Premium Essay

Inapproate Verbal Language And Errors In A Professional Business Letter

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Words 189
Pages 1
1. The writer starts off by insulting others with inapproate verbal language. For this being a professional business letter, never should you ever insult others, it ruins your dignity and porofessionalism whether you are a customer or working for a company.

2. Throughout the entire letter, I notice that the writer puts an exclamation mark after a couple of sentences. If you need to address someone, the proper way is to remain polite and clear. By adding an exclamation point, it creates a tone of anger and yelling and even if you are then you must be respectful and address your probelems apprioately.

3. I also noticed that there were a few spelling errors in the letter. It is always advisable to prroofread everything you send

4. For the closing

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