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George Washington's Fatherhood

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George Washington was in the army. He was married to Martha Washington. George Washington had no biological children of his own. George Washington was a raw and ambitious 21-year old when he was first sent to the Ohio Valley to confront the growing French presence in the region. His actions sparked the French & Indian War.Control of the expansive Ohio Valley region, especially near the joining of the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers, was of great interest to both the British and their French rivals. Rivers like the Ohio, which connected to the Mississippi, were essential transit corridors for goods produced in this fertile region.George Washington – first American president, commander of the Continental Army, president of the Constitutional …show more content…
What was the mascot of his alma mater? Did they have a marching band? Of course these are trick questions, but probably many will be surprised to know that High School is actually a modern invention. . . .not hitting the American scene in education until the late 1800's. The Father of our country, George Washington never had formal classroom learning beyond an elementary education. He was primarily taught at home by private tutors. Later he explored the vast wilderness of Virginia as a surveyor and spent some time as a leader of the Virginia militia. But George Washington never went to college. He had no degrees. No B.A., no M.A., no Ph.D. He taught himself. In time he had a personal library of almost 1000 books, which he read voraciously throughout his very active life. He could hold his own, in any discussion, with the most brilliant minds of his day. Ten American Presidents never went to college. Some of them you are probably quite familiar with--- like Andrew Jackson, or Grover Cleveland or Harry Truman. In fact, Truman was the last American President to have never gone to college. We may disagree with some of their policies, but can any of us seriously debate that they were unqualified men? Common sense, learned in the dust and sweat of hard work in real life is what truly educates, and these men knew it.George Washington did not attend school; he was home-schooled. He also studied with the local church. When Washington was older, he had a schoolmaster who gave him lessons in math, English, Latin and

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