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Information on Citing


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How to create Reference Lists in APA Style
Different disciplines of learning require different styles of bibliographic citations. Nursing, education, psychology, and others often use the American Psychological Association (APA) style. For more examples, see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed (REF 808.02 P), available at the UCC Library.

Reference to an Entire Book:
TIPS: • Find the example below, that best fits your item. If you don't find what you are looking for, see pages 180-216 of the APA manual. • Always use a “hanging indent”-- indent (tab) every line except the first. • Do not write out the authors' first or middle name, just initials. Also do not include credentials, for example, M. D. or Ph. D. • If the author has a suffix (like Jr. or III), after the author's initials, put a comma followed by the suffix. • If you can't find a copyright date, write the date like this: (n.d.). • Type the book title in italics. If you are handwriting your citations, underline the title since you can not write in italics. • Notice that only the first word in the title and the first word in the subtitle are capitalized. Also, remember to capitalize proper nouns. • If there is more than one city of publication, use the first city listed that is in the U.S. • For major cities, you can just write the name of the city. For smaller, less known cities, include the two letter abbreviation for the state. • You may leave off unimportant parts of the publishing company's name. For example, co., inc., press. • In a reference to a work with no author move the title to the author position before the date of publication. Author. (Year). Title: Sub-title (Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher. One Author: Sharkey, C. M. (2000). Counting fruit flies: Experiments in genetics. West Layfayette, IN: Purdue University Press. Two to Six Authors: Strunk, W., Jr., & White, E. B. (1979). The elements of style. (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan. More than Six Authors: After the sixth author’s name, write “et al.” and then continue with the rest of the citation.
June 2012

Author and Publisher are the Same: American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. No Author or Editor: Go ask Alice. (1998). New York: Aladdin Paperbacks. Edited Book: Genisio, B., & Olle, E. (Eds.). (1999). Pathological behavior. Lansing, MI: University of Michigan Press. English Translation of a Book: Laplace, P. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities (F. W. Truscott, Trans.). New York: Dover. (Original work published in 1814) Brochure, Corporate Author: Research and Training Center on Independent Living. (1993). Guidelines for reporting and writing about people with disabilities (4th ed.) [Brochure]. Lawrence, KS: Author. Electronic Version of a Book Chesterton, G.K. (2006) The man who knew too much. Retrieved from (Original work published 1922) Ebook from a Library Database Perrie, J. (2010). France, a pictorial journey through wine. New York: Harpers. Retrieved from EBSCOHost Academic eBooks Collection database.

Reference to Part of a Book:
Article, Chapter or Story in an Anthology, Volume or Collection: Massaro, D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. In H. L. Pick Jr., P. Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Entry in an Encyclopedia: Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopaedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Entry in an online reference work Chocolate (2009) In D.A. Bender (Ed.), A dictionary of food and nutrition. Retrieved from
June 2012

Reference to a Video or Movie
TIPS: • When a motion picture is of limited circulation, provide the name of the distributor and complete address at the end of the citation. (See 7.07, p.209 of the APA manual.) • For a major motion picture, list country of origin (where it was made and released). • For all other audiovisual media, see pages 209-210 of the APA manual. • You may have to watch the credits of the video to find some of the information needed. Trouble in Mind Productions (Producer). (1999). Schizophrenia [Motion Picture]. (Available from Unapix Home Entertainment, 2601 Fourth ave., Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98121) Scorsese, M. (Producer), & Lonergan, K. (Writer/Director). (2000). You can count on me [Motion Picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures. YouTube Video (& other Internet video) Wesch, M. (2007, January 31). Web 2.0 …the machine is us/ing us [video file]. Retrieved from

Reference to a Personal Communication:
Personal communication includes: e-mail, letters, memos, personal interviews. All forms of personal communication are not cited in the reference list, but they are cited in the text of your paper. See page 179 of the APA manual for more information.

Reference to a Magazine, Newspaper or Journal Article:
TIPS: • To cite an article with multiple authors or a suffix in the name, check the book examples. • If you have no author, start with the article title and then put the date and the journal title. • If you know that your article is in a journal and not a magazine or newspaper, just put the year of publication. When in doubt, put the whole date. Do not abbreviate month names. • Notice that only the first word in the article title and the first word in the subtitle are capitalized. Type the journal title and volume number in italics Do not write "volume" "issue" "pages" or any abbreviations, just the numbers. • Enter “Retrieved from…” and the database’s name or website address. (If you choose, you may use the DOI instead; see p. 192 of the APA manual) Author. (year, month day). Article title: Sub-title. Journal or Magazine Title, volume(issue), page numbers. Retrieved from Name of database database. Herman, S. T., Simon, L. V., III, & Smith, J. T. (1998, February 10). Food allergies: How to prevent your child from developing them. American Baby, 5(2), 5-10. Retrieved from EBSCOHost Academic Search Premier database.
June 2012

Jasuja, O., & Singh, G. (2009). Development of latent fingermarks on thermal paper: Preliminary investigation into use of iodine fuming. Forensic Science International, 192(1-3), e11-e16. Retrieved from Gale-Cengage Criminal Justice Collection database. Schulewitz, T. L. (2001, July 15). Wildfires continue to burn across the state. Oregonian, p. 2A. Retrieved from LexisNexis Academic database. Shepard, L. (2009). ANTI-TREK. Fantasy & Science Fiction, 117(3/4), 253-258. Retrieved from EBSCOHost Academic Search Premier database.

Reference to a Web Site:
TIPS: • You may have a hard time finding a lot of the bibliographic information for a Web site. Include as much information as possible. • If you are on the Web site of a corporation or an association (like American Psychological Association), and there is no specific author for an article on their page, then assume that the corporation or association is the author. For government documents, this may well be the sponsoring agency. • Often, you will not find a date on Web pages. Look for it at either the top or bottom of the page. If there are multiple dates, use the most recent. • Only include page numbers if they appear on the Web site. Do not use the page numbers that show up on printed copies of the Web page. • Include the date you retrieved the Web page and include the entire URL (address) if reasonable. If the URL is extremely complex, list the domain-level address ( • Remember: the URL is the most critical element in citing documents from the Internet. Author. (Year, Month day). Article title. Title of Web Page or Journal Title, volume(issue), page numbers if given. Retrieved from URL Bleak, S. (1999, January 21). Psychologists build a culture of citations. APA Monthly, 5(2), 1-2. Retrieved from Decoding DNA. (n.d.). Retrieved from Reference to a U.S. Government Report on an agency website: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, National Organic Program. (2006, March). The National Organic Program impact of Harvey v. Johanns and restoring the NOP to pre-lawsuit status: A report to Congress. Retrieved from
June 2012

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...abstracted, or quoted from. It prescribes methods for citing references within the text, providing a list of works cited at the end of the paper, and even formatting headings and margins. Different academic disciplines use different documentation styles; your instructor may require you to use a particular style, or may allow you use. Furthermore, documentation styles allow you to give credit for secondary sources you have used in writing your paper. Citing sources not only gives credit where it's due, but also allows your reader to locate the sources you have consulted. In short, the reader of your paper must be able to use the information you provide, both in the text and in appended list(s), to duplicate the research you have done. The APA style manual is used in the behavioral and social sciences. It is a clean, clear, simple style of presentation with its own set of rules of punctuation, headings, chart structure, and citation of sources that is used world-wide. The APA approach covers all aspects of writing. It guides the structural and stylistic components of all papers. The scientific paper attempts to show something that has already been verified true, so it calls for the past or present perfect tense when you cite the work of others. Plagiarism is using somebody else ideas or words without properly acknowledging the original source. Plagiarism includes the use of ideas and/or quotes from other writers without citing the source, turning in an assignment for a class (unchanged)...

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