do use a diagram or table, you will probably need to provide some accompanying explanation or discussion. a Explain the importance of organisational culture to Alphabet Games and suggest an example of where both shared values and taken for granted assumptions contribute to the continued success of Alphabet Games. Using a recognised theoretical model, identify and justify the organisational culture of Alphabet games and assess how this shapes current management approaches. To reflect the changing environments within which Alphabet games operates, suggest a possible alternative organisational culture for the company Games and assess the impact this change in culture would have upon managerial approaches. Using a recognised framework, assess the importance of the relationship of the relationship between organisational culture and organisational behaviour. b c d Scottish Qualifications Authority HN Assessment Exemplar/F7J7 35/AEX001 V1.0 Business Culture and Strategy 11 May 2011 Assessment task 3 Outcomes covered 3, 4 Assessment...
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...Business Cultural and strategy Section 4 Change [Year] Colin Simpson [Type the company name] [Pick the date] Business Cultural and strategy Section 4 Change [Year] Colin Simpson [Type the company name] [Pick the date] Bussiness Cultural and stratergy Section 4 Change Question1 Change is a integral part of any organisations development, change allows an organisation to become more competitive, efficient and productive. The position of alphabet games management will depend on the change strategy they choose. Lewins Freeze phase is a appropriated model to choose. The theory is based on the existences of a equilibrium in a organisation which is the result of opposing forces, driving forces(forces for change) and restraining forces(forces against change). Lewin states that change should be concerned with the individual.(SQA students notes) To put Lewins theory into action it should follow three stages: Unfreezing; This is the shakeup phase, where reducing the forces maintaining the organisation in its present situation will occur. The result is an acceptance that the existing structures and ways are not working. To get people ready for change it is necessary to develop an awareness of the necessity for change. Change; this is the process of devising and implementing the change. In this stage the problems will be identified, staff will be encouraged to adopted new behaviour and attitudes, hopefully leaving behind old ones. Refreezing;...
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...| Business | Business Culture and Strategy Report | | Business | Business Culture and Strategy Report | HND 2 bUSINESS 15 May 2015 Authored by: Renata Król HND 2 Business INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared to meet requirements of Business and Culture Strategy Unit, F7J7 35. The aim of the report is to present consolidated knowledge regarding business strategy and influence of business culture on strategy within organization which operates in very dynamic and fast changing environment of global business world. The application of theories and analyses has been based on case study provided by lecturer, namely “Alphabet Games” software and games development company, based in Scotland and formed in 2001. The report has been developed in following areas: * Analyses and findings of how PEST forces impact on AG change and SWOT analyse to illustrate relationship of AG with external environment. * Importance of organisational culture and its impact on managerial approach, organisational culture and behaviour and overall business strategy of AD. * Analyse of the process, impact and benefits of use different business strategies by AD. * Analyse ,role, and impact of management for process of business change and methods of implementing the change, including technics of overcoming potential resistance The analyses and findings of above sections should clearly explain the difference...
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...Business Culture And Strategy Asessment Number 1 Word Count Student Number Table Of Contents 1. Outcome 1 2.1 External Forces that impact on Alphabet Games. A PESTEL (political, Economic, Socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal) has allowed me to analyse Alphabet Games Macro environment and upon doing this have picked the four factors that I feel have influenced the company most. 2.2.1 Legal Factor The first factor I noticed was a legal one, which involved the black market and the rise in pirate copies of computer games. The lose of sales and profits can be expected due to customers purchasing these copies as oppose to games directly from Alphabet Games and so in order to cope with this problem A.G moved into the market of producing flash games for big business clients. 2.2.2 Technological Factor The next factor, which I felt influenced heavily on A.G, was a technological factor and the introduction of HD Gaming to the games market. In response to this A.G invested heavily in new staff and new equipment. 2.2.3 Economic Factor Another factor that I noticed A.G reacted to was the increased production costs which, were caused due to economic conditions. A.G in order to remain profitable outsourced some of their work abroad. 2.2.4 Socio-Cultural Factor The last important factor I acknowledged was a social factor and was that consumers now desired better graphics in relation...
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...Alphabet Games Outcome 1 To complete outcome 1 of the Business, Culture and Strategy I have to answer 3 questions based out the case study Alphabet Games. The 1st question asks me to describe how 4 forces of change may impact upon Alphabet Games and in doing so I must use a recognised analytical framework. The 2nd question asks me to carry out a SWOT analysis to illustrate and analyse the relationship the Alphabet Games has with its external environment. The last question asks me to provide a guideline for the senior managers of Alphabet Games to follow that would enable them to carry out an effective SWOT analysis. A) In the business world, the main forces for change come in the form of a P.E.S.T table which looks a little some like this: Political Economic Sociocultural Technology When a business wants to know what will affect the changes within the company they will use this table to see what each force will factor in the changing process. 1. The Political factor will affect Alphabet Games considerably. The taxations within the gaming industry may go up which means they would most likely have to sell games or consoles at a higher price in order for them to earn a stable profit each year. 2. The Economic factor is the second factor within the pest analysis. The costs of resources that Alphabet Games buy may go up or down depending on where other gaming companies get their resources from. With more companies forming within the industry and all going to the same...
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...Assessment Task 1 Outcome 1 Introduction Alphabet Games small company based in Scotland which develops software and games. The business was formed in 2001 by three companions with a passion to develop games and software which has resulted in it becoming a multi-million pound business. The aim of this case study is to identify four forces which may affect Alphabet Games using a recognised analytical framework. A SWOT analysis is to be carried out in order to analyse and illustrate the relationship Alphabet Games has with the external environment. A set of guidelines for carrying out a SWOT analysis is to be prepared to enable the senior managers at Alphabet games to carry out an effective SWOT analysis. Task A The four forces that can affect Alphabet Games is the analytical framework PEST this takes in any political, economy, social and technological factors. • Political The political factors that will affect Alphabet Games are the legislation and guidelines that have been set out by the government that must be followed in order to avoid any legal action taking place. They also need to consider globalisation and the differentials of each market they trade in as they currently sell games and software worldwide. They must also abide by any European Union rules and legislation when trading worldwide it has a higher level of control over the United Kingdom. The taxation policy is also important to Alphabet Games due to the changing tax rates which may affect the...
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...Outcome 1 Business culture and strategy Word count: 2196 words Pages: 9 Intro: The Aim of this assessment is to show how the industry that Alphabet Games deals in has changed and continues to do so. I need to show how these changes have taken effect using the P.E.S.T Analysis and S.W.O.T Analysis, I also need to provide a set of guidelines to the company on how to use a S.W.O.T Analysis so that they can continue to monitor their needs etc. P-Political Political views and guidelines have changed the way most companies work these days. Alphabet Games works within an area of business that is constantly changing in the world of politics. The Government has set out new rules for game makers to ensure maximum safety for games, particularly online games, these are the type of games that other people can contact you in real time, either via text, voice or video calling and it’s important to help users particularly young users to stay safe. Games sold within the British Market now must hold the PEGI age rating clearly displayed on the case of the game. This is again to ensure safety, that gamers are playing age appropriate games and that the younger ones are not subjected to scenes of violence, sexual imagery or language deemed as profanity. These rules were brought into place after long and constructive studies proved that younger gamers are easily influenced by computer games especially the more popular ones, there have been cases in the past where individuals have mimicked...
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...Running head: Hearing and Visual Hearing and Visual Impairment Bonnie J. Hatch Grand Canyon University SPE 526 May 19, 2010 Abstract The abstract of this essay will include information on hearing and visual impairments. It will explain the legal definition of both, the impact that hearing and visual impairment have on a person’s development and education achievement, how humans hear and see and the degrees, types and causes of each. The essay will also go into detailed by supplying a lesson plan which will include the objectives/goals, accommodations/modifications, strategies, assessments, activities as well as including brief description of the student by submitting the student’s age, grade, disability strength, and weaknesses. Hearing and Visual Impairments Hearing is a complex process of changing sound waves into the neural signals which can be translated by the brain into sounds. Within the inner ear is the Cochlea, which changes sound waves into neutral signals. The signals are sent to the brain through the auditory nerve. Where the visual impairment is also a complex process, light enters the eye through the pupil and is collected by photoreceptor neurons in the retina. Signals are then sent to a neuron network that then generates electrical impulses which goes to the brain. The legal definition of a hearing impairment is “a full or partial decrease in the ability to detect or understand sounds. It can range from a mild hearing loss to total deafness”...
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...Case study Toys “R” Us JAPAN Case study Toys “R” Us JAPAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 3. Japan Background and facts: 4. Background: 4 Facts: 5 Toys “R” Us Background 7. The Beginning: 7 Market Expansion 8 More ways to shop Toys “R” Us 8 Evolving business 9 Toys “R” Us in Japan 9 Case analysis: 10 Attractive factors of Japan toy market: 10 Barriers to Entry: 10 Success Factors for Toy's "R" Us-Japan 11 TRU Strategy 13 Our opinion: 14 Recommendations: 15 Conclusion: 16 References:: 16 Introduction: Toys R Us is the large distributor in the US and it is one of the more successful foreign retailers in Japan after overcome hard barriers. This successful is a result of right decision-making and strategy in overseas expansion by global retailer’s and gradual changes after entry into foreign markets. Also the strategy in respect of standardization adaption before and after entry has great effect in this successful. Coming lines, shows some factors that attract TRU to join venture in Japan. Then, we will discuss group of barriers that TRU had overcome, and how it’s overcome these barriers. In the end, we will evaluate Toys “R” Us in Japan market. Japan Background and facts: Background: Government: Parliamentary with constitutional monarchy Prime Minister: Shinzō Abe (elected Dec 2012) Capital: Tokyo Population: 127,368,088 Population Growth Rate: -0.077% (2012 est.), World Rank: 198th Birth Rate: 8.39 births/1,000 population...
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... The participants should: Display an understanding of culture, language and literacy learning in the early grades Display an understanding of Show a slide that shows the 'cross-linguistic' transfer (the transition from one language to the transferability of the next knowledge of the structure of one language to another) Show a slide that shows the Be acquainted with the domains covered for each language, distribution of domains per per quarter language area Display an understanding of Show a slide on the framework that how other content areas can shows the integration of the be integrated in a language language, literature and skills lesson (i.e. social studies, science, math, music, art, health and P.E.) 20 minutes The Domains, Standards and Competencies Present the slides that show the following: (Domains: oral language, phonological awareness, grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension) Show a sample activity/exercise that illustrates a specific domain/skill Preclaro, Par, Astilla, Santos, Razon, Principe, Zuniga, Dela Paz Display an understanding that the domains to be prioritized include: oral language, phonological awareness, grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension Display an understanding that there are domains that are covered by the MT and Filipino language areas: book and print orientation, alphabet knowledge and handwriting. Show the power...
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...The Abstract This essay discusses the growing importance of visual communication in a global economy. This essay more specifically addresses and investigates the research question: “to what extent is visual communication becoming a profit enabler for companies acting in a global economy?” The research method used in this essay were questionnaires in which a number of anonymous p¬¬eople from different nations across the five continents (America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania) were asked personal questions about communication and their preferences in communicating with different people or machines. Articles and statistical data results from the Web and books in addition to anthropological data statistics that clearly validated the theory. The findings of the research showed that people, according to their ethnicity, cultural background and education, viewed the same message potentially in a different way. The results from the different questionnaires clearly showed that visual communication not only provided a quicker way for people to view and understand a message than text as it has a global understanding of a message, but it was also a global preference for most individuals to perceive a similar message. Thus the results of the findings can conclude that visual communication is efficient due to its possibility of communicating a message Internationally, and to its way of providing quick understanding. Marketing is about advertising, providing awareness to customers...
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...BRAND MANAGEMENT PART <CONTENTS> Ⅰ. ORIGIN OF THE NAME Ⅱ. BRAND PERSONALITY Ⅲ. BRAND IDENTITY Ⅳ. BRAND POSITIONING Ⅴ. BRAND STRATEGIES Ⅵ. BRAND ELEMENTS 1. Origin of the name Brand with good elements are constructed favorable in consumers’ minds. It is applicable, has distinct and specific meanings, thus memorable and easy to be acknowledged next time it is viewed. To increase awareness of the brand, founder, Jeffrey P. Bezos conducted several attempts naming the company. He initially named “Cadabra Inc” in 1995 when he realized that it can be misconceived as “Cadaver” which literally means dead body. The “Amazon” was soon adopted due to the fact that it is the largest river in the world. He saw the big potential for a larger volume of sale. In addition, letter “A” in Amazon could make it available for viewers to easily notice in alphabetical list. Following image is the logo of the company. Orange arrow from A to Z represents it can distribute every product in the alphabet online. Arrow itself also indicates a smile, which in turn refers to customer satisfaction as well as pleasure after the complete purchasing process. <Fig.1 logo of Amazon> These are some of the features found within the logo and how it is used in the final packaging. * Slogan: Image above is not frequently used or viewed as much as logo of amazon.com standing by itself. However slogan is the most powerful tool to explain the company in a short word, such as Wal-mart’s...
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...Kofi Hodge Critical Perspectives in Urban Education Professor Bristol December 10, 2013 The Parenting Gap: A comparison of parenting and academic achievement: The institution of schools does not act alone it encompasses the school itself, teachers, parents, students among other factors that work simultaneously with one another. Up until just recently, I placed much of the blame for teachers’ inability to be successful with minority students in a classroom, on the teachers' inability to communicate and relate to and with students. The students' own self-victimization and the ideology that a student of a particular race or ethnicity cannot perform well because of the stereotypes that come with that race or ethnicity also plays a role. Of the many factors, the role parents play in educational achievement is often overlooked, because many believe that the task of educating solely rests with the school and the teachers. Parental involvement in students’ education gradually decreases as early as the first grade. In addition with the implementation of test based accountability, lack of student achievement is being placed on teachers because tests don’t consider factors such as if a student “pays attention in class” or “attends school regularly” (Ravitch 2010). The decrease of parental involvement results in a decrease of parent expectations of the student and allows students to matriculate through school receiving mediocre grades and their parents never know. Seeing as though the...
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...Plato and Play Taking Education Seriously in Ancient Greece Armand D’Angour In this article, the author outlines Plato’s notions of play in ancient Greek culture and shows how the philosopher’s views on play can be best appreciated against the background of shifting meanings and evaluations of play in classical Greece. Play—in various forms such as word play, ritual, and music—proved central to the development of Hellenic culture. In ancient Greece, play (paidia) was intrinsically associated with children (paides). However, both children and play assumed a greater cultural significance as literacy—and, consequently, education (paideia)— developed during the classical age of 500–300 BCE. Uniquely among ancient thinkers, Plato recognized that play influenced the way children developed as adults, and he proposed to regulate play for social ends. But Plato’s attitude toward play was ambivalent. Inclined to consider play an unworthy activity for adults, he seemed to suggest that intellectual play in some form, as demonstrated in the dialectical banter of Socrates, could provide a stimulus to understanding. Key words: education in ancient Greece; play and child development; play and education; play and Plato; Socratic dialectic Among various plausible misquotations that surface from time to time is a piece of popular wisdom attributed to Plato to the effect that “you can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” It was quoted by Alaska Governor...
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...without which certain kinds of constructive activity would be almost impossible. It supports our efforts to appeal to different learning styles, which give us a way to interact with each other and extend the learning experiences. It is a good way to extend the essential skills and knowledge of students. By integrating technology into our educational programs it provides students with additional tools to enhance their learning. Technology allows us to demonstrate teaching strategies and also provide teachers with skills to succeed in the classroom. It changes the structure and the manor in which we learn. Such technologies used in education from the past, present and beyond are the typewriter, computer games, Internet, and communication. Technology and Education (the relationship) The relationship between technology and education can be characterized as a process of change and innovation. In the beginning societies depended on oral communication then the written language was developed. Making an alphabet made learning to read and write much easier then in the past. As technologies of written language became prevalent and more people became literate social structures formed. The next big step towards a better education was the industrial revolution. The technology that occurred during the revolution created a need for workers in the newly created factories shifting learning to prepare kids to work in such factories. Technologies such as the typewriter and printing press made...
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