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Informative Essay On Black Life

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In 2013 black lives matter came to be due to actions police officers took. A few innocent regarding African American crimes and white police officers started these riots. Lives were lost by police officers getting carried away in their job but I honestly feel that the way things have been handled since then are horrific. Every day police officers and law informant put their lives on the line for every person in the United States. Lots of members in the Black lives matter campaign have taken things way too far and have hurt lots of innocent people. Now don’t get me wrong I believe that the actions of police officers who killed a person because they were trying to be all powerful should be punished but that’s for the law to handle! These members …show more content…
He was a police officer then became a chief, and contained to work his way up all the way to sergeant being a sergeant is the highest title you can achieve in the police rakings. My Pop Pop was a police officer in Philadelphia. Every day my grandfather went to work leaving his 8 children and wife at home not knowing if he would return home that night. He put his life on the line every day to protect the lives of so many people. I find it sickening that so many people are not ganging up on the police offers today due to a few misjudgments that they have taken. I believe that the police officers that have killed innocent men and women in a situation they were put in either to hairy situations and activities or too impulsive decisions should be held accountable for their actions. These actions do not define the rest of the police community! I feel that everyone in the Black lives matter campaign should take a step back realize all the good theses police officers have done for everyone in the USA. These members should stand up for the lives that have been taken in hairy situations but they should relax on the whole police work field as a whole because they are the ones who protect us each and every

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