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India in the Move


Submitted By GhitaIraqui
Words 1145
Pages 5
Case study:
India in the move

With more than 1,5 billion citizens, India represent a huge market for national and international companies. However India is still facing some difficulties that are slowing it expansion and its economic growth.
Trying to solve them is the main objective of the minister of finance Jaswant Singh that has to craft a budget to achieve the 10th five years plan, which constitutes an economic, and social growth project for 2002-2007. Among its main objectives is achieving, a growth rate of 8% (Exhibit 2), removing interstate barriers to trade and commerce, implementing a more efficient fiscal management, creating jobs, reducing poverty, illiteracy and solving the social, politic and religious conflicts within the country.
What were the reforms that led to this new plan? Is this developing India attractive for foreign direct investment?
To answer to this question, we will start by analyzing India’s Background and we will finish by studying its process towards globalization

I. India’s Background
India’s population in 2002 knew a continuous growth of 1,5% and is estimated to keep and on growing. Live expectancy had reached 62 in 2002 and the literacy rate was 65% in 2001. Having a very diversified population, the country has 18 official languages, Hindu being the most prevalent. Many religion try to cohabite, not always successfully, inside the territory. Hindu-Muslim frictions represent a major problem for the country; indeed, they have been taking thousands of lives during many violent episodes between the two religions, as the Ayodha temple dispute that resulted on the death of more than 2000 people. The insecurity of this national war has been leading many Muslims and Hindus to run away from their cities. More over, the political parties are also implicated in those conflicts, for example BJP party is the

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