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Improving Patient Care: A Case Study

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The patient always needs to be number one when nurses are providing care. Collaboration between providers and staff members goes a long way in patient care because taking care of a patient can become a team effort. I run ideas past other nurses or providers to make sure I am giving the best care possible for that patient. To trust and respect other providers to be included in the care of your patient is beneficial to that patient. When I have a laboring patient that does not have great heart tones on their baby I make sure that I have a NICU nurse and a respiratory therapist there for delivery incase the baby needs assistance after delivery. I cannot stress enough how important using your resources is because in turn it will increase patient …show more content…
It is the nurse’s responsibility to make them aware of everything that is going on and keep them in the loop with their plan of care. We need to be assisting patients in making decisions for themselves and their care. By doing this all information about their health needs to be disclosed to them. We need to take into account that low literacy rate or language barriers can affect a patient’s care if they are not able to fully articulate their needs or ask the questions they need to be asking. As nurses we can provide them with interpreter phones and explain lab values and results at their level so they understand and are able to make decisions for themselves.
Looking at professional boundaries at work can be tough. Patients can feel very comfortable and close with their nurse and want to get them a gift. As nurses we must remain professional at all times. It is not appropriate to accept a gift from your patients or their families.
Provision …show more content…
If we are unsure of something it is our responsibility to seek out the answers by researching or seeking consultation and collaboration from other nurses and health care professionals. When I was a new nurse I assessed my competence before every decision I made and was constantly asking for help and asking questions to my peers. Medication errors are common in the health care field but many times go unreported and nurses are not taking accountability for their errors, which is an obstacle in patient safety (Moller, 2013). “Medical errors will never be completely erased because human errors are inevitable, but if nurses can foster an environment that allows caregivers to feel safe to report their errors, individual and collective accountability will have great visibility, and the public’s trust in the health care system will be restored” (Moller,

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