...Indian School Days Book Review Justin Delorme Introduction The book, “Indian School Days” is an autobiography of the author Basil Johnston, an Ojibwe native from Wasauksing First Nation, in Ontario. This piece by Author, “Basil Johnston”, gives the reader more and more evidence of the structural lifestyle of the Spanish Indian residential school. From the very beginning his writing style links the reader to never put down the book, it is full of action and true events that took place during his lifetime. The book starts off with Mr. Johnston as a young child of ten years, skipping school with another student, an act that they didn’t think would get them both shipped off to a residential school. But as fortunes and his unfortunate luck would have it, the feared Indian agent showed up to Basils door and took himself, along with his 4 year old sister to St. Peter Clavers School, a boarding school run by Jesuit priests at Spanish, which was close to Sudbury, Ontario. With the fear of police and punishment his mother and grandmother got both children ready and there was nothing nobody could say or do to change the mind of the Indian agent. In the pages that were to follow, Basil creates many portraits of the young Indian boys who struggle to adapt to the harsh and inhumane environment of this institution. By looking at some key examples from the book that Basil Johnston wrote, it will show the reader why this would be a good book to read as his writing style is from his own...
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...The Residential school system in Canada was a system devoted to providing a disciplined based ideal that promoted the rejection of the aboriginal culture in favor of the then dominant white European population. The teaching strategies that were encouraged ranged from pulling children as young as six away from their parents to mental, physical and sexual abuse. The Residential schools were run by a variety of participating church organizations, which received funding from the Canadian government. The funding was based on a per aboriginal basis therefore it was in the best interests of the churches to enroll as many aboriginal students as possible. The schools were run in almost every province in Canada from 1860-1884 and claimed to be promoting religious and cultural assimilation. However, the cruelty that was experienced by many young aboriginals in the residential schools emphasizes the differences between the aboriginal societies and the European dominant society making complete assimilation impossible. The imposition of residential schools on First Nations children has led to significant loss of indigenous languages, and this language loss has led to further cultural losses for traditional First Nations cultures in Canada. The earliest known date opening of a Residential school was in 1840, located in Manitowaning, Ontario. The school was the Wikemikong Indian Residential School, it closed in 1879. The last Residential school to close was La Tuque Indian Residential...
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...Step: Reconciliation Payments for All Indian Residential School Survivors CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION February 2005 PREFACE The Canadian Bar Association is a national association representing 38,000 jurists, including lawyers, notaries, law teachers and students across Canada. The Association’s primary objectives include improvement in the law and in the administration of justice. This submission was prepared by the National Aboriginal Law and the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Sections of the Canadian Bar Association, with assistance from the Legislation and Law Reform Directorate at the National Office. The submission has been reviewed by the Legislation and Law Reform Committee and approved as a public statement of the Canadian Bar Association. The Logical Next Step: Reconciliation Payments for All Indian Residential School Survivors Executive Summary At its Annual Meeting in August 2004, the Canadian Bar Association adopted a resolution1 calling for the government to go beyond the existing Indian Residential Schools Dispute Resolution process to provide a base payment to all survivors of Indian Residential Schools. The CBA recognizes the tragic legacy of Indian Residential Schools and the failure of the current options of either litigatio n or the dispute resolution process to resolve the situation. The harms caused by Indian Residential Schools are still profoundly felt by the individual students who attended the schools, as well as their families, communities...
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...The residential schools of Canada can be dated back to the 1870s. Before 1996, when the last of 170 schools were closed, an estimated 150,000 indigenous youth were forced to attend. In an attempt to blend indigenous youth into Canadian society, both the Canadian government and Christian churches believed educating and converting the youth would achieve their goal of integrating them into Canadian society (Miller, 2014). The infliction of economic self sufficiency and religious conversion caused the loss of languages which further resulted in the loss of culture among traditional indigenous peoples. The death of a language is more complex than simply a loss of communication, it is a loss of knowledge. "The wisdom of humanity is summarized in...
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...diverting due to the Residential School systems. Canada has been struggling to gain the forgiveness of the Residential School attendants and gladly, they had finally accepted our apologies, but will they ever forgive themselves for not being one of us? During the twentieth century, Residential Schools became widespread in all Canadian provinces and territories except Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. Aboriginal children had been seized from their homes and had been placed into these ‘boarding schools’. They had to do labour work, live with complete strangers, and also study the Canadian culture just to kill the Indian in the Child. The young children had to do all of this for the government while being abused. Sexually, physically and mentally. About one hundred and fifty thousand children were placed into this horrid living and only eighty thousand made it out alive as in two thousand and eight. In order for us to be forgiven, we did two acts that will never make up for what our country had done to them. We wrote a state of apology that was read in front of a crowd of survivors. We had also given each of them a generous amount of money as a materialistic apology. But how did the aboriginal community act upon the materialistic goods and apology? Has Canada as a whole done enough to heal the wounds of aboriginal students that had attended the Residential schools? Firstly, Canada had a requirement to make an apology to the residential community. On June...
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...Residential schooling and Indian Boarding schooling have both been used throughout Canada and America. It was said to be a solution for the “Indian problem”. For many others who attended, it was a time of abuse and desecration of culture. The first residential school opened in the 1800’s. Under the Indian Act, it became mandatory for every Indian child between the ages of 4 and 16 to attend a residential school or boarding school and it is illegal for them to attend any other educational institution. There are two objective views that the government wanted to establish with these schooling systems. The first one is to isolate the children from their families, so they can be converted and educated into the “white” culture. The second view is...
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...them and their culture. though First Nation people have strived in order to make a better life for themselves in today’s society, many still struggle due to the problems that have hindered aboriginals for many generations. Some of the key issues that will be touched upon in this essay are: the comparison between urban privilege versus rural Aboriginal struggle, the comparison between aboriginal struggles today versus the struggles of previous generations, and the issues and horrors of residential schooling. The comparison...
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...Saul’s root causes are his trauma. “All that I knew of Indian died in the winter of 1961, when I was eight years old” (Wagamese 8). In the novel Indian Horse written by Richard Wagamese, a young lad named Saul has faced a lot of traumas throughout his life. In this essay I will be sharing with you what I believe are the root causes of Saul trauma. Sauls main cause of his trauma is the loss of his families/communities, the loss of them brought forth even more trauma like; his time spent at St. Jerome’s residential school, his time with the game of hockey and, the alcohol that destroyed his life. Those three events stand out the most when talking about the root causes of his trauma. The loss of Saul, the Indian Horse family, leaves him alone...
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...Violence has not accomplished anything, the world has gone through years of violence.Two wrongs never make it right, but cause riots and civil disorders like Robert F Kennedy had said. Contemporary society has not responded enough legacies of historical globalization. This essay will cover the following arguments such as residential schools, slavery and the Sierra Leone civil war. Residential schools had a negative impact on Aboriginal people, many children suffered greatly. The government thought Aboriginal people’s history and culture were not worth preserving and acknowledged.This resulted to loss of culture, they were stripped out of their traditional ways and culture and taken away from their families. Rita Joe wrote a poem about how her voice...
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...there are instances as a result of the Sixties Scoop, Residential Schools and so forth where Indigenous people are forced to leave their reserves for circumstances that are beyond their control. Raven Sinclair states that, “the Sixties Scoop describes a period in Aboriginal history in Canada in which thousands of Aboriginal children were removed from birth families and placed in non-Aboriginal environments” (65). The Sixties Scoop was an event that affected many Aboriginal people across Canada, including Garnet in Keeper’n Me. At a young age, Garnet Raven was removed from his home on a reserve and placed in multiple foster homes, which causes him to lose a sense of who he is. The Sixties Scoop was the reason why Garnet did not have the connections to home that he now needs to work towards. In Richard Wagamese’s Keeper’n Me, the notion of home is shown through the way the protagonist Garnet finds himself by...
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...Three Day Road Essay In Joseph Borden’s novel Three Day Road, the differences in Elijah’s and Xavier's childhood contribute to their different attitudes in war. Their upbringing has shaped how they face situations as adults. Xavier was raised by his aunt, Niska, a majority of his childhood after his mother was unfit to care for him as an alcoholic and his father had passed when he was young. Opposed to Elijah who was raised at a residential school in Moose Factory by nuns and has no recent memories of his parents. Throughout the novel, it is evident that these factors have major impacts on the differences between Xavier and Elijah. The differences in Xavier and Elijah are shown through the value of the human life, assimilation into European...
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...From the Director Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, having been set up by the Government of India in the year 1963, has achieved a niche in the domain of International Business by blending business knowledge with creative research, pioneering executive development programmes, international linkages and industry interventions into the curricular corpus. At IIFT, we have been an active learner all these years by continually focusing on maintaining global perspective on issues but with realistic grounding in local conditions. This practical approach has given our students an unbeatable edge in the national as well as international arena. It is because of its allaround achievements that the Institute was awarded the status of Deemed University in May 2002 and accredited in May 2005 as “A” grade institution by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) an autonomous institution of University Grants Commission. Leading surveys have rated IIFT as one of the top ten business schools in the country. IIFT achieved its stature on the strengths of its faculty members, who have been active nationally and internationally in academia, students, dedicated staff members and excellent infrastructure. There is regular exchange of faculty and students to and from the leading international Business Schools with which IIFT has strategic alliance. The programmes offered at the Institute have not only addressed the requirement of the different times but always have had orientation towards...
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...have ranged from social injustices, colonialism, and women’s rights. Some included personal tragedies concerning women of Aboriginal descent living in British Columbia. It has been quite emotional at times to actually read about the struggles that have taken place right here in British Columbia regarding immigrants and Aboriginal people. We even got to meet the author of Mercenary English, Mercedes Eng, in person to make the words of her story really come to life. However, not all of the books we have studied convey negative outlooks of certain problems being faced. There have been positive social changes, personal victories and many moments that make the reader believe things can be made right if an effort is put into it. This research essay will focus on the positive view portrayed in three books studied this semester which include: Mercenary English, Active Geographies-Women and Struggles on the Left Coast and the Unnatural and Accidental Women. The positive themes discussed will display triumphs on a personal level, meaningful change on a social stage and a look at how social activism deeply connects people together. Firstly, Mercenary English has a very unique way of showing social injustice, believed to be carried out in the eyes of its author Mercedes Eng. She writes about personal problems she faced, the negative issues surrounding aboriginal people in Canada and historical injustice against minorities. Her writing is powerful, emotional, vocal, and can shocks the reader...
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...Discussion on Canadian Ethnic problems and multiculturalism Abstract: The history of Canada has gone through various events, some of which produced a nightmare for the country and from which the people as well as the leaders are still trying to awake, while making sure that such events do not take place ever again. In this essay I discuss the Canadian Ethnic problems and it's multiculturalism by mainly focus on two typical examples :the aboriginal people and the Chinese who have suffered injustice through out the history in different aspects such as politics and cultural. And later ,by looking at the current situations of the Canadian ethnicity in general and going over the past decisions that the government had made, I try to suggest the possible solutions. Introduction: As we all know, Canada is a country with large immigrants. Therefore , the history of Canada is largely the history of the meeting of different cultures. As its early settlers are mostly immigrants from Central and Western Europe, European culture is playing a dominant role in Canada's culture. Since the eightieth of the twentieth century, as the number of immigrants from different parts increased significantly, the new immigrants brought in their own culture with them as well. Thus, people are now feeling more of the tensions between those cultures and of prejudice felt among these groups toward one another. For this reason, how to deal with the relationship...
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...TITLE OF THE ESSAY : Child Labour : The Abuse of Girl Child * Siddharth Sharma (2ND YEAR B.A.LLB STUDENT AT NLIU, BHOPAL) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. WHY A GIRL CHILD GETS MORE VICTIMIZED? 3. SEXUAL ABUSE AND CHILD LABOUR? 4. DO WE HAVE A SOLUTION? INTRODUCTION “Born to parents who themselves were uneducated child workers, many child worker are forced to continue a tradition that leaves them chained to a life of poverty” Child labour violates a nation’s minimum age laws, threatens children’s physical, mental, or emotional well-being, involves intolerable abuse, such as child slavery, child trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, or illicit activities, prevents children from going to school and above all, uses children to undermine labor standards. In this regard The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act was enacted in 1986. The constitution of India also recognizes the right of children and safeguards their right to survival, protection and development. Article 14 of the constitution bestows right to equality. Article 15(3) empowers state to make special provision in favour of children. Article 23 prohibits traffic in human being. Article 14 prohibits employment of children below 14 years in any factory or mine or hazardous occupation. Article 39 prohibits abuse and exploitation. Article 45 provides compulsory education up to 14 years. India has recently finally left the company of seven other countries that still legally permit...
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