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Alaska School Activities Association Research Paper

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The Alaska School Activities Association maintains the high school body interscholastic activities in Alaska. It was founded in 1957 by the board of education and it serves over hundred and ninety schools, with combined enrollment of thirty-five thousand students. The Alaska School Activities Association also conducts music festivals All-State and Solo and Ensemble. The music festival can range from choir, orchestra, and band. A scholastic choir is the embodiment group of singers. A student taking the class can increase their musical abilities and learn how to work in a group. The choral group prepares themselves since the first day of class for the Alaska School Activities Association. A person joining choir must sing to the director, that …show more content…
*Music is a language choir students must be familiar with by learning how to read a sheet a music, called sight reading. Students are handed out new set of songs every so often. When learning a song sight reading allows a person to understand and follow the notes they need to sing or rest. Not knowing the basic language of music can be a challenge for a student they are unable to follow the rest of the group. Theory class can help a new comer learn the basic steps of music. In a high school choir setting theory class is mandatory. Anchorage Christian Schools choir, every student is given a theory book and is allowed to take notes if needed, but they are not allowed to take the book home. Instead of quizzes or tests choir students must participate in Friday’s theory games which becomes a big contribution to a students grade. The director walks with the students on how to do it step by step and offers to help is a student get lost. Theory class can also help the choral group for their final by the end of the school year students are assigned to write a song. The director is one of the most important person in the group. They are in charge of everything pick the songs, conduct the pianist, help students find their sound, etc.

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