...I believe the one technology that could have the greatest impact on enterprise architecture in U.S. corporations by 2023 is cloud computing. As indicated on the hype cycle for emerging technologies in 2013, it currently is in the trough of disillusionment; however, I believe that cloud computing will bring about the most change to enterprise architecture by 2023. Cloud computing will have the ability to bring enterprise architecture a step forward and redefine the way businesses will support their architecture. As cloud computing evolves, as will enterprise architecture in the way that advanced concepts and practices will eventually be deemed as government requirements. By 2023, I anticipate that most, if not all, companies will be using a cloud platform where it will be used on multiple devices – this brings attention to EA as it will make it more challenging to standardized personal devices. BYOD will become a more relevant option with increased capabilities, like scalability and using software as a service through the cloud, impacting the way EA is integrated in an organization. The shift in enterprise architecture will also stem from the control needed from cloud computing. Currently, when companies move to cloud computing, they are essentially handing control over the design parameters of the enterprise. As a result, the role of the enterprise architect will become obsolete as the responsibilities were to build and maintain a stable model for the business. The...
Words: 382 - Pages: 2
...Abstract Cloud computing is a term that refers to sources and computer systems available on demand through the network, which can provide a number of computer services integrated without being restricted local resources in order to make it easier for the user and include those resources space for data backup and synchronization self also includes processing capabilities software and scheduling of tasks and push e-mail and remote printing, and the user can control when it is connected to the network in these resources through a simple software interface simplifies and ignores a lot of detail and internal processes. Cloud computing has become increasingly popular because it offers users the illusion of having infinite computing resources, of which they can use as much as they need, without having to worry about how those resources are provided. It also provides greater scalability, availability, and reliability than users could achieve with their own resource The core property in cloud computing that held computing "in the cloud"; for clarity, the treatment process (and related data) is not confined to the place (places) private and unknown. Thus, this model is the antithesis of the treatment process is located in one or more of the servers are well known. Exposure model cloud of criticism and attack because of privacy advocates, for the ease of large governing the hosting companies for services cloud, and then, can impose censorship and domination, whether legal or illegal...
Words: 2383 - Pages: 10
...UploadSign inJoin BooksAudiobooksComicsSheet Music Editors' Picks Books Hand-picked favorites from our editors Editors' Picks Audiobooks Hand-picked favorites from our editors Editors' Picks Comics Hand-picked favorites from our editors Editors' Picks Sheet Music Hand-picked favorites from our editors Top Books What's trending, bestsellers, award-winners & more Top Audiobooks What's trending, bestsellers, award-winners & more Top Comics What's trending, bestsellers, award-winners & more Top Sheet Music What's trending, bestsellers, award-winners & more Categories Arts & Ideas Biography & Memoir Business & Leadership Children's Computers & Technology Cooking & Food Crafts & Hobbies Fantasy Fiction & Literature Happiness & Self-Help Health & Wellness History Home & Garden Humor LGBT Mystery, Thriller & Crime Politics & Economy Reference Religion Romance Science & Nature Science Fiction Society & Culture Sports & Adventure Travel Young Adult Categories Arts & Ideas Biography & Memoir Business & Leadership Children's Computers & Technology Cooking & Food Fantasy Fiction & Literature Happiness & Self-Help Health & Wellness History Home & Garden Humor LGBT Mystery, Thriller & Crime Politics & Economy Reference Religion Romance Science & Nature Science Fiction Society & Culture Sports & Adventure Travel Young Adult Categories Adaptations Children’s Crime & Mystery Fiction Humor Manga Nonfiction ...
Words: 1960 - Pages: 8
...INTRODUCTION Cloud computing has boost a large amount of interest in the IT industry. The market research and analysis firm IDC suggests that the market for cloud computing services was $16bn in 2008 and will rise to $42bn/year by 2012 (Chhabra, Verma &ump; Taneja, 2010) .The era of cloud computing introduces a new dimension for Enterprises. The academia and research worlds have developed a keen interest into challenges and issues introduced by this relatively new concept (Sriram &ump; Khajeh-Hosseini, 2009). As experienced by large or small companies while adopting cloud computing technology, the issues can be outlined as security, privacy, data migration as (Hosseini, et al., 2010 ). Adoption of cloud technology by enterprises especially those are using KBE (knowledge based engineering) systems are in risk in terms of migration their data over the cloud. Most enterprises are in a midst of creating, sharing, streaming and storing data in digital formats to allow collaboration , hence there is a need to continuously managed and protect the data to ensure its value and authenticity (Yale &ump; Chow, 2011). Enterprises now acquire increasingly more information about their products, customers and partners- whether it’s stored in a cloud environment or not and failure to protect this data can be damaging. Partners and clients anticipate their information will be constantly protected before conducting business with a company. Within lay the need for complete data governance to...
Words: 2090 - Pages: 9
...Greengard, S. 2010, ‘Cloud computing and developing nations Communications of the ACM’, Vol 53.5.pp.18-20 In this journal, Greengard has illustrated about the importance, potential and achievement of cloud computing (pp. 18-19). And also about the limitation, challenges and problems of cloud computing (p.20). He has also disclosed about the use and value of cloud computing in the current situation and future (pp.18-19) and the opportunity provided by it. Greengard also uttered that it has also helped to carry impossible task with limited errors and resources. He also believed that cloud computing act as a catalyst for the innovation and development of developing nations (p.20). According to Greengard, cloud computing has attracted himself and the whole world due to its possibilities and benefits and it has also broad implication. Schwam K (cited Greengard 2010) stated that “it has potential to dramatically change business models and the way people interact with each other.” Likewise, Bratt S (cited Greengard 2010) indicated about “cloud computing crushing down the obstacles to entry at playing field.” Greengard recited that it facilitates strong information technology and advancement at very low cost and even can share information and resources to various destinations at anytime and anywhere as long there is internet service. Large companies are increasing their computing centres continuously in various parts of the world i.e. Google, IBM, Microsoft) (p.18). Greengard has...
Words: 509 - Pages: 3
...Business Agility and the True Economics of Cloud Computing B u s i n e s s W H iTe PA P e R Business Agility and the True Economics of Cloud Computing Executive Summary New groundbreaking global survey findings demonstrate the true value of cloud computing to the business. While it is understood in the industry that cloud computing provides clear cost benefits, CIOs are having difficulty getting a true fix on the business value that cloud might offer beyond cost reduction. These survey results reveal a direct link between cloud computing and business agility—how business outcomes are associated with agility, the role of IT for agile companies and the importance of cloud computing to business leaders. value to the enterprise. It shows that the hype around cloud computing is maturing into facts about what cloud can really deliver to both IT and the business. Game-changing CIOs think business transformation first, then how technology enables it. They are the ones strategizing with their CEOs and other business leaders to look beyond simple cost calculations to the business agility that cloud computing can enable. Defining Business Agility Business agility is the ability of a business to adapt rapidly and cost-efficiently in response to changes in the business environment. According to McKinsey & Company, the leading global management consulting firm, the benefits of agility include faster revenue growth, greater and more lasting cost reduction, and more effective...
Words: 2949 - Pages: 12
...complex and expensive. Cloud computing services has been gaining significant importance due to its characteristics of making IT infrastructure and resources more agile, has reduced dependency on device and location, enhance performance and productivity with several other benefits. The basic meaning of cloud computing is the storing and accessing of data and programs over internet rather than one’s computer’s hard drive. The cloud is defined as a collection of interconnected IT services and infrastructures, which are accessible through a network (Erl et al., 2013). Cloud computing enables multiple users to share resources, which are located dynamically and used as per the demand. The main aim of cloud computing is that it allows users to use all the technologies, without requiring to have deep knowledge or expertise about each one (Rhoton, 2010). The cloud services aims to reduce the cost of setting up and maintaining IT infrastructure instead it enables the user to concentrate on the core business. Cloud computing services provides the advantage of fewer operational issues, which is a great advantage for the small and medium size businesses since it allows they do not have to own the resources such as servers, software and infrastructure and can use the resources of the service provider. Cloud computing services allow the users to transfer data between different systems without locking the businesses into one provider (Nielsen, 2013). The other advantages of cloud are that it provides...
Words: 4309 - Pages: 18
...Cloud Computing and Accounting Information Systems Technology is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing and impacting the world in ways that were once never thought to be possible. Businesses thrive by investing time and money into modern technologies that redefine that way that these firms do businesses .One particular technology on the horizon in today’s society is cloud computing. Cloud computing is use of a network hosted on the Internet to store and access data and programs. After reviewing an article that discussing cloud computing and its effects on business, relating the idea of cloud computing to accounting information systems, and discussing opinions and issues concerning cloud computing, there will be a greater understanding about the impacts of cloud computing on the AIS system. The article chosen, which written by Ian Stone and published by The Guardian on April 15, 2014, is called “Cloud Computing Enables Businesses to Discover Their Entrepreneurial Spirit”. This article begins by stating that cloud computing is a game changer in the world of business. Cloud computing is stated as the storing and accessing of data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive. This article says that one of the key benefits of cloud computing can be seen by the way it “levels the playing field”. Small business can have a better chance to compete with bigger firms because the initial cost of cloud computing is much less than the large expensive infrastructures...
Words: 1223 - Pages: 5
...client organization and cloud provider is a strong predictor of successful cloud deployment. By GaRy GaRRiSon, SanGhyun Kim, anD RoBin L. WaKeFieLD Success Factors for Deploying Cloud Computing “a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be quickly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”14 The emergence of cloud computing is transforming the way organizations purchase and manage computing resources,17 providing a fundamentally different IT model in which a cloud provider might be responsible for a range of IT activities, including hardware and software installation, upgrades, maintenance, backup, data storage, and security. The result is that organizations can lower their IT capital expenditures ClOUD COMPUTiNg iS 62 Com muniCatio nS o F th e aCm | S epteM Ber 201 2 | vo L . 5 5 | N o. 9 and operating costs by purchasing ondemand technology resources (such as increased data storage, bandwidth, and processing power) while eliminating the need to maintain outdated equipment. Cloud services also include environments for application development and access to key technologies, software, and skilled IT personnel that might otherwise be too costly and difficult to obtain and maintain (see Figure 1). Along with hardware, software, and technology platforms, cloud computing delivers additional...
Words: 4590 - Pages: 19
..."Cloud Computing:Taking the world by storm" (Cloud computing is becoming very popular around the world. A storm (Internet) comes in quickly and with power) What is cloud? Where is cloud? Are we in the cloud now? These are some of the questions we've probably heard or even asked ourselves. The term "cloud computing"is everywhere. Cloud computing has received a lot of popularity anywhere. It is well known for being the storage solutions to provide individuals and enterprises with various capabilities in storing and processing their data. Cloud computing also known as cloud manage, store and process relevant data. It's cheaper, faster and easy to maintain because not only businesses but regular Internet users can also use cloud computing services such as Google Docs, EFAX,YouTube, Webex, YouSendIt, Gliffy, Yahoo, Mozy, LinkedIn,Picnik, Zamzar, PBWiki, Blogger and Dropbox. With the use of cloud we can access a data or search informations whenever and wherever we are, as long as we have internet connection. Instead of using personal computer of a local server or your computer's hard drive why not store it at the cloud? Here are some key points, advantages, importance and disadvantages you need to know about cloud computing: • There are two versions of cloud computing. Two of the more popular versions of cloud offerings are Software-as-a-Service also known as SaaS and Infrastructure-as-a-Service also known as laaS. • With SaaS, the cloud service provider hosts your enterprise...
Words: 675 - Pages: 3
...about cloud computing and how it is affecting the adoption in companies or organisations. This paper presents advantages disadvantages security of using this technology. This also deals with the importance of using this technology and information management takes place in organisations. It also deals with the improvisation of the flow of information with Cloud. In today’s globalised technological market Cloud computing is one of the most innovated information technologies. It is more attractive for business to adopt because it had many advantages which includes automatic software update, flexibility, increased collaboration. It’s cost effectiveness plays a major role in adopting this technology. Cloud based applications...
Words: 978 - Pages: 4
...1. Find at least two other articles on the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. Some brief introduction about cloud computing: Cloud computing we can access all our application and documents from anywhere in the world whenever we can access any time. But cloud computing doesn’t give everyone to use we have pay money for them we need access that. Cloud computing also as represents simple changes in how we can store information and how we can run application. Instead of some application we required some hosting apps and data on a separates desktop computer that everything is hosted in the “cloud computing” an gathering of desktops and servers can accessed by via the internet. Now I am going to discuss about advantages and disadvantage cloud computing: Advantages of cloud computing: We will discuss about cloud computing in advantage this will includes both a company’s and as well as an end-user’s helpful. Cost organization: This is the way most importance of cloud computing to achieving some investing on stand- alone software or servers, by accessing cloud’s capabilities, an companies can save their own licensing fees and at the same time that we can avoid or not interest overhead charges may increases such as the cost of data storage, software updates and management etc. The cloud is in general available at it is very cheaper rates than traditional proposal and can also significantly so lower than all over IT expenses, at the same time that will for us very...
Words: 762 - Pages: 4
...Cloud Computing Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. These services are broadly divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The name cloud computing was inspired by the cloud symbol that's often used to represent the Internet in flowcharts and diagrams. A cloud service has three distinct characteristics that differentiate it from traditional hosting. It is sold on demand, typically by the minute or the hour; it is elastic -- a user can have as much or as little of a service as they want at any given time; and the service is fully managed by the provider (the consumer needs nothing but a personal computer and Internet access). Significant innovations in virtualization and distributed computing, as well as improved access to high-speed Internet and a weak economy, have accelerated interest in cloud computing. A cloud can be private or public. A public cloud sells services to anyone on the Internet. (Currently, Amazon Web Services is the largest public cloud provider.) A private cloud is a proprietary network or a data center that supplies hosted services to a limited number of people. When a service provider uses public cloud resources to create their private cloud, the result is called a virtual private cloud. Private or public, the goal of cloud computing is to provide easy, scalable access to computing resources and IT services...
Words: 744 - Pages: 3
...Danielle J Adams 000296145 QBT1 Language & Communication 14 May 2003 References Hickey, A. (2010). Cloud Computing. The Year of the Cloud...For Real This Time. Para 3. Retrieved from http://www.crn.com/slide-shows/cloud/232301107/10-cloud-predictions-for-2012.htm This reference offers information on the direction that Cloud Computing has taken and is taking in 2012. Hickey, offers the reader a perspective into prediction based on his account of current corporations and organizations direction into the significance of this service. Tadjer, R. (2010). Cloud Computing. What is Cloud Computing? Para 2 – 3. Retrieved from www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372163,00.asp This reference offers the reader understanding into how cloud computing is used in capitalism and the effects on the average consumer. This reference also offers understanding into privacy factors that come into play with cloud computing. Evans, B. (2013). Oracle Software Chief Thomas Kurian: 10 Strategic Cloud Computing Insights. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/oracle/2013/05/08/oracle-software-chief-thomas-kurian-10-strategic-cloud-computing-insights/ This reference offers information regarding important issues expressed by customers of Oracle and the challenges faced when using this cloud computing software. This article gives insight to some of the implemented changes made by Executive V.P. of Product Development for Oracle software Thomas Kurian. Kurian discusses some...
Words: 728 - Pages: 3
...Cloud Computing and Accounting Information Systems Technology is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing and impacting the world in ways that were once never thought to be possible. Businesses thrive by investing time and money into modern technologies that redefine that way that these firms do businesses .One particular technology on the horizon in today’s society is cloud computing. Cloud computing is use of a network hosted on the Internet to store and access data and programs. After reviewing an article that discussing cloud computing and its effects on business, relating the idea of cloud computing to accounting information systems, and discussing opinions and issues concerning cloud computing, there will be a greater understanding about the impacts of cloud computing on the AIS system. The article chosen, which written by Ian Stone and published by The Guardian on April 15, 2014, is called “Cloud Computing Enables Businesses to Discover Their Entrepreneurial Spirit”. This article begins by stating that cloud computing is a game changer in the world of business. Cloud computing is stated as the storing and accessing of data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive. This article says that one of the key benefits of cloud computing can be seen by the way it “levels the playing field”. Small business can have a better chance to compete with bigger firms because the initial cost of cloud computing is much less than the large expensive infrastructures...
Words: 1223 - Pages: 5