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Digestive System Vs Circulatory System

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Some things that are the same with the human eye and the frog eye is they both have color reception and they both have sockets. Some differences are frogs are nocturnal and there eyes have a special tissue so they can see in the dark. Ears:
Frogs don’t really have much similar aspects to human ears because they don’t really have ears they have silts but they work as regular ears they hear the sound waves. But humans hear much louder than frogs do.
Frogs and humans both have nostrils but frogs noses are flat and humans noses stick out.
Frogs tongues are connected in the front, humans tongues are connected in the back. Both the human and the frog use there tongues for eating
Frogs don’t need a lot of water because …show more content…
Some differences are the frog's heart is much smaller than the humans, the frog only has 3 chambers, which mixes oxygen poor with oxygen rich. Those are some similarities and differences.
Digestive system:
Some similarities between the frog and the human in the digestive system is organs turn food into energy, food asses trough the alimentary canal. Some differences are the frogs digesting begins in the mouth. Frogs teeth’s are useless where humans need them so they don’t choke. There tongues are used to catch prey but humans use them to talk. This is how the frogs and the humans digestive system are alike and not alike.
Respiratory systems:
Some similarities between the frog and the human in the respiratory system is both systems bring oxygen to the body and removes carbon dioxide. The main organ is the lungs in the respiratory system, for both humans and frogs. Some differences are the frog lacks muscles the human have. Human use lungs to breath frogs use mostly there

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