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India Bulls,


Submitted By callmesarab
Words 1058
Pages 5
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University



This is to certify that the project report entitled “FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: A COMAPRATIVE STUDY OF INDIABULLS HOUSING FINANCE LTD.” Submitted to Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of MBA is an original work carried out by Mr. Chetan Sapra under the guidance of Ms. Sonali Dharamadhikari. The matter embodied in this project is a genuine work done by Chetan Sapra to the best of my knowledge and belief and has not been submitted before, neither to this University nor to any University for the fulfillment of the requirement of any course of study.

Signature of the Student: Signature of the Guide



This is to certify that the Project titled “Financial Analysis: A Comparative Study Of Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd.” is an academic work done by “ Chetan Sapra” submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of MBA from Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune. It has beem completed under the guidance of Ms. Sonali Dharamadhikari and Mr. Himanshu Bhardwaj. We are thankful to Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. for having allowed our student to undergo project work training. The authenticity of the project work will be examined by the viva examiner which includes data verification; checking of duplicity of information etc. and it may be rejected due to non fulfillment of quality standards set by the Institute.


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