...Household energy consumption is examined in the specific context of home heating expenditures. Analysis of home heat costs across stages of the family life cycle reveals a distinctly different pattern than previously found when total household energy costs were examined. In contrast to the curvilinear pattern where expenditures peak during middle stages of the life cycle, these data show a positive linear relationship where higher costs are associated with elderly consumers. The research focus is expanded to include heat-related conservation behavior as well as expenditures in an effort to better understand implications for policy makers and-marketers. INTRODUCTION According to reports from the Department of Energy, energy consumption in the average home could be slashed by 60% through the use of conservation methods and investment in new products to improve the efficiency of consumption. Toward this end, DOE (1980) survey results show some sort of conservation-related equipment or insulating material was added to 50% of the housing units eligible for Federal energy tax credits in 1977-78. Homeowners in 1980 claimed tax credits on an estimated $4 billion worth of investments in energy saving products primarily related to home heating. Analysts suggest that this investment rate could reach the $30 billion level per year by 1990 (Business Week 1981). As the result of consumer efforts from 1973-1980, DOE estimates that energy consumption per household has been reduced an average...
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...through recycling, conservation, regeneration, and restoration. It means taking responsibility for our choices. The responsibility for environmental quality should be shared by all those whose actions affect the environment. 3 Defining Environmental Stewardship Organizations putting systems in place that will enable them to: Use resources efficiently Reduce waste and minimize on the negative impacts on the environment Translate reduced consumption and waste into financial savings Provide a healthy, more efficient and effective working environment 4 Defining Environmental Stewardship Embodies the concept of a Green Office, a Green School or Green Home which is conceptualized as smarter and better as it is: Ecological - using non-toxic, recycled, environmentally friendly products and supplies Efficient – using as little energy and other resources as possible and putting out the smallest amount of waste as possible Healthy – will generate as little visual, noise and physical pollution as possible 5 Environmental Stewardship Concepts and Definitions 3Rs 6Rs Conservation Eco-efficiency Environmentally Preferred Products and Services Environmental Steward 6 Environmental Stewardship Concepts and Definitions Green Building Green Office Green Procurement Green Purchasing Life Cycle Costing Recycling Resources 7 Principles of Environmental Stewardship Core Principle 1: Resource Conservation – making the most efficient...
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...Community Collaboration Participant Identification on Osan Air Base, South Korea INTRODUCTION Transforming the way the community at Osan Air Base, Korea, views its use of energy—including creating policies to promote recyclable and renewable energy is critical to promoting sustainment, saving money and preserving our community resources. The goal of this project is to develop sustained changed towards behavior and attitudes of current energy consumers at Osan AB. Research indicates in order to achieve sustained behavior change the organization must be educated and properly motivated to be willing to change their convenient patterns of behavior. By targeting collaborative groups for imparting knowledge in this field, the future consumers and decision makers can be prepared to play a meaningful role in energy conservation through their better habits and behavior. Currently the Republic of Korean government pays 41% of the US operating costs in Korea. This Host Nation Support assist with utilities, cost of land, and the overall cost of doing business in a foreign country for approximately 8000 active duty, civilian and dependent personnel assigned to Osan AB (usfk.mil, 2012). U.S. military bases in Korea are experiencing exponential growth as more families are moving to the Korean in an effort to normalize tours to improve readiness, increase continuity by keeping troops in place longer and reduce lengthy family separations. As the standards of living increase so...
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... “Energyconservation refers to efforts made to reduce energy consumption. Energyconservation can be achieved through increased efficient energy use, inconjunction with decreased energy consumption and/or reduced consumption fromconventional energy sources” ("Energy conservation," 2011). The twotypes of energy are renewable and nonrenewable. Renewable energy sources areconstantly renewed or restored and include wind (wind power), water(hydropower), sun (solar), vegetation (biomass), and internal heat of the earth(geothermal). On the other hand, nonrenewable energy sources are naturalresources that cannot be replenished. Fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coalare the most commonly used types of non-renewable energy. However,non-renewable energy sources are being depleted at a rapid rate. In fact, (dueto this depletion) there may not be enough non-renewable energy sources forfuture generations. Additionally, (in this paper) I will discuss methods toconserve energy, save money, and help the environment as well. Because fossil fuels (such as oil,gas, and coal) are the most commonly used types of non-renewable energy, I willfocus on these types of non-renewable energy sources. “World energy consumptionhas increased every year since 1982, with most of the increase occurring indeveloping countries” (Berg, & Hager, 2007). “Additional energy demands inhighly developed nations may be met by increasing the energy efficiency ofthings like appliances, automobiles, and home insulation”...
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...ABSTRACT: “Every Watt is precious” Energy lies at the core of all economic activity & controls a country’s rate of growth and development; the type and volume of our energy usage determines our environment. In the case of the developing countries, like ours, the energy sector assumes a critical importance in the view of the ever increasing energy needs requiring huge investments to meet them. If India is to achieve the targeted growth in GDP, it would need commensurate input of energy, mainly commercial energy in the form of coal, oil, gas and electricity. However, India’s fossil fuel reserves are limited. Among the various strategies for meeting energy demand, efficient use of energy and its conservation emerges out to be the least cost option in any given strategies, apart from being environmentally benign. In our effort of writing this paper we hereby want to put forth the Scope for Energy Conservation both in Residential as well as in the Non Residential areas, ‘Energy Efficient Technologies’, their financial analysis & want to prove the fact that use of some of these new technologies and awareness of the current energy scenario can help us to save 10-30% of the energy which we use. This way we can save ourselves a good amount of money and also electricity for our country. CONTENTS: 1. IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY CONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT TO INDIAN SCENARIO 2. INITIATIVE BY GOVT. OF INDIA TOWARDS ‘ENERGY CONSERVATION’. 3. INTRODUCTION...
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...Energy Resource Plan Energy conservation is the idea of reducing and preserving the natural resources while limiting the amount of waste that is put back into the environment caused by human consumption of energy. There are multiple items that are of importance to energy conservation. The most important part is to the preserve the natural environment. Protecting and preserving the environment will allow the environment to grow and thrive so that future generation can enjoy and have the same resources today. Protecting and preserving also is meant to keep pollutants and toxins to a limit, either through reduction of elimination. Energy conservation can help not only the environment, but can be beneficial to maintaining good health. Economically, conserving energy can help lower a person’s ecological footprint and help same them money. Energy is often referred to as a source of power, regardless of where it comes from. Energy can also come from renewable sources and non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels. Renewable energy is energy that can be recreated by recycling, replacing, and sustaining the energy. Some of these renewable resources come from plants that can grow rapidly or by harvesting wind and sunlight to produce energy. Non-renewable sources of energy are energy that is harvested from natural sources and once used non-renewable energy cannot be sustained. Some non-renewable resources are harvested prior to another source can be replaced. Some of the...
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...ENERGY ANALYSIS (EA) Introduction Energy analysis basically determines the energy implications of actions so that alternatives can be compared in term of their energy consequences. Since many impacts can be interpreted in energy terms and since measurements can be made in uniform energy units, the method can viewed as grand index approach to evaluation. The term energy approach was adopted in 1970s by an international group to refer to work previously call energy accounting, energy budgeting, energy costing and energy system analysis. Three roles that EA can play in evaluation * EA is a comprehensive method which can be used instead of the CBA for evaluating public actions, especially those having significant environmental consequences. * EA should be used as a comprehensive method to evaluate alternative plans for energy conservation and development.’ * EA as an evaluation tool for assessing energy resource implications of energy conservation and development programs and projects. Therefore the three methods can be reduced to EA as a comprehensive evaluation method versus EA as a tool of for measuring limited set of impacts EA as A Comprehensive Methodology The importance of energy as a measure of value is underscored by the view that energy is the most fundamental limiting factor on all human action. NOTHING CAN HAPPEN WITHOUT ENERGY. All work requires it as a driving force. Odum- in the affair of forests, seas, cities and human beings, the potential energy...
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...Conservation and efficient use of energy in industry has for a long time been a priority of the government on India. In anticipation of enactment of federal legislation on energy management for industry, the state of Government of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and other Southern States, made energy audits mandatory for large-scale energy consuming industries. So among industrial consumers, the aspect of energy conservation is gaining due importance of the realization that “Energy Saved is Energy Produced and that too at Economical Cost”. This paper shares the experience of the authors on energy conservation projects carried out in a textile industry situated in Tamil nadu state. Economic and efficient measures of energy conservation have been followed subject to budget constraint and the effects of such measures were realized through reduction in energy cost with the added advantage of environmental safety. 1. Introduction Today, energy and environment are two areas that have sought the greatest attention at the international level. With the issue of the global environment, becoming as important as never before, energy particularly its conservation in industries, has become the main target for all parts of the world that has to be achieved as soon as possible. Textile industries are found to be energy-intensive [4% energy cost in total input cost[ compared to other industries like chemical, food, computer manufacturing, etc.. and hence extensive research has been focused on such industries...
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...How to Teach Children to Conserve Energy It is important that we teach our children ways to practice energy conservation. Instructions 1 Explain to your children just how important conserving energy is. They may have heard you talk about it or mention it, but do they really understand what it means. Try giving them examples of why it is so important. There are many books that can help you explain the importance of energy conversation to your child and also give some tips on how to do it. 2 Make sure you practice what you preach. If you aren't being a good example, then your children will have no one to follow. Don't just tell them to turn off the lights when they leave the room, show them by always turning off the lights yourself. 3 Rent or find a video online about energy conversation techniques. Fun cartoon characters like the electricity lightening bug can help make learning fun and also make children take an active part in what they see. 4 If your children are older and they are not very good at conserving energy, try a one month energy experiment. While you may have to demand or bribe your children to participate, it will be well worth the effort. Show your children an electric bill and how many watts of energy your family uses in a month. Then go over ways to cut down your energy costs. For one month, make it a conscious effort to make sure that everyone does things like turning off lights when leaving a room, doesn't leave the television on constantly...
Words: 457 - Pages: 2
...ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION TOPIC: RESOURCE USE, BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND OUR COLLECTIVE FUTURE WRITTEN BY NSEK, UDUAK OKON REG. NO: 13/PG/AR/HS/006 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ARTS UNIVERSITY OF UYO SUBMITTED TO DR. DOMINIC AKPAN LECTURER IN CHARGE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND INTERNATIOANL STUDIES FACULTY OF ARTS UNIVERSITY OF UYO MARCH, 2015 Abstract Resource use can be defined as the derivation of benefit from that resource in economic or financial, social or cultural, political and ecological respects. Human actions or resource use have altered global environment and reduced biodiversity by causing extinctions and reducing the population sizes of surviving species. Increasing human population size and per capita resource use will continue to have direct and indirect consequences such as distorted values of plant and animal resources, inappropriate resource tenure and ownership structure as well as lack of knowledge on resource management and biodiversity conservation. Inevitably, our collective future becomes bleak as future generations will inhabit a planet with significantly less wildlife, diminished ecosystem services and an increased impoverished people. Keywords: Resource, Biodiversity, future Introduction The most significant environmental issue in the contemporary world has been resource use and biodiversity conservation. This is not unusual because humans benefit directly or indirectly from resources...
Words: 3665 - Pages: 15
...Being that the 1973 Oil Embargo was a major crisis that changed the way we consume energy today, it was surprisingly difficult to find a “lessons learned” report on the incident. I Google searched terms such as “1973 Oil Embargo lessons learned report”, “1973 Oil Crisis policy outcomes”, “1973 Oil Embargo aftermath”, and “1973 Oil Crisis synopsis”. I also searched the Department of Energy’s website for reports on the embargo and found relatively little information. It was not until I emailed you for help that I found documentation on the policy outcomes and reports on the 1973 Oil Embargo event (also known as the Arab Oil Embargo). The report I am using to analyze the crisis is from the Federal Energy Administration written in 1980 by Roger Anders. The report summarizes the outcomes resulting from the 1973 Oil Embargo—specifically, the establishment of the Federal Energy Administration, The Energy Policy and Conservation Act, The Energy Conservation and Production Act, and...
Words: 1376 - Pages: 6
...The Importance of Energy Efficiency in Home Appliances Written by admin on August 15th, 2011 Due in large part to the current economic, energy, and environmental crises, product developers are putting particular emphasis on energy efficiency – as are nature-friendly consumers. Widespread effort to use the minimum amount of energy for maximum mechanical functioning is the aim of product developers and consumers – a fortunate trend since advances and personal effort in this field are essential for everyone’s well-being. Technology in everyday household appliances has made significant progress over the past 20 years, and brands are a ferocious competition to put out the most advanced and efficient products. The well-respected ENERGY STAR program brands, with its logo products that are technologically up to par, are making it easier for consumers to make wise choices regarding their household items. ENERGY STAR evaluates a wide variety of products including appliances, electronics, and construction equipment. Those in search for new appliances are well-advised to consult the ENERGY STAR list of approved products beforehand! [1] In addition to keeping an eye out for the best products, it benefits the individual to know what makes a product energy efficient, mechanically speaking, and how they can maintain their appliances to function optimally while using as little energy as possible. This is beneficial not only for the environment, but also for one’s electric bills. Refrigerators ...
Words: 3052 - Pages: 13
...Natural Resources and Energy Paper People, Science, and the Environment SCI 256 “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” (Gandhi, 2011) Did Gandhi have foresight into the destructive ways of humans? Earth seemed to have endless amenities that would take humans a lifetime to consume. With the abundance of these amenities, have humans failed to conserve and nurture nature’s gifts in the name of greed? In this paper, the subject to identify and discuss will be the effects that a growing human population may have on the marine ecosystem’s resources, including loss or harm to population of wild species; discuss one management practice of sustainability and conservation of natural resources in the marine ecosystem. Finally, the paper will identify is the risks and benefits of extracting or using one type of nonrenewable and one type of renewable energy resource from the marine ecosystem. From a distance in space humans look at this planet called Earth. Earth covers the massive blue oceans of life. Planet Earth humans call home consist of numerous types of land and marine species from the deepest part of the ocean to the clear shallow water of sandy beaches that lie within an ecosystem. The marine ecosystem is so complex but at the same time it is not complicated. Humans cannot see creatures with the naked eye but can spot a massive blue whale from a distance;...
Words: 1838 - Pages: 8
...Hummingbirds are the second most diverse family of birds with about 340 known species. These little birds can travel vast distances; around 30 percent of hummingbird species migrate between the USA, Canada and Mexico. We do not know how migration is triggered. They are known to only reside in the western hemisphere. Hummingbirds have received relatively little attention from a conservation aspect, especially considering their commonplace and popularity with people. Scientists dilemma: unlike many other avian families, there are fundamental gaps in recorded scientific information of Trochilidae's present and past that makes it difficult to predict risks to the viability of future hummingbird populations. This is partly a result of the fact that hummingbird populations require unique monitoring techniques due to their specialized ecology and physiology. Hummingbirds have unique attributes and are tiny, resulting in other landbird conservation efforts to fail to adequately address hummingbird needs. Their small size, rapid movement, high-pitched vocalizations, unique flight tendencies, and other features make them a uniquely difficult bird to study. Mosaics...
Words: 1925 - Pages: 8
...Association meeting to discuss the importance of the energy issue we are facing in our community. The reason why conserving energy is important right now is so we can save our environment from further damage, conserving energy will also save our community money. We need to know the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources, and what methods we need to take to conserve energy. Non – renewable resources are oil, coal, natural gases, and nuclear energy; non - renewable means that once we run out it cannot be replaced. These non-renewable resources are also harmful to our environment with their chemicals when burning fills our air, and their leaks and spills of oil in our ocean. Renewable resources are solar power, wind, biomass, tidal energy, and a few more; renewable energy generates directly from the sun, wind, rain, and tides. Renewable technologies will save money and boost our economy in the process. Each of you can help save energy indoors by: 1. turning off lights and electronics when not in use 2. use energy saving light bulbs 3. insulating your doors, and windows and the environment by: 4. plant trees 5. recycle 6. drive less The government effort in conservation has many applications for helping our environment. “Opportunities for energy conservation are increasingly available in almost every application in any setting. Home, school, office, and industrial environments have all benefited from cost-saving and energy-saving innovations” (U.S. environmental...
Words: 323 - Pages: 2