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Influence on Reference Groups


Submitted By quewill21
Words 717
Pages 3
When you think about reference groups, there are a number of perspectives that one has to consider. According to Hawkins (2010), a reference group is a group whose presumed perspectives or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his or her current behavior. Thus, a reference group is simply a group that an individual uses as a guide for behavior in a specific situation (p.227). Groups may be classified according to a number of variables. Four criteria are particularly useful: membership, strength of social tie, type of contact, and attraction. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. A sisterhood of more than 200,000 predominately Black college educated women, the Sorority currently has over 900 chapters located in the United States, England, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas and the Republic of Korea.
The Sorority was founded in 1913 by 22 students at Howard University. These young women wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence; to provide scholarships; to provide support to the underserved; educate and stimulate participation in the establishment of positive public policy; and to highlight issues and provide solutions for problems in their communities (Delta Sigma Theta, 2010). Delta Sigma Theta’s website is about heritage. This site speaks volumes about how these women wanted to be a part of an organization that consists of excellence. These women have a lifetime membership within the sorority. The influence that this organization has, as well as the site, is remarkable. The information on this site will allow younger women that have the desire to go to college and be a part of an organization that helps one excel, not only in school, but also in the workforce as well. This site has all the criteria of a basic reference group. The social ties that this organization has within the world are by far the best for young women that are willing to be a part of change. People that have “made it” when it comes to financial stability may feel that they are affluent in the society. There are people that have made millions and they do stand alone when it comes to affording “the better things” in life. Bentley’s website is attractive because the vehicle shows class. The influence that this vehicle has on a person’s financial status is undoubtedly the car of all cars.
A Bentley is unmistakable – all it takes is a glance at the twin headlights, matrix grille or the high waistline to know one. The paradox of the car is that although it is instantly recognizable, it takes time and effort to hand-build each one. That’s the assured Bentley hallmark. A hand-built car using the finest quality natural materials takes time. Yet, while others may do things ‘meticulously’ or ‘painstakingly’, Bentley has always been about passion. In fact, our entire reputation rests on the experienced skills and passion of our people, handed down through generations. Many of our people say that they work on each Bentley as if it were going to be their car. They want to get it right. It’s no wonder that every machinist who creates a set of upholstery signs the back of it with his or her initials (Bentley, 2010).Once again Bentley’s website is about class and luxury. This site tells a story about smoothness when it comes to highway. There is nothing like being comfortable while traveling on highway or down the street to the mailbox. People that are attractive to the glitz and glamour will definitely enjoy riding either in the backseat of a spacious vehicle or driving behind the wheel. The six-time success at Le Mans has made Bentley more than a car - it has come to stand for a way of doing things: with spirit, flair, courage, instinctive intelligence and teamwork. Endurance racing has always been a way for us to test, strengthen and improve the cars.

Bentley. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from

Delta Sigma Theta. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from

Hawkins,D., Mothersbaugh,D. (2010). Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy. New York, NY: McGraw- Hill

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