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Incentive Programs and Employee Engagement


Submitted By Mushnik1
Words 443
Pages 2
H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship
Research Paper Proposal

Course Name: Total Compensation Course Number: HRM 5375

Student Name: Christina Burton

Please answer the following questions:

1. What is the research topic you are interested in writing about?
I am interested in writing about the relationship between compensation and employee engagement.

2. Why are you interested in this particular topic? Is there a connection to your field of work or are you looking to broaden your knowledge base on the subject?
I am interested in this topic because I would like to broaden my knowledge base on the subject. I have always been interested in employee engagement, but since I have enrolled in this course I would like to know compensation’s role in the matter. 3. Have you done a preliminary literature search on the topic? If so, how many recent journal articles (5 years or less) did you find? Would you be able to source at least 10 to 15 journal articles? Would you be able to write a 10 to 15 page, double-spaced paper on this topic?
I have done a preliminary literature search on the topic and I have found 11 recent journal articles that I would be able to source. I would be able to write a 10-15 page, double-spaced paper on this topic. 4. What title would you give your paper?
I would title my paper “Unlocking Employee Potential: The Link between Compensation and Employee Engagement”.

5. -------------------------------------------------
How would you construct the paper? What would the sub-sections be composed of and what would you label them as?
The subsections of the Theories Discussed would be Employee Engagement; Motivation; Effects
of Pay on Employee Engagement and Motivation. The subsections of the Application of Theories
To the Business World would be Using Compensation to Increase Engagement;
Organizations Successfully Linking Compensation, Engagement, and Employee Outcomes.

References Armache, Jalal. (2012). Effect of compensation and other motivational techniques on organizational productivity. Franklin Business & Law Journal, 1(9), 88-96. Giancola, F.L. (2012). Are employee benefit programs being given enough credit for their effect on employee attitudes? Compensation & Benefits Review, 44(7), 291-297. doi: 10.1177/0886368712464471 Giancola, F.L. (2012). The uncertain importance of pay: The need for better answers. Compensation & Benefits Review, 44(9), 50-58. doi: 10.1177/0886368712446061 Kirkland, S.D. (2009). Compensation plans that pay back. Business & Economic Review, 55(2), 22-23. Merry, J. (2014). Aaon Hewitt’s 2013 trends in global engagement: Where do organizations need to focus Attention? Strategic HR Review, 13(8), 24-31. doi: 10.1108/SHR-07-2013-0073

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