Premium Essay

In 1884, Hans Christian Gram Described a Method of Staining Bacterial Cells While Not Staining Surrounding Animal Tissues; However, He Thought the Staining Method He Developed Was Faulty Because Not All Bacteria Stained.


Submitted By naydia1978
Words 2274
Pages 10
Describe the characteristics and signs of high-quality education in elementary school. Describe the U.S. No Child Left behind Act, and discuss the pros and cons of high- stakes testing. High quality education in elementary schools depends on different things, first the class size, a class of no larger than 18 is the perfect size so that each child can get the quality education that is needed. The physical setting of the class is also important such as an activity center, for reading, writing, games, working on computers and playing the child needs that perfect setting to learn. The curriculum is also important; it plays a part in helping the children achieve their academic standards and helps them to understand what they are learning. Daily activities is also important, it helps the children become independent while having small group with their class mates. Groups are put together based on the children’s learning needs. The children are evaluated regularly and given a progress report through written observations that help children and parents decide on how to improve in what areas that needs improvement. Seeking information on from parents on how they children are learning includes the parent’s view’s in evaluation and the teacher parent relationship , such as holding conferences to encourage parents and encouraging parents to visit the classroom anytime and become involved. The attitude of the staff is very important, when you walk into a school you are greeted by staff, so if the staff attitude is positive, then that makes everyone including the students wanting to be positive. The principal should always provide teachers with the necessary support and training each year to grow as a, so that they may provide the students with the material they need to grow. Team work among the faculty is also important. The No Child Left

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