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Indomethacin Research Paper

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Indomethacin is a non- steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used commonly as a prescribed treatment for inflammatory disorders, as well as relieve pain. its main uses include relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and ankylosing spondylitis. These symptoms include stiffness, edema, joint pain, etc. Providers can also prescribe indomethacin to relieve mild to moderate pain in a place of acetaminophen or aspirin.
Indomethacin works primarily within the endocrine system. When part of the body is injured or infected, a specific group of lipids called prostaglandins take action to maintain homeostasis and initiate the inflammatory response system. Swelling occurs, and usually pain and stiffness also appear in …show more content…
Before a provider prescribes this drug, they should carefully consider the patients current condition. if the patient is alcohol intolerant, or are sensitive to other NSAIDs, it is an indication that they may have adverse reactions to Indomethacin. If the patient has a history of seizures, providers should be cautious when prescribing this medication. Patients should not be prescribed Indomethacin if they are at risk for heart attack, stroke, or have circulatory issues, as it can increase the risk factor of all cardiovascular thrombotic events. The longer they use the drug, the more prone they are to experience a problem, so if it is a absolutely necessary for them to be on a drug, then it should only be for a very short time. Patients should also never use this drug before or after they have any sort of heart bypass surgery. Another major contraindication is a patients history of gastrointestinal problems. Taking Indomethacin can cause bleeding or perforation of the stomach or intestinal lining, which can be fatal and of sudden onset. If the patient experiences symptoms of bleeding in the GI tract, such as black or bloody stool, and black or bloody vomit or sputum, they should report to their doctor immediately. Patients should also avoid drinking alcohol while on Indomethacin as it can greatly increase the toxicity and the risk of stomach

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