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Information Use


Submitted By shelly87
Words 345
Pages 2
Information Use
Rochelle Hall
CIS 207
January 5, 2015
Professor Ezam Mohammed

When identifying and describing how information is used is that there are different types of information that can be used, or and the way information flows in an organization is it needs to collect certain amount of data to better help the organizations also to learn more about what is going in the organization. Information flows in different directions and have different meanings which is formally and informally, downward, upward, even horizontally through various levels. Information is also used through knowledge and data they can be derived. We all know if you don’t have any information in a workplace or organization it will collapse. Companies cannot operate without a proper and concise information flow which is accessible through company’s different departments. My current place of employment is Macys. Macy’s Inc. is one of the nation’s premier retailers, we have over 800 stores. The company operates the Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s brands. In Macy’s, information flows all over the company, from the employees payroll, records, and emails. As Macy’s is a nationwide company that have stores all over even in Puerto Rico, Guam and Columbia. To keep all the employees on the same page we have a system to control the flow of our information, I just know so much of the spectrum of the Information Technology aspect of the company.
We have a database it’s called insite connection website, only employees have access, and where all the employees information is organized and secure. Also this website lets employees check on their benefits, check and make changes to their medical, and dental care. The employees also can view their W2 and other information, their 401K information, and they can solve problems or discrepancies that they may find with their pay and benefits. All emails,

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