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Information Security Breach: Article Analysis

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Barry, J. S. (2015). The New Normal. CPA Journal, 85(3), 5. This informative journal’s purpose is to highlight the need for additional liability insurance for CPAs in public practice. Fast evolving technology poses a higher increase for data breaches. This technology along with people’s unrealistic expectations for what CPAs should be held accountable, is Barry’s reasoning for the additional insurance. To aide CPAs is preventative measures, Barry points out a new program that would decrease a CPAs insurance cost. In order to obtain this decrease they would need to take 20 hours of Risk Management courses. This short article would be beneficial for any CPA. This would be an eye opener for anyone not realizing the liability a poor computer system could cause. Considering the information, this new program should be mandatory opposed to optional. This source may bring to light the Risk Management CPE courses that are available for my boss. Most of his CPE courses are taken last minute and scheduled by our office manager, who may be unaware of these courses.
Brown, T. (2015). A Primer on Data Security. CPA Journal, 85(5), 58. Data breaches are becoming a common occurrence. This article brings light to the different types of security breaches, common hacks and why …show more content…
Taking simple steps to help protect the privacy of clients is of utmost importance. What type of information does your firm handle and how should it be classified? Knowing what needs to be secured will help when implementing a security plan. Additionally, employees should be trained to understand preventative measures for securing data that is being transferred via smart phones and flash drives. As technology changes, regulations and data privacy laws are changing fast. Cohen states that CPA firms need to keep up to date with these changes to assist in preventing a potentially damaging data

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