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Informative Essay: The Truth About Pitbulls

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The Truth About Pit bulls

We’ve all heard about Pit bulls being ‘vicious’ but are they really? Between good temperament, performing community acts of animal kindness, and opinions of people working in or adopting from shelters, pit bulls are very kind dogs.
Pitbulls are just as or more well tempered than other dog breeds. One such temperament test, performed by the American Temperament Test Society, showed that pit bulls scored an overall 82% on the test which was better than 77% of all the breeds tested. In addition, a pit who is aggressive toward animals is extremely unlikely to attack humans next. Even if they do, it is likely from stress, pain, fear, being mentally or physically ill, or the human that was attacked was hurting someone else. …show more content…
Veteran Joe Bonfiglio, who has PTSD, says that ‘ Zen [his pitbull] is a fantastic dog, the best thing that’s happened to me since I’ve been home.’ There are organizations that specifically train pit bulls as service animals or to sniff out drugs, narcotics, weapons, and explosives. One of these organizations was actually a collaboration between the Animal Farm Foundation, Austin Pets Alive!, and Universal K-9. These groups sought to take pit bulls from shelters and place them with police agencies to see if they have the right qualifications to become a drug or explosive detection dog. Since the foundation started this project about two years ago, they have placed more than eleven pitbulls with police

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