...ncieros ÍNDICES FINANCIEROS (“RATIOS”) Al igual que las pruebas de laboratorio que ordena un médico a su paciente durante una revisión anual de salud, con el objetivo de establecer el nivel general de salud de dicho paciente, el cómputo de los índices financieros le permite al analista financiero tener una mejor idea acerca de la “salud” operacional y financiera de la entidad objeto de dicho análisis. Análogo a las categorías que existen dentro de las pruebas de laboratorio (niveles de lípidos, enzimas, etc.), los índices financieros también se dividen en categorías dependiendo del aspecto que se pretende evaluar. Más adelante revisaremos las principales categorías de índices, y presentaremos los principales índices dentro de cada categoría. Aunque parezca demasiado elemental, es importante recordar que los índices financieros son fracciones, donde su numerador y denominador provienen de datos financieros obtenidos de los estados financieros, tanto del estado de situación, estado de ingresos y gastos, y estado de flujos de efectivo. Por consiguiente, al cambiar dichos datos financieros a lo largo del tiempo, se alterarán los índices que resultan del cambio en los datos usados para computar los mismos. Siendo fracciones, los índices pudiesen cambiar de un período contable a otro de dos formas distintas: Aumentar – este sería el caso si tanto el numerador en el índice aumenta, si el denominador disminuye, o ambos efectos combinados. Disminuir - este sería el caso si...
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...IPC Índice de precios y cotizaciones es el principal índice bursátil de la bolsa mexicana de valores, tiene las 35 emisoras con más liquidez en este mercado. Tiene sus bases desde octubre de 1978 y tiene como principal objetivo el constituirse como un indicador altamente representativo y confiable del Mercado Accionario Mexicano. Mide la evolución del mercado primario en su conjunto, este índice refleja cuanto ganó o perdió la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores en su jornada. Es elaborado diariamente por la Bolsa Mexicana de valores con base en los resultados de la sesión cotidiana, y tomando como referencia las 35 emisoras principales de los distintos sectores de la economía La revisión de la muestra se lleva a cabo en forma anual (en el mes de febrero), considerando que la muestra se mantendrá estable durante este periodo. ¿Cómo se calcula el índice de precios y cotizaciones? Debido a la cantidad de acciones que emite la bolsa mexicana de valores es difícil determinar un precio promedio. Los puntos se calculan en función de las variaciones de precios de una selección de acciones, llamada muestra, balanceada, ponderada y representativa de todas las acciones cotizadas en la BMV. La muestra del índice accionario está integrado por las emisoras más representativas del sector accionario, éstas se seleccionan bimestralmente de acuerdo al nivel de bursatilidad de los títulos operados, el cuál toma en cuneta variables como: número de operaciones, importe negociado y días operados...
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...Forecasting with Indices Christopher L Kearney University of Phoenix QRB/501 Quantitative Reasoning for Business Maryam Boluri May 2, 2011 Forecasting with Indices This writer will begin by defining forecast and index while detailing the importance of both as they relate to the makeup of any company. This type of data can be financial or non-financial depending on what the company offers. Forecasting is a method used by companies to predict current and future trends. Many companies have realized this to be the backbone of the company because it predicts whether or not a company will break even and if a company does not break even decided whether the company will be up and running the following year. An index is a point of reference concerning numbers with common points. Indices are used to observe historical and short-term comparisons with percentages change commonly used. This week’s lesson entailed obtaining the Summer Historical Inventory Data from the materials area in the week two forum and converting the information into an index. The time series information is to be used to forecast the inventory needed for the upcoming year. To give a company a better view of making decision a month-to-month forecast is best because more information can be obtained over a shorter period. The Summer Historical Data obtained from University of Phoenix Material was converted into an index using Microsoft excel software. The data showed typical demand for summer highs using...
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...Forecasting with Indices Jamie Prather QRB/501 April 23rd, 2012 Measuring the winter historical inventory data for the next 12 months consists of preparing a simple exponential forecast method to determine the method of simple average during the 12 separate indices. The forecast was processed by Running mean Absolute Deviation (RMAD) was computed by taking the average of two one-year-wide averages that are offset by one period relative to each other. Computing the ratio divided by the moving average in each period. Running sum of forecast errors were computed by taking the differences between the actual and the forecast demand for the periods being evaluated. | | | | | | Alpha | 0.2 | | | | Month | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | Forecast | ABS Value | RMAD | RSFE | TS | 1 | | 39800 | 32180 | 62300 | 189,480 | 189,480 | | | | | 2 | 57350 | 64100 | 38600 | 66500 | 226,550 | 189480 | 37070 | 37070 | 37,070 | 1 | 3 | 15400 | 47600 | 25020 | 31400 | 119,420 | 196894 | 77474 | 114544 | -40,404 | -0.35274 | 4 | 27700 | 43050 | 51300 | 36400 | 158,450 | 181399.2 | 22949.2 | 137493.2 | -63,353 | -0.46077 | 5 | 21400 | 39300 | 31790 | 16800 | 109,290 | 176809.4 | 67519.36 | 205012.6 | -130,873 | -0.63836 | 6 | 17100 | 10300 | 31100 | 18900 | 77,400 | 163305.5 | 85905.49 | 290918 | -216,778 | -0.74515 | 7 | 18000 | 45100 | 59800 | 35500 | 158,400 | 146124.4 | 12275.61 | 303193.7 | -204,502 | -0.67449 | 8 | 19800 | 46530 | 30740...
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...Forecasting with Indices Forecasting is a tool that a company can use to predict trends or patterns based on the data available from previous years, quarters or periods. Forecasting can assist a company with a wealth of information, such as where cuts need to be made, where increases need to be made. Forecasting can even aid a company with what product to carry or discontinue and when would be a good time for a sale. Calculating Averages Taking the monthly sales for the last four years of Honda’s sales, the author entered this information into Excel, and formulated this chart: | Year | Year | Year | Year | average by month | Month | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | monthly index | 1 | 98,511 | 71,031 | 67,479 | 76,269 | 78,323 | 2 | 115,397 | 71,575 | 80,671 | 98,059 | 91,426 | 3 | 138,734 | 88,379 | 108,262 | 133,650 | 117,256 | 4 | 135,180 | 101,129 | 113,697 | 124,799 | 118,701 | 5 | 167,997 | 98,344 | 117,173 | 90,773 | 118,572 | 6 | 142,539 | 100,420 | 106,627 | 83,892 | 108,370 | 7 | 138,744 | 114,690 | 112,437 | 80,502 | 111,593 | 8 | 146,855 | 161,439 | 108,729 | 82,321 | 124,836 | 9 | 96,626 | 77,229 | 97,361 | 89,532 | 90,187 | 10 | 85,864 | 85,502 | 98,811 | 98,333 | 92,128 | 11 | 76,233...
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...Forecasting and Indices Forecasting is a process in which statements or conclusions are made regarding the outcome of events that have not yet happened. Forecasting is predicting what the could look like. There are many examples of forecasting. Estimating or predicting can be referred to as formal statistical methods that employ time series, cross-sectional or longitudinal data. Forecasting can be use to estimate a wide variety of issues, weather related events, the use of resources, sales, profit or loss and even staffing needs for a particular project. Coupling these findings with good planning can give a company a good indication of what the future should look like. Forecasting can use many different methods. Evaluating your objectives and conditions relevant to the individual situations can help in choosing the correct method to use. Another option is to use several methods and compare or combine the results, as many times, there is no one “best” method. “The forecast error is the difference between the actual value and the forecast value for the corresponding period. where E is the forecast error at period t, Y is the actual value at period t, and F is the forecast for period t. Measures of aggregate error: Mean absolute error (MAE) Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) Percent Mean Absolute Deviation (PMAD) Mean squared error (MSE) Root Mean squared error (RMSE) Forecast skill (SS) Average of Errors (E)...
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...1. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (www.theacsi.org) The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is an economic indicator based on modeling of customer evaluations of the quality of goods and services purchased in the United States and produced by both domestic and foreign firms with substantial U.S. market shares. ASCI interviews more than 80,000 Americans every year about the satisfaction from the products and services that they have consumed. It uses that in a model developed by University of Michigan to measure customer satisfaction. So, the methodology uses customer interviews and econometric modeling. Over the years, ACSI have been able to identify the industries and sectors that have been performing well, and the ones that are not. ACSI provides customer satisfaction for a company, which correlates with the financial performance and the stock price of the company. Moreover, as consumer spending account for 70% of GDP, it also correlates with GDP growth changes. Manufacturing good industries tend to score higher, as they require lower level of service. Companies that tend to improve quality fair better on the index than companies that tend to reduce price. It also provides the overall industrial satisfaction index, which is helpful especially in case of acquisitions. Strengths: Companies can use ACSI as a tool to optimize their customer satisfaction to drive customer loyalty. It benefits investors, who would like to know a relation between the company’s...
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...Inventory Systems Michael Asibu, Woodrow Lemon, Laura Moll, Jenessa Nagozruk, Brian Norton QRB/501 May 21, 2012 Ohidul Siddiqui Inventory Systems With the increasing demand to cut costs and increase revenues, developing the right inventory systems have become essential to compete in business. According to the Counselors to America’s Small Business, “Control of inventory, which typically represents 45% to 90% of all expenses for business, is needed to ensure that business has the right goods on hand to avoid product shortage and meet the consumer’s needs” (Counselors to America’s Small Business, p. 1). To ensure proper business practice an evaluation of inventory systems is necessary to ensure businesses can be cost-efficient, profitable, and provide for consumers’ needs. Top and Bottom System The top and bottom inventory system seems simple at first glance. “In this system, [the company] puts limits on how high and low [the company] inventory levels can go for each product (Fishbowl, 2012). The company sets two levels for the stock. The first is the level the managers know that they need to order, and the other is the level that the managers need to bring the stock back to. So if the top level was 15 and the bottom level was five the managers would order 10 more when the company hit five products left. This works to an extent but if the products were snow shovels, then keeping 15 on hand yearly would not make sense. The business would be losing valuable storage...
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...INTEGRANTES: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ OBJETIVO: DEL TALLER RETROALIMENTACION A CONCIENCIA DE ACUERDO A LO APRENDIDO Y SABERES PREVIOS UNIFICADOS EN CLASE. TALLER DE FACTORES DE RIESGO CASO 1. Estaba trabajando un operario en un torno paralelo, sin protección adosada a la máquina y sin gafas de protección, cuando le salto una partícula al ojo derecho, al hacer un movimiento brusco resbala y cayó al suelo, quedando fuertemente conmocionado. Datos complementarios: El piso estaba resbaladizo, ya que los aceites derramados anteriormente no habían siclo eliminados. El operario utilizaba alpargatas. Con base en la anterior información: 1. Analizar las causas del accidente: Condición ambiental peligrosa y acto inseguro. 2. Determinar recomendaciones técnicas preventivas. 3. Describir recomendaciones generales para un taller de Maquinas - Herramientas. EVALUACION | OBSERVACIONES: | Ciudad – FechaSincelejo- Abril 09 del 2016 | Firma: | | Profesora: Ing. Beatriz Almanza | INTEGRANTES: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ OBJETIVO: DEL TALLER RETROALIMENTACION A CONCIENCIA DE ACUERDO A LO APRENDIDO Y SABERES PREVIOS UNIFICADOS EN CLASE. TALLER DE FACTORES DE RIESGO CASO 2. En un taller de mecánica industrial labora un...
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...Index Index is a statistical method of measuring change in an economy or security market as whole or in parts over time. Each index has its own calculation methodology and is usually expressed in terms of a change from a base value. Thus, the percentage change is more important than the actual numeric value. Classification of Index ✔ Equity indices • • • • • Broad market index Multi-market index Mult-market index with fundamental weighting Sector index Style index ✔ Fixed income indices ✔ Indices for alternative investment • • • Commodity indexes Real estate indexes Hedge fund indexes Index Weighting Methods ✔ Price Weighted Index: A stock index in which each stock influences the index in proportion to its price per share. The value of the index is generated by adding the prices of each of the stocks in the index and dividing them by the total number of stocks. Stocks with a higher price will be given more weight and, therefore, will have a greater influence over the performance of the index. ✔ Capitalization Weighted Index: A type of market index whose individual components are weighted according to their market capitalization, so that larger components carry a larger percentage weighting. The value of a capitalization-weighted index can be computed by adding up the collective market capitalization of its members and dividing it by the number of securities in the index. ✔ Float-adjusted Market Capitalization Weighted Index: Its like market capitalization weighted index. The...
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...Forecasting Using Indices Tricia Thedford QRB 501/Quantitative Reasoning for Business March 4, 2012 Vinata Kulkarni, PhD Forecasting using indices Forecasting is an integral part of business. Forecasting allows investors to see anticipated growth/decline in a business. An accurate forecast will also allow a business to respond appropriately should a problem be evident in the desired business plan. Forecasting can be done on all data within a financial statement or can target specific areas, depending on the information desired. Investors as well as business executives have a need to see where a company is headed when making future business decisions. The dictionary defines the word forecast as “to anticipate, calculate, or predict (some future event or condition) usually as a result of rational study and analysis of available pertinent data” (Merriam-Webster, Inc., 2002, para 2). One should review all data available for making an accurate business forecast. In researching Dell, Inc., inventory history the following data was obtained: Dell, Inc. historical inventories data | 2011 | 2010 | Period | Amount | Period | Amount | October 31 | 1.40 billion | October 31 | 1.29 billion | July 31 | 1.35 billion | July 31 | 1.37 billion | April 30 | 1.28 billion | April 30 | 1.18 billion | January 31 | 1.30 billion | January 31 | 1.05 billion | 2009 | 2008 | Period | Amount | Period | Amount | October 31 | 952 million | October 31 | 1.11 billion | July...
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...Consumer Price Index EC 601 – Fall 2010 December 3, 2010 Consumer Price Index (CPI) According to Mankiw the Consumer Price Index is a measure of the overall cost of the goods and services bought by a typical consumer. The Department of Labor’s subordinate branch the Bureau of Labor who is in charge of providing the Consumer Price Index of states that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a “market basket” of consumer goods and services. Some background into how the Consumer Price Index came about. The Consumer Price Index was initiated during World War I, when rapid increases in prices, particularly in shipbuilding centers, made an index essential for calculating cost-of-living adjustments in wages ("United states consumer," n.d.). To provide appropriate weighting patterns for the index, so that it would reflect the relative importance of goods and services purchased in 92 industrial centers in 1917-1919("United states consumer," n.d.). Periodic collections of prices were started, and, in 1919, the Bureau of Labor Statistics began publication of separate indexes for 32 cities ("United states consumer," n.d.). Regular publication of a national index, the U.S. city average began in 1921, and indexes were estimated back to 1913 using records of food prices ("United states consumer," n.d.). Because people's buying habits had changed substantially, a new study was made covering expenditures...
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...MARKET INDICES IN INDIA INTRODUCTION A stock market index is created by selecting a group of stocks that are capable of representing the whole market or a specified sector or segment of the market. The change in the price s of this basket of securities is measured with reference to a base period. There is usually provision for giving proper weights to different stocks on the basis of their importance to the economy. A stock market index acts as the indicator of the performance of the overall economy or a sector of the economy. An Index is used to give information about the price movements of products in the financial, commodities or any other markets. Financial indexes are constructed to measure price movements of stocks, bonds, T-bills and other forms of investments. Stock market indexes are meant to capture the overall behaviour of equity markets. Stock market indexes are useful for a variety of reasons. Some of them are: • They provide a historical comparison of returns on money invested in the stock market against other forms of investments such as gold or debt. • They can be used as a standard against which to compare the performance of an equity fund. • It is a lead indicator of the performance of the overall economy or a sector of the economy • Stock indexes reflect highly up to date information • Modern financial applications such as Index Funds, Index Futures, Index Options play an important role in financial investments and risk management Further...
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...| EBS Business SchoolEBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht | Paper SubmissionIn requirements of the courseMultivariate Statistical Methods | Co movement of Global Stock Market Indices | | | | Name: Abhisek Rathi Matriculation Number: 22030512 Submitted To: Prof. Dr. Frank Brand Submission Date: December 17, 2012 Contents Introduction 3 Stock Market Co-Movement 4 Causes 4 Data Analysis 6 Observations 9 Implications 10 References 12 Introduction The global financial crisis of 2008 was the biggest economic crisis faced by the world since the great depression of 1929. The crisis started to brew in the US in 2007 and many believed it would be largely limited to the shores of the US. However, the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 was sufficient to trigger a worldwide stock market collapse, the effects of which are felt to this day. The worldwide collapse of stock market can be understood by considering the world as a single big marketplace. Analysing the co-movement of various financial markets has gained importance in the recent past both for policy makers, in terms of policy co-ordination, and portfolio managers, for portfolio diversification. For policy makers, high co-movement would facilitate transition in local currency areas resulting in potential efficiency gains from stock market merger activities. This, in turn, will result in greater financial stability across the regions. However, for portfolio managers, high correlation between...
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...400 WEEK 6 MACROECONOMIC INDICES To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ecn-400-week-6-macroeconomic-indices/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECN 400 WEEK 6 MACROECONOMIC INDICES ECN 400 Week 6 Critical Thinking: Macroeconomic Indices Critical Thinking: Macroeconomic Indices (70) Begin working on your Portfolio Project by researching and selecting an article for your analysis. Appropriate articles are those that: • Are no older than six months old • Contain at least three general economic principles • Contain at least three to five macroeconomic indices. • Submit an outline that provides information on your article and the three general economic principles and the three to five macroeconomic indices you will be discussing in your Project. ECN 400 WEEK 6 MACROECONOMIC INDICES To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ecn-400-week-6-macroeconomic-indices/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECN 400 WEEK 6 MACROECONOMIC INDICES ECN 400 Week 6 Critical Thinking: Macroeconomic Indices Critical Thinking: Macroeconomic Indices (70) Begin working on your Portfolio Project by researching and selecting an article for your analysis. Appropriate articles are those that: • Are no older than six months old • Contain at least three general economic principles • Contain at least three to five macroeconomic indices. • Submit an outline that...
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