...Importance of College In today’s society, a college education is a must. A college education can open so many more doors than just a high school diploma alone. Having a college education guarantees you a well-paying job, or a financially fulfilling career. College is so important these days. It provides financial stability and security. It increases your knowledge. It also gives you an opportunity to meet new people from different cultures. It allows you to further your education in the right direction of the career path you want to take. I also believe that college is important because well, for me, it will teach me to be more responsible. In high school, I got reminders, aids, extensions, and a lot of extra unnecessary help from my teachers. Help, that I won’t be given in college. It will be my responsibility to take the necessary steps to pass. Another thing is passing. In college if I don’t pass, its money wasted. No refunds, or anything like that, so I’ll have to do what it takes. I think college is an important part of your life period. I think it determines how you’ll feel about yourself and your life in the future. I hear all the time about people regretting certain choices they’ve made regarding not going to college. How people say over and over that they’re going back, but never do. Even how people struggle trying to make ends meet because they have little to no education. I do not want to be that person. I want to be over to reminisce and look over my life and be able...
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...The Importance of a College Degree Every day millions of people in today’s workforce ponder how they can make more money. At one point or another they ask themselves, “Is this it?” The answer to this and other questions is quite simple: obtain a college degree. The importance of a college degree is more than a piece of paper mounted on a wall. A college degree represents hard work and dedication; most importantly, it represents a commitment an individual makes to themselves. It has become the harsh reality in today’s world; in order to have a possibility at a decent job, a college degree is a must. As today’s economy continues to unravel, college enrollment continues to increase. So who is enrolling in college? In 1970, 8.6 million high school graduates were enrolled in degree-granting institutions including colleges and universities. By 2006, 17.7 million people were enrolled in degree-granting institutions. Projections by the NCES in Digest of Education Statistics, 2007 estimate that in 2011, enrollment will surpass 19.1 million, and by 2016, 20.4 million students will be enrolled in college, graduate, or professional school. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions by sex, age, and attendance status, selected years, 1970-2016. (“Education of American Workers”) There are individuals who feel that college is not for everyone, there are success stories corroborating this very point. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both who are college dropouts and have ...
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...In today’s society, the opinion of many that after high school a student must attend college to obtain a four-year bachelor degree. The amount of years people spend at college varies. 65.9% of Americans further their education after high school. An important decision after high school for students is to further their education while considering the cost, importance of a four-year degree, and debt from college. All goods and services eventually go up in price. Each year, college prices rise 4.5% for private colleges, and 8.3% for public colleges. An average price, “for the 2012–13 academic year, annual current dollar prices for undergraduate tuition, room, and board were estimated to be $15,022 at public institutions, $39,173 at private nonprofit...
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...Importance of a college degree “A college degree is not a sign that one is a finished product but an indication a person is prepared for life.” said Reverend Edward A. Malloy, Monk's Reflections. With the economy in such a rut, the best investment people can make is getting a college degree. The unemployment rate for college graduates was just 2.2 percent last year, half the unemployment level of those with only high school diplomas. (Clark, 2008) Even though college fees are expensive having a college degree is a valuable investment because job quality is better with a degree and society benefits as well as the individual. Having a college degree is a valuable investment when looking for a job. Having a college degree increases one’s knowledge, education and learning ability. Dealing with other employees can be difficult at times, college gives you the tools to deal with difficult situations and people. Some other tools would be critical thinking, and learning how to analyze different situations from a different point of view. A college education can help improve someone’s self esteem. One could keep there head up when the economy hits a rut, because they may have the knowledge to move up in a company. Or, if they loose there job they may have the education that is needed for the next job they apply for. Job quality is a little better also. A college degree can make a person look more appealing to a possible employer. Having a college degree increases one’s potential income...
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...Do Colleges Need an Improvement? College is a normal part of a student's development in education, it allows students to learn and excel in the field and career they wish to pursue. Secondary education costs however have been on the rise along with concerns of quality courses and programs. Understanding the importance of college tuition, scholarships programs, beneficial degrees of studies and educator performance are all discussed in articles written by Brent Staples, Kevin Carey, and Sophie Quinton, all of which shine light on the benefits and disadvantages of post secondary education. The first idea is students and parents should evaluate the importance of a quality degree and program. Obtaining a quality degree is essential in today's...
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...Hossler and Bontrager (2015) state that the sociological approach focuses on the early stages of one's college journey and "emphasizes the influences of social and cultural capital" (p. 51). Thus, this theory highlights one's social context, such as their social class, community, and high school, as well as parental involvement and expectations. Throughout my first essay, my environment was a strong predisposition that contributed toward my expectation of attending college. Due to my parents' middle-class status, their cultural and social capital garnered them certain knowledge sets. My mother knew how to research for the best school districts and suburbs using the internet, as well as employ her social network of coworkers, college friends,...
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...not mean that people with other careers are not able to affect change in the world as well. I have realized that true greatness does not come from flashy cars or fancy clothes but rather it is found in selfless service to others. For me, I don’t want a college education to I want to run the world or be able to buy everything I want in life, but I believe a college education will help me serve those who are around me better. By learning about the world, we live in I will better be...
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...2015 Government and Economics Previte The Electoral College Representation is the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or the state of being so represented. When we vote for President, we are not the ones voting for our President, but rather, we vote for electors that submit the vote for us. Every year in the first days of November, we all get off from school so that adults 18 and older can go vote for not the next President of the United States but the person who we want to represent us in the Electoral College, who then takes the majority vote of our state and votes for that candidate when the electors meet for the final ballot count. The Electoral College consists of the people...
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...The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President (“What is the Electoral College”, 2016). The election is solely based on the electoral college vote. The popular votes are gathered by each state in the country. Once this is done, each state will submit all electoral votes for the candidate with the most popular votes in the state. The size of the state does not affect electoral votes. Each state is allowed as many electoral votes as it has Senators and Representatives of Congress. Thus, all states, no matter how small, have at least three electoral votes (Polsby & Wildavsky, 1968, p.32). In simpler terms, the candidate who wins the state’s majority votes wins the state's electoral...
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...My topic is should the electoral college be used or should the popular vote be used. I am all for the electoral college and not the popular vote. The electoral college is the best way for a presidential candidate to be elected, and the best way for the people to vote for the president. The electoral college takes all the votes from the people and narrows them down to a small amount for the system to work unlike the popular vote which could have a flaw in the process. The electorol college brings the peoples votes from one state and who ever got the most votes in that state the college voters who were selected by the people vote for the person who every one else voted for. Unless the state is devided, lets say colorado has 4 college votes and...
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...College education is a master key which unlocks so many doors. With the proper education and time management skills a person can build a remarkable reputation. Personally, college has helped me gain a whole new meaning of society. The more education a person has effect their way of thinking and views. A person with a high school diploma may think in basic terms, as to a graduate might think in a different way with broader reasons for coming up with a solid solution. When people think of college, most think about jobs. Most people learn about some form of finances, for example fafsa.gov and collegeboard.gov. According to fafsa.gov most students learn about how important college is and how to avoid debt. College education is a challenge that builds the human brain by its receptors retaining priceless information. College is becoming more expensive each year; many people think it is the government to blame. However the same government informs people of alternative routes to save thousands of dollars in tuition. A college education and the right major can help a person live a very financial savvy lifestyle. Another problem people face is always trying to place blame on others for not telling them an outcome of their future. This is another reason why college education and research are so important. According to Department of Labor a student or professional should always view the statistics for growth and development. Some majors are better than others due to they’re recession...
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...Confidence is important in the Parkway Center City Middle College community. Confidence is defined as the feeling or belief that you have the ability,quality to do anything possible. To succeed, you need confidence to face and overcome your fears. Believe in yourself, self-confidence means believing in yourself, Face your fears. PCCMC values our confidence, our mission is to prepare all scholars for success in College and Career by providing transferable credits toward a 4 year College Degree. That mission requires confidence. “Confidence is preparation everything else is beyond your control” that quote speaks for itself. Confidence is preparation and everything else is beyond your control. Confidence determines how much you achieve in life...
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...Over 83% of the American population cannot afford college tuition, because college remains an unaffordable and unattainable goal for most of the population. Being in high school, we always talk about how important college is, but is it important enough to take four years out of someone’s life and spend and average of one hundred thousand dollars for a four year degree? Studies have shown that people who get a college degree get higher paying jobs, than those who just have a high school diploma. Which means college should not only be important to the entire country, but a necessity that needs to be more affordable to the general population. Being the first generation in my family to go to college it is not only a dream of mine, but of my entire...
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...Include a short essay of no more than 300-600 words assessing the importance of a college education in achieving your personal goals or personal circumstances which could hinder you from achieving your goals. The great Malcolm X once said “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” I have always felt like this quote stands true in my life. Since my days as a young child, I have repeatedly been told that education will create an extremely bright future full of wonderful opportunities to grow and shine among others. When the opportunity to apply and enroll for college came about, I was more than ready to take on the challenges it had to offer. Being the first woman on my Mother’s side, and the second woman on my Father’s side to go to college was something I wanted to do, not only for myself but also for my family. To me, a higher education isn’t just getting a bachelor’s degree and a diploma after four years, it’s about growing as an individual and preparing to be the best you can be in any field that you are placed into. Receiving this education is going to be the most significant and imperative step in achieving my goals. I want to set a new pathway for the women to come in my family, showing them that being a well-educated female is a powerful tool in the world. Upon being blessed with so much pride and happiness from my family members, I will set out to be the absolute best I can be in an agriculture-based career...
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...Career advancement, higher pay, and a desire to better myself are a few of many reasons why a college education is important to me. The goals I set for myself earlier in life did not contain a college education. Honestly, as soon as I graduated High School I was burnt out. I had no motivation to further my education. I soon entered into the Sheriff’s academy and went down the path of Law Enforcement. In the back of my mind I always knew I would be better off had I went to college first, but I never did anything about it. I always made excuses why I couldn’t pursue my degree. An excuse like it is too expensive or I don’t have the time. Recently I realized a higher education was a necessity. Not only was it a necessity but it was possible. One aspect I realized was the huge incentive other deputies were receiving for having a bachelor’s degree. In the Sheriff’s Department our contract mandates a ten percent incentive pay be awarded to those deputies who possess a bachelor’s degree. This incentive is huge and can add up to thousands of dollars every year. I realized I was dumb if I didn’t take the advantage of the huge pay raise I could receive just for going back to school. Completing my degree will instantly increase my lifetime earnings by ten percent. This will greatly impact my life my future and the future of my family. It will give me the ability to provide for my family, in a way, I never would have been able to had I not taken this opportunity. Having a bachelor degree...
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