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Information Systems Problem Solving


Submitted By Jovapro88
Words 719
Pages 3
Chapter 10. Information and Decision Support System

The first stage in the problem solving process is the intelligence. During this stage you identify and define potential problems or opportunities. You also investigate resource and environmental constraints. Well the problem that I identified and that is associated with my university is student’s being late to class. I believe this is not only a problem in my University rather in the entire world and probably has been historically an issue. What it does is distract other student’s the professor and everybody involved in the studying process .Almost every day there are at least few student that decide to appear a little bit late or sometimes even walk in the middle of the class.
The next stage in problem-solving process is the design stage. Basically In the design stage you develop alternative solutions to the problem and evaluate their feasibility. I believe there are already solutions for this as for example the sign in sheet which I believe it’s not very effective. Usually student’s that are late or not present in the class ask their friends or someone else to sign them in, and just by being late the get still a chance to sign in , in the end of the class. The solution I believe would be very effective is installations of scanners for ID cards. So basically every student would need to swipe their card in the entrance of the class-room and a detailed record would be taken for every student for every class. All of this would be of course computer recorded so every professor could easily pull up records of any student any time. I believe this would reduce 99% of student being late. Another solution could be, which some of my professor are already using is locking the door after the class began. This way none of the students that are late can enter the classroom.
The last stage In decision making phase is the

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