...government had to finance for supplies such as: uniforms, weapons, and food. The money that went into buying those goods ended up in the pockets of industrialists who manufactured them. The money that they gained allowed industrialization to grow. Industrialization was infinitely bad for the U.S. society between 1865 to 1900 because it contributed to horrible working conditions, corruption, and the boom and bust cycle. Many of the jobs available during industrialization were affecting the wellbeing of the society. It says in document two that workers had disposable occupations that had the same repetitive movement to it. I say that by submitting workers through mind numbing and draining conditions, the workers were losing their humanity. And so industrialization was endangering the lives of the workers. The author’s purpose in writing was to inform the government and companies about what workers experience and is shown by the list of what workers did and suffered. Workers suffered because they were abused and taken advantage by businessmen. It says in document six that men and women were both overworked and treated worse than property. I say that the conditions in which the laborers were forced to work in were a hazard to their lives. And so industrialization negatively affected society because businessman did not care about what happen to their workers as long...
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...to make large profits In Document 11 the picture show the advancements in infrastructure and it shows how much these cities benefit from industrialization it promotes the idea of new buildings and machines. Industries prospered due to new machinery, relying on a machine’s work rather than a person’s. Products were made much faster and therefore at a cheaper cost. In order to make a substantial profit, many workers were hired and the jobs were fast moving. Transportation, trade, and newly formed industries contributed to economic prosper in industrialized areas. The invention of machinery and other things spread all over the world. Furthermore, as Manchester industrialized many other cities began to as well. Benefits of industrialization come in all countries, proving that the transition is the same. Wheelan and Co. proclaims, “There is scarcely a country on the face of the habitable globe into which the fruits of its industry have not penetrated”(9).As countries began to industrialize, people were in need of more products and materials that could not be provided by their home country. Merchants began to import and export more goods in order to acquire the necessary resources for industrialization, so trade greatly increased. As the economy grows, so does the power of the country and the quality of life also rises.Overall industrialization produced a positive effect although some people took advantage of the weak during this time. The world would not be the way it is today...
Words: 1579 - Pages: 7
...After the Civil War, a wave of industrialization introduced new economic trends to America; the growth of railroads allowed for expanding markets and easy transportation, and the use of steel, electricity, and other resources created a foundation that was able to foster a Second Industrial Revolution. The different regions of America were affected in various ways: specifically, this new industrial period and trend of market expansion impacted the Northeast/Midwest and the South both differently and similarly. Between 1865 and 1900, the Northeast/Midwest regions became purely industrial, establishing a hub for great wealth and industry in America, whereas the South, which undoubtedly also had moments of industrial prosperity, experienced a more...
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...The industrial revolution was believed to have started anywhere from 1760 to 1820-1840 and is the reason we have all the technology that we use today. Things such as cars, planes and even electricity. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of child labor, but it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were more jobs, women got work, and transportation became more efficient. Having more jobs in society was really important for people who wanted to have stability at home. First, One great thing about the industrial revolution was there was no lack of jobs. “As the Industrial Revolution spread to the United States, plants such as this textile...
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...investing in other nations ordeals. The isolationism policy helped foster improvements in American society and industrialization. America's Industrialization also sparked a large economic boom in addition that Americans moved to Urban environments. Industrialization in American society marks the the beginning of America's large manufacturing industry and less reliance on...
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...industrialize at a quick pace, Manchester faced social, economic, and ideological struggles of industrialization initiating a diverse range of reactions. The social problems Manchester faced as a result of their push to industrialize became more evident and open to criticism as the terrible conditions the people were living in came to light. Many people suffered unlivable conditions during the industrialization phase of Manchester; consequently causing many negative reactions. Robert Southey, an English Romantic poet, described the streets as destitute and void of their former life and happiness (doc. 2). He also explored the transition from a pre industrialized Manchester to 1807 Manchester...
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...Industrialization was a period of major development, and humanity flourished. In this document, there will be an explanation of how industrialization impacted humanity. How it spurred economic growth, and more. In my opinion, industrialization has nurtured economic growth around the world. However, it came with the consequences of worse quality of life, it also introduced child labor, inequality, etc. Industrialization spurs economic growth. It inspired the advent of new technology, innovation, new jobs, and increased pay. According to Document K, life expectancy increases, which increases the retirement age, causing people to work more. As the data shown in the document approaches 1900, life expectancy escalates. Another positive factor that...
Words: 357 - Pages: 2
...Prompt Rubric | Checklist Explain why the process of industrialization is called a revolution, and summarize the effects of industrialization on the people of the era. The process that is industrialization is usually referred to as a revolution primarily because of its transformative nature, which has also completely reshaped economies and societies. The first appearance of this so-called revolution caused a large change to the agrarian based economy, shifting it into one which was reliant on industrial production. Due to how large of an impact industrialization had on people's lives, it is crucial to summarize the effects of industrialization on these individuals during the era. To start with, industrialization began a fundamental change in the living and working conditions of many individuals during this period of time. With the introduction of factories and mass production, people started to migrate from rural areas, and into cities in search of jobs. The rise of the population eventually led to dangerously overcrowded slums, along with extremely unsanitary living conditions. More-so, long work days, which usually lasted 12-16 hours each day, along with the extremely repetitive nature of work in factories typically resulted...
Words: 544 - Pages: 3
...The industrialization had many negative effects in society. people who owned businesses wanted to make more money, so they started hiring children, even though they had a very low pay for their jobs. While some might argue that industrialization had positive consequences for society because more jobs became available it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization negative effects were the child labor being employed, the unequal pay for workers, and the damaged environment from pollution. Children had always worked, especially in farming. But factory work was hard. A child with a factory job might work 12 to 18 hours a day, six days a week, to earn a dollar. “C: And what time did it come on? B: I was about 13 years old when it began coming, and it has got worse since; it is five years since my mother died, and my mother was never able to get me a good pair of stays to hold me up, and when my mother died I had to do for...
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...During the late 1700s, the Industrial Revolution began in England, changing the standard of living in many ways. There were many changes, for the positive and the negative, on the social and economic life of the people of England. These changes influenced many new inventions, products, and practices that help shape the way society is, socially and economically, today. However, the path to change for the better often has many negative consequences for the people of the time. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of the influential factory system and economic stability, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were the unsafe and unsanitary working conditions, the tremendous air and water pollution, and the...
Words: 656 - Pages: 3
...Industrialization brought much change to America. It created many jobs and new forms of transportation. It created a wider range of goods and significantly decreased their price. Many positives resulted from the industrial revolution. However, there are negatives in any situation. The negative affects of the industrial revolution outweighed the good. Cities quickly became overcrowded and health concerns quickly came about. Children were forced to work in factories with extreme hours and very unsafe conditions as well as adults. The quality of life quickly took a turn for the worst. One of the most significant effects of industrialization was that it led to urbanization of countries. (Document #6) Citizens in rural areas began to move to cities...
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...As Europe entered the mid-19th Century it found itself growing in new ways that, before did not seem possible. The 19th century brought industrialization which would change how society and the economy functioned. With the initiation of the Industrial Revolution life declined for men, women, and children, through the increase of regulations, poverty, health problems, and the slow dissolution of the once tight family unit ideal. The Industrial Revolution resulted with many individuals having their work replaced by faster and more efficient machinery. Prior to industrialization, one of the systems that ran much of the economy was the putting out system. According to Alexandre Frederic (the Duke of La Rochefoucauld) in one of his writings, the putting out system was family run and a manual production which occurred in the home, once the product was completed, it was then prepared for trading which the family was also in charge of (Document 5, 153-154). The putting out system was a system that required the whole family to work together and do their...
Words: 1959 - Pages: 8
...AT 1 Draft P: Industrialization was a period where scientific and technological change became very popular in Europe and North America, this all happened during the 18th and 19th centuries. E: It was a transition of the technology that went from being agricultural to machine-manufacturing, this led to the growth of urban areas, the rise of the middle class, and increased job opportunities for women and children to be in the workforce, alongside men. E: However, it also had negative consequences, including child mistreatment which was often very popular in the factories and warehouses, the environment became very dirty and polluted because of all the machines and dirty chemicals. These are some examples of the negative consequences of industrialization. L: To conclude, Industrialization was a period of scientific and technological change in Europe and North America during the 18th and 19th centuries and because of all the impacts, like the transition from agriculture to machine-manufacturing, made a very big impact on modern-day society and the economy,...
Words: 472 - Pages: 2
...cultural and economic responses of two of the following groups to the Indians of North America before l750/ British, French, Spanish Compare the ways in which religion shaped the development of colonial society in 2 of the following regions prior to l740/ New England, Chesapeake, Middle Atlantic How did economic, geographic and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of southern colonies between l607 and l775? Compare the ways in which 2 of the following reflected tensions in colonial society/ bacon’s rebellion, pueblo revolt, salem witchcraft trials, stono rebellion To what extent had the colonists developed a sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution? Dbq Analyze the impact of the American Revolution on both slavery and the status of women in the period from l775-l800 Evaluate the extent to which the Articles of Confederation were effective in solving the problems that confronted the new nations Analyze the contributions of 2 of the following in helping establish a stable government after the adoption of the constitution/ John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington Although the power of the national government increased during the early republic, this development often faced serious opposition. Compare the motives and effectiveness of those opposed to the growing power of the national government in 2 of the following/ whiskey rebellion, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, Hartford...
Words: 1140 - Pages: 5
...Industrial Revolution DBQ Final The Industrial Revolution is known as one of the most significant events that led to the introduction of machinery. This revolution began in England in the early 1700’s having a major impact on people all over the world. In the mid 1700’s it eventually led to America and they several other places as well. England had several resources that were strongly needed for industrialization. They needed coal, iron, cotton, access to water, and shipbuilding (Doc 1.). All of those things were used to dramatically change how things work. For example, they used iron for building new machines such as the Spinning Jenny, the Water Frame, and the Cotton Gin. Those machines were most important for increasing the textile production, the more things improved, the faster things got (Doc 6.). Great Britain was known for its large population to support the workers in the factories. While the Industrial Revolution was was happening the Britain government maintained to be stable, wealthy, and supportive of the economy growth....
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