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Inequality In The Criminal Justice System

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In today’s society, incarceration has been the medium by which justice is addressed. However, within this medium, exists inconsistencies that have caused a massive population of incarceration. The most obvious inconsistency is that the majority of the prison population is composed of minorities. Furthermore, the main reason for this mass incarceration is due to the inequalities that minorities face in this country. In this literature review, an attempt is made to take a more in depth look into different elements of inequality through the views of various authors. It will include how inequality exists in employment, education, and the justice system, while identifying the link between these elements and incarceration. In addition, it will also …show more content…
Coker suggest that the war on drugs was an excuse to make it ok to unfairly profile individuals. For example, Donna Coker writes, “Apologist of racial profiling have argued that racial profiling for African American is a rational and efficient use of police resources given that a larger percentage of them commit crimes than do other racial groups,” according to Coker, this justification shows that although the white population commit about the same number of drug related crimes, minorities such as African Americans are more likely to get caught (Coker, 2003). It is this racial profiling that leads to unfair search warrants and make arrest in minorities more frequent. For instance, Coker identifies the success rate in search warrants that is much higher in the white population versus the black population (Coker, 2003). This success rate is attributed to the fact that law enforcement usually has hard evidence to justify the search versus just racial profiling in the case of …show more content…
Authors such as Nordberg, Crawford and Praetorius address police encounters with minorities focusing on the younger population. Attempts made by the authors to obtain statistical evidence on police behavior specifically in misconduct were not conclusive because police departments for the most part do not keep data on those occurrences. These authors instead studied accounts of the youth minority who found that they had little to no trust in the justice system, specifically in law enforcement. The authors write, “Analysis of the nine articles identified four themes that capture the experience of the minority youth during police encounter: dangerous, controlling, prejudiced, and ineffective,” meaning that minority youth did not feel at all safe in the presence of a law enforcement (Nordberg, A., Crawford, M., Praetorius, R., & Hatcher, S,

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