...Is Inflation in India Structural or Monetary? What are the causes? Group 14, Section 4 NAME | FT No. | Abilash.M | FT 144118 | Arpit Srivastava | FT 144103 | Hitesh Baheti | FT 144109 | Neha Aggarwal | FT 144108 | Nitesh Awasthi | FT 14498 | Phani Panthangi | FT 144104 | Rahul Sachdeva | FT 144105 | Ruchismita Sahu | FT 144100 | Sai Srikanth | FT 14499 | Sreehari Govind | FT 144106 | Group 14 Section 4 Is inflation in India Structural or Monetary? What are the causes? | What is inflation? Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. Consequently, inflation reflects a reduction in the purchasing power per unit of money – a loss of real value in the medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy. Such inflation is part of a particular economic system, so that a complete change in economic policy would be needed to get rid of it. Structural Inflation Inflation that occurs because of high commodity price, fuel price hike, change in economic structure as happened in India from Agricultural Structure to Industrialization Structure. Monetary inflation It is a sustained increase in the money supply of a country. It usually results in price inflation, which is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services. It usually results from government regulation, monetary...
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...Inflation in India: Docile or Defiant? Executive Summary ASSOCHAM study finds that inflation was structural in nature rather than being episodic. Farm prices are less responsive to the RBI’s monetary policy whereas manufactured goods prices were found to be more responsive to the policy. Manufactured goods prices are showing new dynamics: a) Highest price rise in primary and upstream products b) A moderate rise in intermediate goods prices c) Least hikes in prices of finished and consumer products In the light of these features and trends in inflation, ASSOCHAM suggests four pronged anti-inflationary package. These includes Structural Correction for Structural Inflation: This calls for a comprehensive action plan for the farm sector, involving among other measures, a programme for a “Horticultural revolution” for increasing productivity of fruits and vegetables, fish and poultry. Controlling form inflation is a joint responsibility of the union Government and RBI. Only monetary policy adjustment will not correct such trend price rises. 2 Hence, RBI need not raise policy rates every time form prices are rising, as analysis shows farm price are not responding to monetary policy changes. Manufactured good inflation is showing for greater responsiveness to monetary policy changes. RBI should concentrate more on controlling these prices Going into the disaggregated and Sectoral price behavior of manufacturing goods, we find the dynamics of change is more in upstream...
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...going through a turbulent phase. Basu took some time off to speak to Mint, just ahead of a key G20 meeting in Seoul, to provide an overview of how India perceives global economic trends. Articulating his thoughts on the latest round of monetary quantitative easing, he proposed a radically different long-term fix for the global economy, held out hope that the persistent domestic inflation would ease and painted a positive economic outlook ahead of next year’s Budget. Edited excerpts: What do you think is the outlook for the global economy? The outlook is best described as mixed; it changes from week-to-week, month-to-month. European unemployment has deteriorated slightly, while US unemployment has held steady at a high of 9.6% for three months. So the expectations on the global front continue to be uncertain. The somewhat risky move that the US has made with the second round of quantitative easing—something that is akin to printing money—is a gamble. It is not all negative, as some make it out to be. But it is a risky move, given the changed structure of the world economy. The relatively benign interpretation of what is happening in the world is that this is a temporary earthquake caused by the tectonic shift of economic power that is occurring beneath the surface of the world economy, marking the rise of emerging economies like India, China and Brazil. If this is indeed the case, the economic turbulence will subside and we will stabilize with an altered geography—a new mountain...
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...क य कायालय, एस.बी.एस.माग, मुंबई-400001 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESERVE BANK OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION, Central Office, S.B.S.Marg, Mumbai-400001 फोन/Phone: 91 22 2266 0502 फ स/Fax: 91 22 22660358 ै : www.rbi.org.in/hindi Website : www.rbi.org.in इ-मेल email: helpdoc@rbi.org.in वेबसाइट May 2, 2013 Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments in 2012-13 The Reserve Bank of India today released the Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments in 2012-13. The document serves as a backdrop to the Monetary Policy Statement 2013-14 to be announced on May 3, 2013. Highlights: Overall Outlook Macro-financial risks require cautious monetary policy stance ahead • In view of macro-financial risks that stay significant, headline inflation remaining above the threshold and consumer price inflation remaining high, the space for action for 2013-14 remains very limited. If some of the risks come to fore, policy re-calibration may become necessary in either direction. • Slow-paced recovery is likely later in 2013-14, contingent on improved governance and concerted action to resolve structural bottlenecks, especially in infrastructure sector. Output gap is likely to reduce, but remain negative. • Headline inflation is likely to remain range-bound in 2013-14, with some further moderation in H1 due to subdued producers' pricing power and falling global commodity prices, before it increases somewhat...
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...REALATIONSHIP BETWEEN INFALATION AND UNEMPLOYMENT, MONETARY POLICY INFLUENCE OVER ECONOMIC GROWTH. The connection among unemployment inflation grabs the attention of many economist. According to okuris law, there is a visible clear connection among country’s outcome that is declined in unemployment lead to higher nation output. However, other popular economist William Philips said that there is inverse relation between unemployment inflation because Philips argued that when high reaction of workers causes increase in nations output which abo lead to high wage, customers to carry enough money to utilize, so which customers demanding more good services price would include, so that is situation of inflation increase lead to downfall in unemployment inflation full down result to increase the ratio of unemployment. For better understanding it is important to know what is reason behind the increase relationship between both that is when there is increase in aggregate demand (AD to AD2) lead to increase in real GDP (Y1 toY2) hence companies need more labor and unemployment falls. Monetarists were criticize the Philips increase relationship, because they believes that there is no trade of in long run (As is inelastic) they said that when demand aggregate is increase than employees want higher nominal salary. Furthermore when employees get it, and work more as they think it is actual wages is increased. Thus, the upward trend in AD lead inflation and hence real wages stay same. Actually, employees...
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...Block IV MACROECONOMICS – II UNIT 17 Inflation 1-14 UNIT 18 Banking and Money Supply 15-31 UNIT 19 International Trade and Balance of Payments 32-50 UNIT 20 Economic Indicators 51-62 UNIT 21 Business Cycles 63-71 UNIT 22 Economic Growth, Development and Planning 72-84 Economics for Managers Expert Committee Dr. J. Mahender Reddy Vice Chancellor IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Prof. Y. K. Bhushan Vice Chancellor IU, Meghalaya Prof. Loveraj Takru Director, IBS Dehradun IU, Dehradun Course Preparation Team Prof. Ramalingam Meenakshisundaram IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Ms. Pushpanjali Mikkilineni IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Mr. Pijus Kanti Bhuin IU, Sikkim Ms. Preetaq Dutta Rai IU, Jharkhand Ranchi Prof. S S George Director, ICMR IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Dr. O. P. Gupta Vice Chancellor IU, Nagaland Prof. D. S. Rao Director, IBS, Hyderabad IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Ms. Hadiya Faheem IFHE (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad Mr. Mrinmoy Bhattacharjee IU, Mizoram Aizawal Prof. Tarak Nath Shah IU, Dehradun Mr. Manoj Kumar De IU, Tripura Agartala © The ICFAI University Press, All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from The ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad. Ref. No. Eco Mgrs SLM – 09...
Words: 28786 - Pages: 116
...Money and Inflation: A review to a Nepalese Context Money and Money Supply Money is the stock of assets that can be readily used to make transactions. Money supply is the quantity of money available in the economy. Money supply is considered as a major contributor to inflation. Monetary policy is the control over the money supply. Monetary policy is conducted by a country’s central bank. In Nepal, Nepal Rastra Bank serves as a central bank. There are different lags on the effect of money supply on inflation. M1 or Narrow Money Supply It is a category of the money supply that includes all physical money such as coins and currency; it also includes demand deposits, which are checking accounts. M1 is used to quantify the amount of money in circulation. M1 is a very liquid measure of the money supply, as it contains cash and assets that can quickly be converted to currency. M1=Currency + demand deposits, travelers’ checks, other checkable deposits M2 or Broad Money Supply It is a category within the money supply that includes M1 in addition to total time-related deposits, savings deposits, and non institutional money market funds. M2 is used when looking to quantify the amount of money in circulation and trying to explain different economic monetary conditions. In Nepal, Broad money supply, M2 has a lagged and temporary effect on inflation. However, compared to other factors such as India’s inflation and international oil prices, M2 has a minor role in contributing to...
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...globalization is simply to harmonize all nations by interchanging knowledge of societies, markets, transportations, technology, and various cultural aspects, in hope to create global stability and homogeneity of regulations for a standardized world. The subject of focus in this writing is attentive to economic globalization and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF was first introduced, along with the World Bank, (these two collectively known as the international financial institutions) towards the end of World War II, in 1944, as an attempt to defend the world from facing another financial crisis such that of the Great Depression (1930) and revive the damages caused by the war. The six goals and guideline principles...
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...Bangladesh began implementing structural policy reforms to increase the market orientation of its economy in the late 1970s. The authorities adopted significant reforms in agriculture, industry, and trade, and also pursued reforms in the financial and infrastructure sectors. These reforms helped accelerate growth from an annual average of 3 percent in the 1970s to 4 percent in the 1980s and to 5 percent in the 1990s. Sound and sustained macroeconomic management ensured macroeconomic stability, contributing to Bangladesh’s ability to maintain one of the lowest growth volatilities in the world. Major Policy Reforms Contributed to Growth Acceleration: * Agricultural policy * Industrial policy * Trade policy * Infrastructure policy * Financial policy * Macroeconomic policies * Human Development policies Macroeconomic policies Following the initial debacle of the 1972–75 periods, Bangladesh was able to maintain a broad degree of stability of macroeconomic policies, as reflected in relatively low inflation and a stable real exchange rate. Fiscal, monetary and exchange rate management was broadly on track for most of the period until around the end of the 1990s. This long-term good macroeconomic management served Bangladesh well, contributing to incentives for private investment and exports. Inflation has now been reduced to 3–4 percent annually (Chart 7). The correction of the macroeconomic imbalances started in the late 1970s and continued...
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...privilege for me to be speaking at Harvard to such a distinguished audience. I thank Professor Benjamin Friedman and Professor Tarun Khanna for this opportunity. I will be speaking on the Indian Economy. India is home to 1.21 billion people, which is about 17.4 per cent of the global population. However, it accounts for only 2.4 per cent of world GDP in US dollar terms and 5.5 per cent in purchasing power parity (ppp) terms. Hence, there exists a huge potential for catch up. The global welfare too is linked to progress in India as reflected in the keen global interest in India. But, India seems to inspire and disappoint at the same time. This is reflected in various comments on the Indian economy. Yasheng Huang and Tarun Khanna in their much debated article in July 2003 issue of Foreign Policy had observed: “Can India surpass China? This is no longer a silly question”. The July 23rd 2011 issue of The Economist observed; “Twenty years ago they said the yardstick against which India should be measured was its potential. On that measure, there is much to do.” As a fledgling democracy, India’s economic experiment of planned development was held out as an example to many aspiring low-income countries in the 1950s. While some countries raced ahead in the development process, India lagged behind. This is evident from the fact that it took 40 long years from 1950-51 for India’s real per capita GDP to double by 1990-91. But, 1991-92 was a defining moment in India’s modern economic history...
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...THE EURO IN CRISIS Objective Of Study The objective of the following study is to understand and analyse the recent euro debt crisis which led to the temporary fall of the euro. Through this study, attempt has been made to single out EU member countries and the events in those countries that led to the crisis. Policy recommendations have also been stated to further help the main objective of dissecting and understanding the problem. INTRODUCTION Over the last two years, the euro zone has been going through an agonizing debate over the handling of its own home grown crisis, now the ‗euro zone crisis‘. Starting from Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and more recently Italy, these euro zone economies have witnessed a downgrade of the rating of their sovereign debt, fears of default and a dramatic rise in borrowing costs. These developments threaten other Euro zone economies and even the future of the Euro. Such a situation is a far cry from the optimism and grand vision that marked the launch of the Euro in 1999 and the relatively smooth passage it enjoyed thereafter. While the Euro zone may be forced to do what it takes, it is unlikely that the situation will soon return to business as usual on its own. Yet, this crisis is not a currency crisis in a classic sense. Rather, it is about managing economies in a currency zone and the economic and political tensions that arise from the fact that its constituents are moving at varying speeds, have dramatically different fiscal capacities...
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...INFLATION Inflation In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. It is, often, one of the most unwanted and misunderstood of economic phenomena. We tend to believe that the prices of commodities will, over time, rise and fall, responding to the pulls and pushes of demand and supply. An unexpected decrease in the production of a commodity will lead to increase in the price of that commodity, just as an unexpected increase in the production will cause the prices to fall (cost push). Another reason for the price fluctuations can be attributed to an unexpected increase/decrease in the demand of commodities (demand pull). These price movements are a way of signaling to consumers that they should consume less of the commodity facing shortage and more of the good in abundance and to producers to produce more of what is in short supply and less of what is available in plenty. Inflation, has little to do with these changes in relative prices of goods and services though the price fluctuations of the general price level may be accompanied by relative changes in prices as well. Government policies are often directed to smoothen these price fluctuations. For the common person, Inflation is unwanted, especially on those occasions when the rise in prices of goods is not matched by an equivalent increase in the price of labour as the prices of commodities required increases. Inflation has been with humankind ever...
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...RBI & Its Monetary Policies Table of Contents NO. | Particulars | 1. | Introduction of RBI | 2. | Monetary policy | 3. | Monetary policy objectives | 4. | Monetary policy functions | 5. | Operations of Monetary policy * Quantitative credit control * Selective or qualitative methods | 6. | Operating procedures of Monetary policy * Liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) * Market stabilization scheme | 7. | Monetary policy tools | 8. | Recent changes in Monetary policy | 9. | Evaluation of Monetary policy | 10. | Limitations | 11. | Conclusion | 12. | Bibliography | 13. | | 14. | | 15. | | 16. | | INTRODUCTION OF RBI The central bank of the country is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It was established in April 1935 with a share capital of Rs. 5 crores on the basis of the recommendations of the Hilton Young Commission Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in the year 1949. The general superintendence and direction of the Bank is entrusted to Central Board of Directors of 20 members, the Governor and four Deputy Governors, one Government official from the Ministry of Finance, ten nominated Directors by the Government to give representation to important elements in the economic life of the country, and four nominated Directors by the Central Government to represent the four local Boards with the headquarters at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and New Delhi. Local Boards consist of five members each Central Government...
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...DOES MONETARY POLICY INFLUENCE ECONOMIC GROWTH IN PAKISTAN? Haji Saif Ullah (Author) Email: hajisaif@live.com Muhammad Ashraf (coordinator) Department of Management Sciences University Of Gujrat, Gujrat ABSTRACT This study examines the impact of monetary policy on economic growth in Pakistan. The study uses time-series data covering the range of 1991 to 2011.The effects of stochastic shocks of each of the endogenous variables are explored using Error Correction Model (ECM). The study shows that Long run relationship exists among the variables. Also, the core finding of this study shows that inflation rate, exchange rate and external reserve are significant monetary policy instruments that drive growth in Pakistan. It is therefore recommended that the establishment of primary and secondary government bond markets that can also increase the efficiency of monetary policy and reduce the government’s need to rely on the central bank for direct financing. Keywords: Policy instruments, Economic Growth, GDP, Money supply, monetary policy INTRODUCTION The aim of this study is to examine the impact of monetary policy on economic growth. Economic growth is an important macroeconomic objective for any country. Monetary policy has direct relation with economic growth. Folawewo and Osinubi (2006) stated monetary policy as the arrangements which are planned to control supply of money in a country. In many countries the basic aims of the monetary policy are to stabilize prices...
Words: 3750 - Pages: 15
...Asian Development Outlook 2015 Highlights The full report is available on the ADB website at http://www.adb.org/ado2015 About the Asian Development Bank ADB’s vision is an Asia and Pacific region free of poverty. Its mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. Despite the region’s many successes, it remains home to approximately two-thirds of the world’s poor: 1.6 billion people who live on less than $2 a day, with 733 million struggling on less than $1.25 a day. ADB is committed to reducing poverty through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. Based in Manila, ADB is owned by 67 members, including 48 from the region. Its main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance. ASIAN DEVELOPMENT OUTLOOK 2015 FINANCING ASIA’S FUTURE GROWTH HIGHLIGHTS ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines www.adb.org ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK ASIAN DEVELOPMENT OUTLOOK 2015 Financing asia’s future GROWTH HIGHLIGHTS EVELOPMENT BANK ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO) © 2015 Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines Tel +63 2 632 4444; Fax +63 2 636 2444 www.adb.org; openaccess.adb.org OARsupport@adb...
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