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Indiana Invasive Species

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One of the biggest threats facing Indiana wildlife, and in turn, the environment today is the presence of invasive species. Invasive plants and insects are making it difficult for those native to the area to survive. These invasive species quickly become competitors, and even sometimes predators in their new environment. They affect the ecosystems where they now reside because there is a lack of predators, giving these plants and insects the ability to flourish. As their population grows, the population of the native species decreases due to the increased competition for resources. Invasive species can overtake crops, interfere with natural irrigation, severely decrease environmental biodiversity, and limit growth in Indiana forests. This …show more content…
Species such as Multiflora Rose, Autumn Olive, and Kudzu were all brought in to serve a purpose. One as rootstock for cultivated roses, another to reduce soil erosion. These once potentially positive uses quickly become overshadowed by the detrimental effects they have caused.
Most, if not all, of these pests, enter the country, and have or will make it into the state through industrial shipping containers or well-meaning individuals trying to fill a certain need at the time. These decisions have had disastrous long-term effects on the environment.
Invasive plants and insects are a hazard to Indiana’s wildlife, but they are a legitimate threat. The best way to avoid the introduction of invasive species into Indiana’s ecosystems is to prevent it from entering the state in the first place. That may seem obvious, but it is the most effective way to keep Indiana’s wildlife safe. However, there are simple ways to avoid the spread of these species. An easy way to avoid invasive plants is to choose non-invasive plants when planning a landscape or garden. Individuals who hike in different areas should clean their gear after a trip to ensure accidental contamination does not occur. Individuals should also avoid transporting fruits, vegetables, plants, and even firewood from different areas to avoid the introduction of an invasive insect. One of the best ways to combat these invasive plants and insects is to educate people on how they are affecting the environment, why they are in fact a threat, and encourage people to be aware that they can be a source of movement for these

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