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Industrialization After the Civil War in America


Submitted By milkah
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Industrialization after the Civil War in America

The industrial revolution symbolizes most important turning point in human history. Almost every portion of daily life was influenced in some way. After the civil war, industrialization acquired an impulsive change of events that had a major concern on improving the life of America. After the civil war American industry changed radically. Machines were used as the main means of manufacturing thus replacing the hand labor. This led to high production of goods and also led to improvement in infrastructure. American economy became strong and this drove to her political stability (Hall, & Lindholm, 1999). Amongst the varied aspects of industrialization that influenced the US society, economy and politics between 1865 and 1920 is entrepreneurship. The United States experienced an outstanding swift economic growth after the civil war. For example the gross domestic product multiplied very fast and also its per capita product went up more than double. Second, technology advancement lead to invention of steam powered farm machinery which replaced the farm laborers in preparation of land. This fueled construction of communication and transport networks. For example railway lines were built thus enabling efficient transportation of products (Bensel, 2000). Third, Homestead Act was implemented. A considerable amount of land had been kept aside for cheap to migrated people from the west. Having adequate resources farmers were able to own their own home and farm. Once their requirements to the government were met in a period of five years the land became theirs completely (Kuznets, Weyl, & Lo, 2012). Immigrants, farmers, women, education, and people in cities were the groups of people who were affected by the industrial revolution in America. Immigrants were taking poor wages for

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