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Indians Religion Research Paper

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The priests had commanded that Indians desert their various ritual practices because Tekakwitha (Kateri) and other Indians beliefs were highly diverse and consisted of many spiritual powers. Such powers came from the relationships they kept with ancestors, animals, trees, winds, and water – other-than-human persons. The strict set of doctrines, dogmas or belief carried out by the English was absent, therefore, the Indians were opened to combining new ideas and ceremonies, once it didn’t brought harm to others. In the 17th century, many Indians migrated to Catholic and Protestant mission villages. During this time of chaos, new communities were generated and praying towns were created. However, the Indians also had to evolve to survive undesirable …show more content…
The lower Mississippi was an economy built off the production mostly carried out by the Indians and constant trade among them and the French. During of the year of 1698, naval captain Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville was sent by France to launch a military post near Mississippi River, but to also increase their level of superiority against the English and Spaniards. At this time, the French faced food shortages and made no provisions for food to get delivered. Thus, they relied solely upon the Indians for survival through trade. This worked in their favor as Indians produced more food than needed. “Soldiers and sailors either purchased food directly from Indians or acquired peltry from them to exchange for imported grains and meats” The Indians accommodated specifically by hunting and processing skins, thus providing deerskins and foodstuff (corn, beans, meat etc) for the French. If hunting conditions were not favorable, Indians would resist paying their debts. In 1721, the Indians also accommodated the French by agreeing to trade at specific prices. For example, a quarter of an ell or one axe for four dressed deerskins. However, the Indians later resisted as they bargained for better exchanged rates. The Indians highly favored liquor, but were restricted from it because officials feared it might lead to

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