...Industrial Revolution DBQ Final The Industrial Revolution is known as one of the most significant events that led to the introduction of machinery. This revolution began in England in the early 1700’s having a major impact on people all over the world. In the mid 1700’s it eventually led to America and they several other places as well. England had several resources that were strongly needed for industrialization. They needed coal, iron, cotton, access to water, and shipbuilding (Doc 1.). All of those things were used to dramatically change how things work. For example, they used iron for building new machines such as the Spinning Jenny, the Water Frame, and the Cotton Gin. Those machines were most important for increasing the textile production, the more things improved, the faster things got (Doc 6.). Great Britain was known for its large population to support the workers in the factories. While the Industrial Revolution was was happening the Britain government maintained to be stable, wealthy, and supportive of the economy growth....
Words: 529 - Pages: 3
...DBQ Industrial Revolutions Before the Revolution manufacturing was often done in people's homes, using handtools or basic machines and the industrialization made a shift to machinery, factories and mass production of products. The industrial revolution started in 1760 and lasted till 1840 in Britain. It was an important event in human society was the Industrial Revolution, almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way, shape or form. Industrial revolution had a lot of both positive and negative effects. There was many positive things that happened because of the industrial revolution. One positive effect is that cotton trade tripled and the amount of iron manufactured nearly doubled.(Doc 2) This was because using the machines like the cotton gin cotton could be prepared for trade faster and in bigger...
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...The Industrial Revolution negatively impacted America by causing an increase in child labor, raising the rate of deaths and diseases, and increasing the use of slaves in the South. The Industrial Revolution caused young children to be forced to do harsh, brutal labor. In Document #1, William Cooper’s testimony before the Sadler Committee in 1832, young children had to work from 5am-9pm from the age of ten. They had no time to go to school and were “frequently strapped (whipped)”. This shows that children couldn’t grow up with a life or experiences because they didn’t go to school. School is important because without an education it is difficult to find a solid occupation. Outside sources tell that In the 1830’s most children had to work...
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...The Industrial Revolution implemented numerous opportunities to all. Originally, these uprisings of events took place in the late 1700s regarding the country of England. As time passed, the term of commercial enterprise, Industrialization, spread throughout different regions and countries. Eventually these matters promoted higher standards for living conditions, which enacted more efficient exploitations to be taken place in that period of time. Industrialization is the conversion of rural ways, to advanced technicalities in manufacturing and other productive economic activities. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of the neglect and poor conditions, it was actually a positive thing for...
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...The Industrial Revolution provided America with all that it has today. Before this momentous event, the country was as poor and slow as any other country. Though, that all changed when Britain’s technology was leaked to the rest of the world. America was one of the few countries that could use this information to grow stronger and wealthier than any other country. So the moment America took hold of the new information, the Industrial Revolution began. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because the children had little to no education, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were faster and cheaper production, the child labor laws, and...
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...The Industrial Revolution was a time of prosperity and improvements. During this time, which was the 19th century in England and 20th century in the U.S, many factories sprung up and many people moved to the cities in search of jobs. Almost everyone was working in factories during this time because that’s the jobs that were needed. Working conditions were horrible, as many workers were crammed into a small workspace where many accidents occurred. This led to lots of injuries and deaths. The Industrial Revolution started because most countries were advancing in technology and were in need of lots of goods. During the Industrial Revolution, working conditions were terrible for workers because owners only wanted money. Industrialization caused...
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...The history of civilization has seen improvement and development become essential principles for all humans. Whether this originate in new inventions, changing ideas and theories, or government activism, several periods of time have illuminated what our species knows and furthered knowledge. One headlining time period, the Industrial Revolution, seems to come to the forefront. Originating in Britain from the mid 18th century until the early to mid 19th century, the Revolution affected the economic and social areas of production, urbanization, and labor that continue to have an impact on the daily lives of people all over the world, even today. Before the Industrial Revolution, the world maintained a small size. Rural communities thrived on...
Words: 1385 - Pages: 6
...Beginning of Industrial Revolution in England Agriculture was a big part of life back when Industrial Revolution began. The way Industrial Revolution began made a huge impact on England. Document three shows the inventions that were made and the impact that it made on agriculture. One example, the Horse-drawn Seed Drill helped farmers finish planting and growing crops more efficiently. The Mechanical Reaper contributed to saving money and time, because the farmers didn’t have to hire anyone to help them plant and finish faster, for example; if it would take a farmer three days for him to plant by hand all of his field now he can finish in one or two days. Document eight explains the important changes in textile machinery that helped...
Words: 259 - Pages: 2
...DBQ By: Zayn Khan During the Japanese Industrial Revolution in the mid-1900’s, there were many factors that came into play when thinking about the costs,and benefits of working in a silk factory. Young and old women would work at the factories to support their families, but at the same time, they were working for very long hours with very minimal breaks, and around risky areas that were prone to illness. Although the benefits can be argued to be worth it, the costs outweigh them because they (the benefits) have countless downsides, the main being, hours, wages, and labor contracts. Fourteen hours is how long the workers were kept on the job. They were offered a mere total of 40 minutes out of those fourteen hours for breaks. They were woken...
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...The Industrial Revolution that began in Europe in the mid-1700s changed society in many ways. Some of these were positive while others were negative. In the second half of the 19th century, it was the fundamental change in the way goods were produced through the use of machines, capital, and the centralization of work forces in factories. The Industrial Revolution helped advance Europe and greatly altered the world. Initially, most tasks were done by hands and in farms before the Agricultural Revolution freed laborers from farming to operating machines in factories. Farmers had to move to cities due to many prosperous landowners buying their property and making them become tenant farmers or letting them move to urban areas to find a suitable job in factories. Farmers grew larger as wealthy landowners brought land from poor landowners who became tenant farmers. Those left with no land moved to town. Thus, farmers started to seek...
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...The Industrial Revolution is considered the most innovative time period in the world. There are many positive effects of the Industrial Revolution, yet also many negative effects. New inventions came as a result, such as: the steam engine, automobile, telegraph, light bulbs, and vaccines. Negative effects came from the harsh conditions of factories during the eighteenth century. The Industrial Revolution had negative effects regarding child labor, and injuries to factory workers, on the plus side of the revolution new inventions were invented which causes an advancement in technology. Pessimistic effects were introduced frequently due to the Industrial Revolution, one major negative effect of the revolution was child labor. Children ages ten and up were working in hazardous factories according to Document One where William Cooper says he began working in a...
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...The Industrial Revolution had mostly positive than negative effects. This is because most people were employed. The negative side was all the unhealthy air coming from factories. In the other hand, most factories had many workers who were employed and had nice clothes. First, in factories, most people do not get hurt and are able to purchase what they want. For instance, in document 4 people do not look hurt and have nice clothes making factories safe for all of them. This shows, how people were now able to have nice clothes because of their jobs in the factories. Also, document 4 shows there's no one hurt proving factories are a safe place to work. Last, working in factories is safe and the pay gets workers nice clothes and other materials...
Words: 401 - Pages: 2
...The Industrial Revolution was a time of great prosperity. During this period, factories were popularized, new inventions poured into the market, and we saw the introduction of the middle working class. This all came at a price as the conditions were rough for the workers, and countless other problems arose. The Industrial Revolution brought about great innovations, but doing so had negative effects on the environment and people. The Industrial Revolution had many positive effects, such as new inventions that were much more efficient than humans at what they do.The sheer amount of innovation from 1846-1896 was incredible. This included people using telegraphs to telephones within 30 years, Bessemer converter for steel to the first automobiles...
Words: 488 - Pages: 2
...machinery. The industrial revolution took place from the 18th to 19th century in which the countryside in America became modern and urban. Industrialization generated an array of manufactured goods and enriched basic living for certain folks. With this revolution came a flock of immigrants and the demographics shifted considerably and would aid these big tycoons. The industrial revolution was new and too many it was unknown with that being said no formal regulations were set for these new industries. These big businesses ran by wealthy tycoons took advantage of the working class Americans and the new faces that arrived in the states. Long...
Words: 384 - Pages: 2
...As the Scientific Revolution and Age of Enlightenment were coming to and end, a new revolution was developing. The Industrial Revolution refers to the time period in which major industrialization occurred. Businesses used machines to manufacture products, instead of making them by hand. Millions of people moved to cities to pursue new opportunities. Although the Industrial Revolution did create infrastructure in cities, to 19th century England it was more harmful than beneficial. To begin, the living conditions in cities were very poor. Subsequently, the conditions for workers during this time were considerably worse than the previous era. Lastly, the Industrial Revolution caused an increase in deaths in urban areas during the 19th...
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