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Increasing Over Time-Analysis Of Birth Cohort Differences

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Veeda Teacher Summary Class: 4 Number: 13
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Multidimensional approaches to understanding perfectionism enabled the development in perfectionism study, and as a result, a better understanding of each perfectionism and their correlations,
The author claims that we could understand multidimensional perfectionism better due to the numerous studies conducted in past years. They give a specific example to support their claim; Hewitt and Flett’s study. They devote substantial parts of the passage to explain to us how well the study was studied, and show how it made a contribution to the development of studying each self-oriented, socially prescribed, and other-oriented perfectionism. Providing definitions and explanations of each perfectionism along with correlations between them, the author informs us that multidimensional perfectionism has been …show more content…
This passage is from “Perfectionism is Increasing Over Time: A Meta-Analysis of Birth Cohort Differences from 1989 to 2016”, written by Thomas Curran and Andrew P. Hill. Curran and Hill claim that multidimensional approaches in understanding perfectionism enabled the development in perfectionism study, and as a result, a better understanding of each perfectionism and their correlations. They offer a model proposed by Hewitt and Flett as a well-studied model of multidimensional perfectionism. According to the study, perfectionism can be divided by “the direction of perfectionistic beliefs and behaviors” into three types (Curran and Hill 1) – self-oriented perfectionism, socially prescribed perfectionism, and other-oriented perfectionism. The research has its meaning in the respect that it was proposed at the time when people lacked understanding of perfectionism and thought it was

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