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Infotech 3i


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3i-Infotech Technical Paper – 9
1. A 2MB PCM(pulse code modulation) has a) 32 channels b) 30 voice channels & 1 signalling channel. c) 31 voice channels & 1 signalling channel. d) 32 channels out of which 30 voice channels, 1 signalling channel, & 1 Synchronizatio channel. Ans: (c) 2. Time taken for 1 satellite hop in voice communication is a) 1/2 second b) 1 seconds c) 4 seconds d) 2 seconds Ans: (a) 3. A dishonest shopkeeper professes to sell pulses at the cost price, but he uses a false weight of 950gm. for a kg. His gain is ...%. 4. Max number of satellite hops allowed in voice communication is : a) only one b) more than one c) two hops d) four hops Ans: (c) 5. Conditional results after execution of an instruction in a micro processor is stored ina) register b) accumulator c) flag register d) flag register part of PSW(Program Status Word) Ans: (d) 6. Frequency at which VOICE is sampled is a) 4 Khz b) 8 Khz c) 16 Khz d) 64 Khz Ans: (a) 7. Line of Sight is a) Straight Line b) Parabolic c) Tx & Rx should be visible to each other d) none Ans: (c) 8. Purpose of PC(Program Counter) in a MicroProcessor is a) To store address of TOS(Top Of Stack) b) To store address of next instruction to be executed. c) count the number of instructions. d) to store base address of the stack. Ans: (b) 9. What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted by a non-maskable interrupt? a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the current instruction. b) Processor serves the interupt request after completing the current task. c) Processor serves the interupt request immediately. – Placement Papers, Interview Questions and Tutorials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------d) Processor serving the interrupt request depends upon the priority of the current task under execution. Ans: (a) 10. The status of the Kernel is a) task b) process c) not defined. d) none of the above. Ans: (b) 11. To send a data packet using datagram , connection will be established a) before data transmission. b) connection is not established before data transmission. c) no connection is required. d) none of the above. Ans: (c) 12. Word allignment is a) alligning the address to the next word boundary of the machine. b) alligning to even boundary. c) alligning to word boundary. d) none of the above. Ans: (a) 13. When a 'C' function call is made, the order in which parameters passed to the function are pushed into the stack is a) left to right b) right to left c) bigger variables are moved first than the smaller variales. d) smaller variables are moved first than the bigger ones. e) none of the above. Ans: (b) 14. What is the type of signalling used between two exchanges? a) inband b) common channel signaling c) any of the above d) none of the above. Ans: (a) 15. Buffering is a) the process of temporarily storing the data to allow for small variation in device speeds b) a method to reduce cross talks c) storage of data within transmitting medium until the receiver is ready to receive. d) a method to reduce routing overhead. Ans: (a) 16. Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is a) allocated in RAM. b) allocated in ROM. c) allocated on stack. d) assigned to registers. Ans: (c) – Placement Papers, Interview Questions and Tutorials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16. Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is a) allocated in RAM. b) allocated in ROM. c) allocated on stack. d) assigned to registers. Ans: (c) 17. A software that allows a personal computer to pretend as a computer terminal is a) terminal adapter b) bulletin board c) modem d) terminal emulation Ans: (d) 18. Find the output of the following program int *p,*q; p=(int *)1000; q=(int *)2000; printf("%d",(q-p)); Ans: 500 19. Which addressing mode is used in the following statements: (a) MVI B,55 (b) MOV B,A (c) MOV M,A Ans. (a) Immediate addressing mode. (b) Register Addressing Mode (c) Direct addressing mode 20. RS-232C standard is used in _____________. Ans. Serial I/O 21. Memory. Management in Operating Systems is done by a) Memory Management Unit b) Memory management software of the Operating System c) Kernel Ans: (b) 22. What is done for a Push opertion?Ans: SP is decremented and then the value is stored. 23. Binary equivalent of 52 Ans. 110100 24. Hexadecimal equivalent of 3452 Ans. 72A 25. Explain Just In Time Concept ? Ans. Elimination of waste by purchasing manufacturing exactly when needed 26. A good way of unit testing s/w program is Ans. User test 27. OOT uses Ans. Encapsulated of detect methods – Placement Papers, Interview Questions and Tutorials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28. EDI useful in Ans. Electronic Transmission 29. MRPII different from MRP Ans. Modular version of man redundant initials 30. Hard disk time for R/W head to move to correct sector Ans. Latency Time 31. The percentage of times a page number bound in associate register is called Ans. Bit ratio 32. Expand MODEM Ans. Modulator and Demodulator 33. RDBMS file system can be defined as Ans. Interrelated 34. Super Key is Ans. Primary key and Attribute 35. Windows 95 supports (a) Multiuser (b) n tasks (c) Both (d) None Ans. (a) 36. In the command scanf, h is used for Ans. Short int 37. A process is defined as Ans. Program in execution 38. A thread is Ans. Detachable unit of executable code) 39. A thread is Ans. Detachable unit of executable code) 40. How is memory management done in Win95 Ans. Through paging and segmentation 41. What is meant by polymorphism Ans. Redfinition of a base class method in a derived class 42. What is the essential feature of inheritance Ans. All properties of existing class are derived 43. What does the protocol FTP do Ans. Transfer a file b/w stations with user authentification 44. In the transport layer ,TCP is what type of protocol Ans. Connection oriented – Placement Papers, Interview Questions and Tutorials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45. Why is a gateway used Ans. To connect incompatible networks 46. How is linked list implemented Ans. By referential structures 47. What method is used in Win95 in multitasking Ans. Non preemptive check 48. What is a semaphore Ans. A method synchronization of multiple processes 49. What is the precedence order from high to low ,of the symbols ( ) ++ / Ans.( ) , ++, / 50. Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G Ans.*+ABC/-DG 51. What is the efficiency of merge sort Ans. O(n log n) 52. In which layer are routers used Ans.In network layer 53. Which of the following sorting algorithem has average sorting behavior --Bubble sort, merge sort, heap sort, exchange sort Ans. Heap sort

54. In binary search tree which traversal is used for getting ascending order values--Inorder ,post order,preorder Ans.Inorder 55. What are device drivers used for 56. What are device drivers used for Ans.To provide software for enabling the hardware Ans.To provide software for enabling the hardware

57. What is make command in unix Ans. Used forcreation of more than one file 58. In unix .profile contains Ans. Start up program 59. In unix 'ls 'stores contents in Ans.inode block 60. Which of the following involves context switch, (a) system call (b) priviliged instruction (c) floating poitnt exception (d) all the above (e) none of the above Ans: (a) 61. In OST, terminal emulation is done in – Placement Papers, Interview Questions and Tutorials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(a) sessions layer (b) application layer (c) presentation layer (d) transport layer Ans: (b) 62. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required, (a)11 (b)16 (c)22 (d) 24 Ans. (b) 63. Semaphore is used for (a) synchronization (b) dead-lock avoidance (c) box (d) none Ans. (a) 64. Which holds true for the following statement class c: public A, public B a) 2 member in class A, B should not have same name b) 2 member in class A, C should not have same name c) both d) none Ans. (a) 65. Preproconia.. does not do which one of the following (a) macro (b) conditional compliclation (c) in type checking (d) including load file Ans. (c) 66. Piggy backing is a technique for a) Flow control b) Sequence c) Acknowledgement d) retransmition Ans. (c) 67. Which is not a memory management scheme? a) buddy system b) swapping c) monitors d) paging Ans : c 68. There was a circuit given using three nand gates with two inputs and one output. Find the output. a) OR b) AND c) XOR d) NOT Ans. (a) 69. Iintegrated check value(ICV) are used as: Ans. The client computes the ICV and then compares it with the senders value. 70. When applets are downloaded from web sites , a byte verifier performs _________? Ans. Status check 71. An IP/IPX packet received by a computer using... having IP/IPX both how the packet Is handled. Ans. Read the, field in the packet header with to send IP or IPX protocol. 72. The UNIX shell .... a) does not come with the rest of the system – Placement Papers, Interview Questions and Tutorials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b) forms the interface between the user and the kernal c) does not give any scope for programming d) deos not allow calling one program from with in another e) all of the above Ans. (b) 73. In UNIX a files i-node ......? Ans. Is a data structure that defines all specifications of a file like the file size, number of lines to a file, permissions etc. 74. The very first process created by the kernal that runs till the kernal process is halts is a) init b) getty c) both (a) and (b) d) none of these Ans. (a) 75. In the process table entry for the kernel process, the process id value is (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 255 (e) it does not have a process table entry Ans. (a) 76. Which of the following API is used to hide a window a) ShowWindow b) EnableWindow c) MoveWindowd) SetWindowPlacement e) None of the above Ans. (a) 77. Which function is the entry point for a DLL in MS Windows 3.1 a) Main b) Winmain c) Dllmain d) Libmain e) None Ans. (b) 78. The standard source for standard input, standard output and standard error is a) the terminal b) /dev/null c) /usr/you/input, /usr/you/output/, /usr/you/error respectively d) None Ans. (a) 79. The redirection operators > and >> a) do the same function b) differ : > overwrites, while >> appends c) differ : > is used for input while >> is used for output d) differ : > write to any file while >> write only to standard output e) None of these Ans. (b) 80. The command grep first second third /usr/you/myfile a) prints lines containing the words first, second or third from the file /usr/you/myfile b) searches for lines containing the pattern first in the files second, third, and /usr/you/myfile and prints them c) searches the files /usr/you/myfiel and third for lines containing the words first or second and prints them d) replaces the word first with the word second in the files third and /usr/you/myfile – Placement Papers, Interview Questions and Tutorials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------e) None of the above Ans. (b) 81. You are creating a Index on EMPNO column in the EMPLOYEE table. Which statement will you use? a) CREATE INdEX emp_empno_idx ON employee, empno; b) CREATE INdEX emp_empno_idx FOR employee, empno; c) CREATE INdEX emp_empno_idx ON employee(empno); d) CREATE emp_empno_idx INdEX ON employee(empno); Ans. c 82. Which program construct must return a value? a) Package b) Function c) Anonymous block d) Stored Procedure e) Application Procedure Ans. b 83. Which Statement would you use to remove the EMPLOYEE_Id_PK PRIMARY KEY constraint and all depending constraints fromthe EMPLOYEE table? a) ALTER TABLE employee dROP PRIMARY KEY CASCAdE; b) ALTER TABLE employee dELETE PRIMARY KEY CASCAdE; c) MOdIFY TABLE employee dROP CONSTRAINT employee_id_pk CASCAdE; d) ALTER TABLE employee dROP PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pk CASCAdE; e) MOdIFY TABLE employee dELETE PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pk CASCAdE; Ans. a 84. Which three commands cause a transaction to end? (Chosse three) a) ALTER b) GRANT c) DELETE d) INSERT e) UPdATE f) ROLLBACK Ans. a ,b ,f 85. Under which circumstance should you create an index on a table? a) The table is small. b) The table is updated frequently. c) A columns values are static and contain a narrow range of values d) Two columns are consistently used in the WHERE clause join condition of SELECT statements. Ans.d 86. What was the first name given to Java Programming Language. a) Oak - Java b) Small Talk c) Oak d) None Ans.a 87. A certain radioactive element A, has a half life = t seconds. In (t/2) seconds the fraction of the initial quantity of the element so – Placement Papers, Interview Questions and Tutorials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------far decayed is nearly (a) 29% (b) 15% (c) 10% (d) 45% Ans. (a) 88. Which of the following plots would be a straight line ? (a) Logarithm of decay rate against logarithm of time (b) Logarithm of decay rate against logarithm of number of decaying nuclei (c) Decay rate against time (d) Number of decaying nuclei against time Ans. (b) 89. A radioactive element x has an atomic number of 100. It decays directly into an element y which decays directly into element z. In both processes a charged particle is emitted. Which of the following statements would be true? (a) y has an atomic number of 102 (b) y has an atomic number of 101 (c) z has an atomic number of 100 (d) z has an atomic number of 101 Ans. (b) 90. If the sum of the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c=0 is equal to the sum of the squares of their reciprocals then a/c, b/a, c/b are in (a) AP (b) GP (c) HP (d) None of these Ans. (c) 91. A man speaks the truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and reports it to be a 6. What is the probability of it being a 6? (a) 3/8 (b) 5/8 (c) � (d) None of the above Ans. (a) 92. If cos2A + cos2B + cos2C = 1 then ABC is a (a) Right angle triangle (b) Equilateral triangle (c) All the angles are acute (d) None of these Ans. (a) 93. Image of point (3,8) in the line x + 3y = 7 is (a) (-1,-4) (b) (-1,4) (c) (2,-4) (d) (-2,-4) Ans. (a) 94. The mass number of a nucleus is (a) Always less than its atomic number (b) Always more than its atomic number (c) Sometimes more than and sometimes equal to its atomic number (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 95. The maximum KE of the photoelectron emitted from a surface is dependent on (a) The intensity of incident radiation (b) The potential of the collector electrode (c) The frequency of incident radiation – Placement Papers, Interview Questions and Tutorials
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(d) The angle of incidence of radiation of the surface Ans. (c 96. Which of the following is not an essential condition for interference (a) The two interfering waves must be propagated in almost the same direction or the two interfering waves must intersect at a very small angle (b) The waves must have the same time period and wavelength (c) Amplitude of the two waves should be the same (d) The interfering beams of light must originate from the same source Ans. (c) 97. When X-Ray photons collide with electrons (a) They slow down (b) Their mass increases (c) Their wave length increases (d) Their energy decreases Ans. (c) 98. An electron emits energy (a) Because its in orbit (b) When it jumps from one energy level to another (c) Electrons are attracted towards the nucleus (d) The electrostatic force is insufficient to hold the electrons in orbits Ans. (b) 99. An electron emits energy (a) Because its in orbit (b) When it jumps from one energy level to another (c) Electrons are attracted towards the nucleus (d) The electrostatic force is insufficient to hold the electrons in orbits Ans. (b) 100. How many bonds are present in CO2 molecule? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 4 Ans. (d)

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...Business Quiz DHL Baseline/Tagline/AdLineof Company/Brands WE make importing Smooth Doordarshan Satyam Sivam Sundaram Electrolux India Makes life a little easier Energizer Keep going ESSAR Steel 24 carat steel Fed-Ex The World On Time Ford Mondeo Redefined Aggression Ford Motors Built for the road ahead Godrej locks PEACE OF MIND.GUARANTEED Graviera Suitings THE MAN OF SUBSTANCE Gucci Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten Haier Inspired living Harley-Davidson If you don't have to answer to anyone, what would you do Harrod's retailer, ENTER A DIFFERENT London WORLD Hero Honda CBZ Motorcycling Unplugged Hero Honda Born in a studio, not in a Passion factory Hindustan Times Let there be light Hitachi Inspire the Next Honda The power of dreams Honda DIO FROM INDIA TO THE WORLD.AND TO YOU HSBC World's local bank Hughes Software Think skywards HYUNDAI Play a bigger game ELANTRA Hyundai's new ad Drive your way FILL IN YOUR AMBITION Johnnie Walker Keep Walking whiskey Kingfisher airlines Fly the good times Kodak You press the button and we do the rest Lacoste Because what you are LG EXPAND YOUR LIFE LG AC BREATHE HEALTHY Lufthansa There is no better way to 1 Created By: S.Sriram MBA-HR, TAMILNADU Company Accenture Air Deccan Air India Air Sahara Airtel AKAI Allen Solly Allianz Insurance Apple Computers Bajaj Auto Bajaj Pulsar Bajaj spirit Blue Star BluestarAC Bournvita Brooke Bond BSNL BUSINESS STANDARD BUSINESSWORL Magazine of the...

Words: 24272 - Pages: 98

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Infosys Ar

...Annual Report 2014-15 Infosys Annual Report 2014-15 Narayana Murthy A tribute to our founders Nandan M. Nilekani S. Gopalakrishnan K. Dinesh The year 2014 was a milestone in our Company's history, when we bid farewell to three of our founders who held executive positions in the Company during the year – Narayana Murthy, S. Gopalakrishnan and S. D. Shibulal. Narayana Murthy stepped down as the Chairman of the Board on October 10, 2014. His vision, leadership and guidance have been an inspiration to Infosys, the Indian IT industry and an entire generation of technology entrepreneurs. He propelled the Company into accomplishing many firsts and in setting industry benchmarks on several fronts. He espoused the highest level of corporate governance standards that have defined Infosys over the years and made us a globally respected corporation. Between June 2013 and October 2014, he guided the Company through a period of stabilization and leadership transition. S. Gopalakrishnan stepped down as Vice Chairman of the Board on October 10, 2014. Kris, as he is popularly known, served the Company in several capacities over the last 33 years. As the Chief Executive Officer between 2007 and 2011, he steered the Company at a time when the world was faced with economic crises. Ranked as a global thought leader, Kris has led the technological evolution of the Company. S. D. Shibulal stepped down as the Company's Chief Executive Officer on July...

Words: 136409 - Pages: 546

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...Hundreds(of(real(personal(accounts(of Group'Discussions'&'Personal'Interviews during(MBA(admissions(to(India’s(best(B9schools Written'by Compiled'by Loads'of'MBA'Aspirants The'PaGaLGuY'MadCapz'Group Antholo gy Hundreds of real personal accounts of Group Discussions and Personal Interviews during MBA admissions to India’s best business schools. In this edition: The IIMs at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow, Indore & Kozhikode. Written by Loads of MBA aspirants Compiled by The PaGaLGuY MadCapz Team PaGaLGuY GD-PI Anthology Copyright © 2011, All text and content in this document is solely owned by Reproduction without permission in any form or means is illegal. Special copy prepared exclusively for mustafa rokerya Get your own Free personalized copy (with your name on it) of this book from What this book is about What is a real IIM interview like? What kind of questions do they ask and what judgments do applicants have to make while answering them? Since 2003, those with real Group Discussion and Personal Interview calls from India’s top bschools have been posting entire and detailed transcripts of their admission interviews immediately after they happen, so that others slotted for later interviews can learn what GDPI is going to be like this year. This book is a collection of dozens of handpicked GDPI experiences from the country’s top bschools during the admission...

Words: 178933 - Pages: 716

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Daimler-Chrysler Merger Portrayal

...Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions This page intentionally left blank Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions Edited by Madanmohan Rao AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Elsevier Butterworth–Heinemann 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803, USA Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK Copyright © 2005, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: (+44) 1865 843830, fax: (+44) 1865 853333, e-mail: You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage (, by selecting “Customer Support” and then “Obtaining Permissions.” Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, Elsevier prints its books on acid-free paper whenever possible. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rao, Madanmohan. KM tools and techniques : practitioners and experts evaluate KM solutions / Madanmohan Rao. p. cm. Includes...

Words: 182966 - Pages: 732

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Mr Mazu

...Rashesh Shah did it. Sanjeev Bikhchandani did it. Shantanu Prakash did it. 'Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish' is the story of 25 such IIM Ahmedabad graduates who chose the rough road of entrepreneurship. They are diverse in age, in outlook and the industries they made a mark in. But they have one thing in common: they believed in the power of their dreams. This book seeks to inspire young graduates to look beyond placements and salaries. To believe in their dreams. The Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) at IIM Ahmedabad aims at fostering innovation-driven entrepreneurship through incubation, research and dissemination of knowledge. Rs.125/- - Rashmi Bansal ISBN 978-81-904530-1-1 CONTENTS - THE BELIEVERS - THE OPPORTUNISTS - THE ALTERNATE VISION THE BELIEVERS People who knew entrepreneurship was the Chosen Path. They took the plunge straight after their MBA or after working barely a couple of years. And they persevered until they made it big! p02 THE BOOK OF JOB Sanjeev Bikhchandani (PGP 1989), Sanjeev is India's most successful internet entrepreneur. For close to a decade he struggled on the sidelines but never gave up on his Big Idea. In 2006, became the first dotcom to IPO on an Indian stock exchange. p18 ROCK WITH IT, ROLL WITH IT Shantanu Prakash (PGP 1988), Educomp Despite a regular middle class upbringing, Shantanu went into business while doing his BCom. The entrepreneurial streak continued after...

Words: 114565 - Pages: 459