...Cruz 1 Do Not Cease the Pump of a Heart An unborn baby is not an object; it is a person! Stop the aborting method to end a human being’s life. Abortion is the termination of a human’s pregnancy. Women whom do not want to give birth to an unwanted baby use this unethical practice of terminating unborn fetuses. But Pro-life advocates are opposed to legalized abortion mainly because they consider the procedure a form of killing. Abortion could be justified if it was conducted to save the mother’s life. However, according to the United States Abortion Statistics website, “74 percent of women say having a baby would interfere with work, school, or other responsibilities” (“Abortion Statistics”). Therefore, the baby should not be punished by getting its life taken away due to the mother’s irresponsible actions and lack of preparedness for motherhood. Abortion should be made illegal because it is akin to murder, it can lead to physical and psychological complications of the mother, and there is a better alternative to abortion, which is adoption. The baby is known as an embryo upon fertilization and becomes a fetus after the eighth week of the pregnancy. According to...
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...Throughout the United States, the use of abortion is an ongoing controversy and a prominent issue in modern day society. Questions are always raised, whether one is against abortions or is it supported. The abortion issue has become one of the most controversial problems of today and is a very sensitive subject in American politics. When talking about this issue, there are two sides that one can take. There is the Pro-life side, which believe that abortion is not a good thing and should be banned. Then there is the Pro-choice that believes it is a woman's choice if she wants to carry the baby or end the pregnancy. There are many pros and cons to each of the argument. Pro-life and pro-choice supporters differ in many of their opinions, specifically, regarding when life begins and the affects abortions have on the mother and child. Abortion should be supported is because it is a harmless medical procedure. Medical abortions have less risk of serious problems and do not affect a woman's health...
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...Abortion can be quite the controversial topic, many countries with some people even getting killed for having them. Abortion is the act of ending a pregnancy before the fetus (unborn child) can live independently outside the mother. If an abortion happens spontaneously before 24 weeks of pregnancy, it is called a miscarriage. An induced (or "therapeutic") abortion is caused deliberately in order to end the pregnancy. The question is, where does Canada stand in accordance to the issue? Looking at legal issues, social constructs,medical aspects and personal reflection will help determine the answer to the popular question, “Which is better “pro-life” or “pro-choice”?” A glance at where Canada stands in a legal aspect can determine where Canada is as a nation on the question at hand. In the year 1969 the act of abortion...
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...Abortion is a highly debated topic. However, there are many aspects to this practice. Pro-Choice versus Pro-Life is one of the most debated topics, and the parental consent laws placed upon this practice sparks a controversy. Minors, under the age of eighteen, are required to notify a parent or legal guardian of their decision forty-eight hours prior. This is interesting because abortion is legal and a minor is not allowed to proceed without the consent of a parent or going through a judge. One side argues freedom of choice and that the approval of a parent should not be required. The other argues that a minor does not fully understand their choices and needs the guidance of their parents. Pro-life supporters feel abortion takes away the right of the unborn child, and therefore is considered murder. However, abortion is a...
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...Abortion Abortion is defined as the inducing of premature delivery in order to destroy offspring. It is a chosen miscarriage. The controversy of abortion in the United States is unique because there seems to be no grounds of compromise between two completely opposite sides. That is mostly because either a living human is or isn’t being killed. This is a case between life and liberty, but the complexities of abortion make it hard to settle the two sides. There is much debate whether this is an action of life or death, and the difference is rather large. Yet both sides to the abortion dispute share a common goal: that abortions should become safer, and the number of abortions should decrease. Within abortion, there are many different questions. Does the constitution defend an individual’s right to abortion? Does this include confidentiality? Is a developing fetus a being? Should the law allow abortions for rape or incest cases? The constitution does allow abortion. Constitutional protection of the woman's decision to terminate her pregnancy derives from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. It declares that no State shall 'deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. (Findlaw 2013) The Supreme Court Decision in 1973, Roe vs. Wade, legalized abortion in the first trimester (NAF 2010). Since then, over 35 Million women have had legal abortions. In America, 24% of pregnancies end in abortion, and 41% of that is on teenagers...
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...Public Policy: Abortion The public policy regarding abortion plays a large role in U.S. politics through influential interest groups who are either pro-life or pro-choice advocates. These opposing sides have compelling arguments regarding the abortion policy in the U.S. that have been largely debated since the legislation of Roe vs. Wade in 1973, where the U.S. government declared that abortion was a “fundamental right” of American women. (Procon.org) While majority of Americans agree that abortion should not be recriminalized, there is still controversy over policies regarding abortion. Pro-choice advocates discourage all policies restricting abortions or taxes making them less affordable, where as pro-life advocates encourage stricter policies on abortions. In the U.S., The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) are opposing advocacy groups that have greatly influenced this public policy and continue to inform and educate the general public on the abortion issue. Public policy regarding abortion is not just a national debate, other democratic countries face debate over abortion policies. For example, Canada has faced similar debate over abortion policies, but differs from the U.S. in significant ways. Pro- choice advocates in the U.S. believe that the government does not have to right to interfere with a women’s choice to get an abortion. They argue that women must have the right to abortion in order to posses the...
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...Article Rebuttal on Pro Choice BCOM 275 August 5, 2013 Michael Frank The controversial topic that this paper will discuss is the right to pro choice. Pro choice being the woman’s right to decide abortion as an alternative to pregnancy. After reading the article “Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: Annihilating the Abortion Argument” by Hank Hanegraaff, in which uses the acronym (A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N) to discuss the reasons why abortion should not be legal. I will provide a rebuttal to this article as to why I do not agree with these views and I will discuss how pro-choice is a necessary option for all women. In Hank Hanegraaff’s article he discusses his views on pro life. He goes on to state his reasons why pro –life is much more important than pro-choice. He states that pro-choice advocates attack people rather than issues facing abortion and pro-life advocates. To further prove his point of view he uses biblical references, as he understands, to state that abortion is nothing more than killing another human being, in which the Bible states “Thou shall not kill”. He uses that abortion is a violation of the sixth amendment, as if abortion is against the law. Hank also states that when abortion is the result of pregnancy from rape or incest, that one should not compound the situation by aborting the unwanted child. He states that “two wrongs, do not make it right” (Hanegraaff, 2009). He also states that a study said that .06 percent of pregnancies are from rape or incest (Hanegraaff,...
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...Abortion is a huge topic of debate in the United States and in the world. In the United States, the majority of the members of the Democratic Party are pro choice, meaning they are for abortion, while the majority of the members of the Republican Party are pro life, meaning they are against abortions. In the United States, abortions are legal, but everyday there are people working to stop them. Abortions are still illegal in many developing countries and women die from unsafe abortions every day. There are many valid arguments on both sides of the debate, such as the fetus being a human vs. women-having control over their own bodies. Scientific research has been conducted for both sides of the argument, and both sides will say that the research...
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...Abortion Should the government have a say in our personal lives? Isn’t America supposed to be a “free country”? Abortion has been an on- going debate since 1973, in the Roe vs. Wade case. This did in fact legalize abortion and is now in the United States Constitution. There are many reasons why abortion should stay legalized and why I am pro- choice abortion. Under certain circumstances, abortion may be the most appropriate or suitable action to take. The government and religious beliefs should not be included with a personal decision such as abortion. It is acceptable to have an abortion to sustain and stabilize a normal healthy lifestyle. First, anti-abortion people tend to judge mothers who went through with an abortion, but what they do not understand and realize is the type of situation the mother might have encountered to end up getting an abortion. For example, what if a women got raped by a stranger and ended up pregnant? First off, the woman was probably unprepared for a pregnancy let alone a rape attack! The baby’s life wouldn’t be the same without a father, especially not knowing who the father is, I agree that it is not the baby’s fault it got conceived in a terrible way, but the lifestyle the baby and the mother will live after the baby is born will be unhealthy and very unstable. Another example is if a young woman in her teen years has had an unplanned baby. The young woman has her education to think about and is not ready and cannot handle the responsibility...
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...Pro-Choice Abortion is a topic that has invaded the sanctity of our dinner table conversations, our English papers and even our court rooms. We are bombarded with those who are pro-life calling abortion doctors “baby-killers.” They complain about how abortion is unmoral, and how God wants us to choose life over death, but they seem to have no problem taking out their own frustrations on the doctor’s performing these procedures or their patients. The “pro-lifers” seem to think that abortion laws were just thrown together by uncaring “baby-killers” instead of Supreme Court justices. The fact is abortion used to be illegal. It wasn’t until the case of Roe Vs. Wade that the Supreme Court decided that a woman had the right to an abortion as long as certain guidelines were established and followed. The guidelines that were established following the Roe vs. Wade decisions are or still in effect today. The current Legislature says that the “state may not regulate abortion at all during the first trimester”( http://members.aol.com/abtrbng/conlaw.htm). That means that if a woman decides during the first three months of her pregnancy to abort the child she has the legal right to do so. The state’s interest during the first trimester is to the mother’s well-being. What is so special about the first 3 months? Well during the first three months the child is unable to survive outside of the mother’s womb, therefore dependent on the mother. During the second trimester...
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...Abortion: A Never Ending Controversy Approximately 205 million abortions occur each year worldwide. Over a third are unintended and about a fifth end in abortion. What is abortion? Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus prior to viability. In other words, it is when a mother decides she doesn’t want to go through with her pregnancy. Abortion in today’s society has become very political. You are either pro-choice, pro-life, and there doesn’t seem to be a happy medium. As we look at abortion and research its history, should it remain legal in the United States, or should it be outlawed, we must consider both points of views. November 14, 1979, with the temperature outside at fifteen degrees, a two pound baby girl was found in a field wrapped up in a wet, dirty, old shirt. The umbilical cord was still attached, and the baby had been aborted twelve weeks prematurely. With little chance of survival, the baby was taken to a medical center. The little girl survived surgery and other efforts to save her. The baby was later adopted by Susan Morrison, one of the nurses who attended to her. The baby was named Christelle, and now she and her mother talk to thousands of people about abortion and the pro-life movement. There are 1,600,000 other abortion stories every year in the United States. “Abortion is the termination of pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by death of the embryo or fetus. Because...
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...Running Head: ABORTION Abortion Victoria Jones Political Science 332 DeVry University Professor Izquierdo August 3, 2011 Before choosing abortion as my subject, I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to talk about for this assignment. Politics isn’t one of my favorite subjects because I am disinterested as soon as I research any political issue; on the other hand because of personal experiences, abortion is what struck out to me the most. At 17 I had an abortion and not only me, but three of my other friends as well. All throughout my senior year in high school, there were more classmates either having babies or abortions. It became an epidemic in my neighborhood. For my final essay in my Advanced Composition class, I analyzed abortion’s pros and cons, comparing the pro-life and pro-choice aspects, and the circumstances using inductive and deductive reasoning. I dissected the basics of the research but I didn’t realize the bigger picture I was a part of. In 2006, 126 black teens out of 1000 were pregnant and 44 out of 1000 had abortions. The main reasons why most teens have abortions are concerns about how the baby would change their lives, not being able to afford a baby, and feeling insufficiently mature to raise a child (Guttmacher Institute, 2010). Indeed, that was how I felt. I didn’t want the embarrassment of walking down the hallways of school being the talk of the year, chained to the welfare office, trained from both sides of my divorced parents,...
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...The topic of abortion is one of the most controversial of our times. According to David M. O'Brien, "abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth" (Abortion). "Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the United States each year," writes Bruce A. Robinson (Religious Tolerance). Over 40% of all woman will at some point in their lives choose to end a pregnancy (Suzanne R. Trupin). With abortion comes different sides to take, which include, being pro-choice or pro-life. If someone believes that they are responsible for the decisions of their on reproductive systems, they are said to be pro-choice (Pro Life vs. Pro-choice Facts and Arguments). On the contrary, if someone believes that under any circumstance that all human life should be preserved, then they are said to be 'pro-life' (Pro Life vs. Pro Choice Facts and Arguments). Everyone has their own personal beliefs on abortion, meaning they're are pros and cons for either side. According to ProCon.org, "a baby should not come into this world unwanted" (ProCon.org). Inviting a child into this world ,who wasn't planned on, could make the life of the mother and the child very difficult (HealthGuidance). Some mothers may feel like that having an abortion is their only choice. HealthGuidance tells us that, "there are times when abortion may appear as the only option for the betterment" (HealthGuidance). Occasionally a baby will be diagnosed with a serious disease, abortions allow parents...
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...Rollins ENG 112-01 September 2, 2015 Is Abortion Wrong or Right? Abortion is defined as “The removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end the pregnancy” (dictionary.com). However, if only the debate over the abortion issue was as easy as the definition listed above. However, similar to most things in life, a statement or opinion is never right nor wrong, but simply left open for clarification. Those who are against abortion believe that abortion is the murder of innocent human beings who aren’t given a chance at life and the ability to function as a normal individual. However, those who are for abortion believe that it is a women’s right to choose what she does to not only her baby but also to her body and if she decides she is not capable of bringing a child into this world, then she should not be forced to. Everybody has their own opinion so therefore, abortion should not be right nor should it be wrong. As expected, there are millions of people who are against abortion. These people are considered pro-life, otherwise known as people who feel that, for no reason at all, should any woman feel the need to abort her child while being pregnant. There are many reasons as to why those who are pro-life do not support abortion. The main reason is that, in her decision to have an abortion, the mother is deciding to kill or murder an innocent human being who hasn’t been given a chance at life. Some may also feel that abortion is a very harmful procedure which not...
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...Mr. Joshua Mills My Choice, “Pro Choice” Our Bodies, Ourselves for the New Century gives a brief description and history over abortion. Abortion is one of the most sensitive issues occurring all through the early history of the world. Abortion did not only effect the poor, it was also seen throughout all society and cultures. The procedures were all different in how they were performed, depending on the level of care available to the practices. Different societies shunned this practice and women began seeking any means possible. People all around the world had strong opinions on this subject, which have been constantly changing. In 1982, ten to 18 percent of the world’s population resided where the procedure of abortion was illegal. If abortion was legal for restrictive use only, it should be used when the mother’s life is in danger. Surveys done by the United States National Library of Medicine during 1965 showed great change in the attitude toward abortion. The public was accepting the pregnancy termination. Roe vs. Wade was one of the most important points in the history of abortion. This Supreme Court Case decision made in 1973 legalized abortion. Recent polls show little change in public opinion since 1972-1973. Over eighty to ninety percent of Americans are for abortions for mothers in poor health, rape, defective fetus and forty to fifty percent approve for other reasons. Ten percent of Americans want abortion to be illegal for any reason. These...
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