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Diversity Ethical Issues

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Ethical Issue: Diversity in The Workplace
Delores Andrea Ortiz
Marylhurst University

Diversity is defined by Webster dictionary as all characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals. A common misconception about diversity is that is only pertains to people. Diversity can include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability and sexual orientation. A diverse workplace aims to create an inclusive culture that values and uses the talents of all employees.
The face of the American workforce has changed dramatically over the past century. In 1964, the civil rights act made it illegal for organizations to engage in employment practices that discriminated against employees on …show more content…
In the past, an organization's leaders needed to understand a culture only if they were going to another country to live for a work assignment. Now, employees work virtually across the world via technology. Employees work with a variety of ethnicities at home and they interact with a globally dispersed customer base. So, a global mindset and skills are necessary for all employees. McDonalds is a corporation that continues to expand globally. McDonalds has expanded to 119 countries. McDonald’s corporation is culturally competent to geographical areas. In Maine, they sell limited edition fish entries and in Japan they teriyaki …show more content…
For example, I recently purchased a new computer and called customer support for assistance and my call was routed to a call center in India. I could not understand what the customer service agent was trying to convey to me and it created confusion and frustration. A solution to communication barrios is for companies to hire bilingual employees who can mediate and reduce language and communication barriers. When I worked for the workforce development center in Norfolk, Virginia, we had access to translation services. If the client’s first language was not English, I would call our translation service, select the client’s first language and I was assigned a

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