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-nje monument i tradites juridike te njerezimit
I HYRJE Monumentet dhe burimet e lashta juridike jane te rendesise se pakontestueshme te lashtesise dhe tradites historike te institucioneve dhe kulturave juridike.Si te ketilla ato flasin edhe per rrethanat shoqerore dhe faktoret e shumte te cilat kane determinuar krijimin dhe kushtezuar zhvillimin e tyre.Ato jane te rendesise se ketille edhe per vet faktin se ne vetvete ngerthejne te gjitha rrethanat dhe faktoret nga te cilat jane kushtezuar,prandaj edhe japin elemente te mjaftueshme studimi mu per keto rethana dhe faktore,qe duke qene te nje periudhe me te lashte historike jane edhe per me teper te rendesishem.Mundesia e njohjes se tyre do te thote njekohesisht edhe njohje te rrethanave shoqerore,ekonomike,politike dhe kulturore te nje vendi e edhe ndoshta te vet nje epoke te tere ne pergjithesi. I rendesise se ketille padyshim eshte edhe Kodi i Hamurabit,nje monument i vertete i histories juridike dhe asaj shoqerore ne pergjithesi.I krijuar ne rrethanat e caktuara shoqerore dhe i kushtezuar nga ato,ai eshte pasqyrim real i vet ketyre rrethanave.Me zbulimin e tij eshte zbuluar nje histori e tere jo vetem e rrethanave te permendura por edhe e kultures,religjionit,artit,filozofise,rregullimit shteteror dhe te drejtes.Nga ai mund te studiohen mardhenjet juridike dhe shtererore. Dhe,perfundimisht ai,si i ketile paraqet burim te rendesishem dhe te pakapercyeshem per studimin e nje epoke te tere,nje epoke mjaft te rendesishme te historisen se njerzimit.Prej ketu edhe interesimi yne per kete studim.

II.PASQYRA HISTORIKE II/a.)Rrethanat e pergjithshme historike
Ne luginat e lumenjeve Nil,Tiger dhe Eufrat ,e me larg ne lindje edhe Ind ,Gang, Hoang-ho dhe Jance Kjang per shkak te tokes pjellore nen kushtet e volitshme per zhvillimin e blegtorise dhe te bujqesise shume shpejt ,me zhvillimin e zejtarise dhe te tregetise u krijuan civilizimet e para e me kete edhe forma mjaft te zhvilluara te organizimit shoqeror.Popujt e ketyre vendeve jetonin ne luginat e lumenjve: egjiptianet jetnonin ne luginen e lumit Nil,sumeret dhe babilonasit jetonin ne luginat e lumenjeve Tiger dhe Eufrat ose ne Mesopotani,indianet jetonin ne luginat e lumenjeve Ind dhe Gang,ndersa kinezet ne luginat e lumjeve Hoang-ho dhe Jance Kjang . Ne lashtesi Mesopotamia shtrihej prane lumenjeve Tiger dhe Eufrat.Ky vend ishte populluar nga sumeret,te cilet kishin ardhur nga viset malore te Iranit dhe nga India e sotme. Populli ishte i ndare ne njerez te lire dhe skllever.Ne mesin e njerezve te lire ishin fisniket ,tregtaret,njerezite e pasur qe ne pergjithesi quheshin skllavopronar.Ne mesin e skllaverve benin pjese edhe te varferit qe per borxhet e tyre binin ne skllaveri.Ne mijevjeqarin e XIX p.e.s. skllavopronaret qe kishin rritur pronat u detyruan te organizonin edhe reparte ushtaresh per te mbrojtur pasurite e tyre .Sa me shume qe shtohej numri i ushtareve,aq me shume forcohej autoriteti i prijesit,e i cili u be mbret.

Duke qene se rruget e shumta tregtare kalonin neper Mesopotami ky vend shpejt u be qender tregtare e kulturore.Ne shek XIX para Krishtit ne mes te lumenje2 ve Tiger dhe Eufrat u themelua qyteti Babilon,sipas te cilit e mori edhe emrin mbreteria e Babilonise. Ne shek.XVII p.e.s. ne krye te shtetit erdhi mbreti i famshem Hamurab,i cili bashkoi gjithe vendin ne nje mbreteri te vetme.Gjate kohes se sundimit vendi perjetoi nje zhvillim te madh si ne bujqesi,begtori, ne zejtari , tregti por edhe ne kulture, art dhe ne besim.Ne fillim te atij shekulli-diku rreth vitit 1694 p.e.s.,perandori Hamurab,sundimtar I Babilonise beri kodifikimin e ligjeve me te cilin rregulloheshin normat shoqerore. II/b.)Per historine e Kodit Shtylla prej gurit te bazalitit e gjate 2.25 m ,me tekstin e Kodit te Hamurabit eshte zbuluar nga nje ekip arkeologesh franceze ne vitin 1901/1902 ne gemadhat e qytetit Suzi ne Jug-perendim te Iranit te sotem,kryeqytet i shtetit te dikurshem Elam . 1 Atje nga Babilonia ne shek XII p.e.s.,e kishte bartur nje sundimtar i Elamit i cili kishte pushtuar pjese te Babilonise se dikurshme. Ne ate gure eshte e gdhendur edhe figura e Hamurabit,i cili paraqitet solemnisht para hyjnise se Diellit-Shamashit duke marre prej tij Kodin.2 Shtylla ka qene e vendosur ne sheshin e qytetit dhe,siq duket ka qene e vendosur ne disa qytete te Babilonise.3 Kodi ishte shkruar ne gjuhen akade me alfabetin kuneiform. Kodi i Hamurabit ka karakter te hapet klasor duke qene se sanksionon pabarazine formale juridike.Per personat qe u perkasin klasave dhe shtresave te ndryshme shoqerore per te njejtin delikt,parasheh denime te ndryshme,perkatesisht parasheh mbrojtje te ndryshme juridiko-penale. Ne kete kod paraqitet ne menyre relieve shteti dhe shoqeria babilonase. Ky monument njeheresh ofron edhe te dhena te shumta mbi shkallen e zhvillimit te mardhenjeve shoqerore ne babilonine e atehershme. Prandaj, kjo e bene kete Kod monumentin me te rendesishem jo vetem per historine e se drejtes por njekohesisht edhe burim shume te rendesishem per studimin e historise se shoqerise skllavopronare.

III PJESET E K0DIT TE HAMURABIT Kodi perbehet nga tri pjese:prologut a hyrjes,tekstit normativ dhe pjeses perfundimtare a epilogut.Keto tri pjese sikur mos te ishin te shkruara ne nje tekst,do te krijonin pershtypjen se jane shkruar ne kohe te ndryshme .Prologu dhe epilogu jane te gershetuar me plote misticizem dhe sakramentalizem.


1.Ekipin e arkeologeve francez e udheheqte Zhan Zhak de Morgan/Jan Jacques de Morgan,Hilmi Ismajli dhe Fatmir Sejdiu,Historia e shtetit dhe se drejtes I,pjesa e pergjithshme,Universiteti I Prishtines,Prishtine,2002,fq.4 2. Jasic,Stojan ,Zakoni starog srednjeg veka,Beograd,1968 3.Shtylla e gurit me tekstin e Kodit te Hamurabit,sot ruhet ne Muzeun e Luvrit/Louvreu te Parisit dhe eshte mjaft e demtuar por ne baze te fragmenteve tjere te gjetur ne vise te ndryshme te Babi1onise eshte bere rekonstruimi pothuajse i teresishem i tij,megjithqe disa nene ende mungojne.Markovic dr Ceda,Zakon Hamurabjev,Begrad,1925


III/1. Hyrja/prolgu: Ne kete pjese Perandori thirret ne fuqite hyjnore te cilat e kane zgjedhur qe te sundoje dhe atij i kane urdheruar e keshilluar qe te nxjerre ligjin.4Madje,ai ketu ve ne pah meritat e veta te sundimtarit.5 Veten e quan me prejardhje hyjnore-te zgjedhur nga perendite qe te sundoje.6 Sipas tij Kodin e nxorri “... kur ne kete qytet perendite e vendosen mbreterine e perjetshme ,themelet e se ciles jane te qendrueshem si qielli dhe Toka”.7 Ne epilog Hamurabi shpalle se nxjerrjen e Kodit e ka bere me qellim “...qe ta permiresoje mireqenjen e njerezve,te siguroje zbatimin e te drejtes ,te mesoje mireqenjen e njerezve,te siguroje zbatimin e se drejtes ne kete vend,te crrenjose te corodituren dhe te keqen,te pengoje te fortin qe te mos ta shtype te dobetin,ta ndriqoje Token...” Hamurabi e konsideron veten te zgjedhur nga perendite. 8 Ai konsideron se perendia Marduk e kishte derguar qe te sundoje dhe te shpalle te drejten. Me nxjerrjen e Kodit Hamurabi shpalle se ka vendosur drejtesine dhe krijuar mireqenjen e shtetasve. 9 III/2.Teksti normativ: Eshte pjesa me e rendesishme e Kodit dhe perbehet prej 282 neneve. Ne krahasim me pjesen hyrese dhe perfundimtare eshte me e laicizuar.Teksti normativ permban dispozita nga deget e ndryshme te se drejtes-pra,me kete rregulloheshin mardhenjet pronesore, familjare, trashegimore, penale e kishte edhe dispozita mbi rregullimin e gjyqesise dhe procedures gjyqesore. Sipas Kodit barra e proves binte mbi akuzuesin,10 kurse ne pamundesi te provimit te provimit te fajita pesonte denimi.11 Ne anen tjeter menyra e te provuarit ishin te pershtatshme per kohen,si psh.kercimi ne lume-neni 2.12

4 “Pasaardhes mbreteror te cilin e krijoi perendia”,” ...mbret i menqur...1uftetar...zoteri” ...mbrojtes i Tokes... i qyteteve” ...”vella i perendise Zamama” ...,”mbret hyjnor i qyteteve “, Jasic,Stojan ,Zakoni starog srednjeg veka,Beograd,1968 5 ”luftetar pa riva1 ...i ci1i i zhduku te gjithe banditet...i cili shtetasit e vet i ushqeu ne kohen e urise” ...”i cili shpalli te drejten,drejtoi ligjin” ...pasaardhesi mbreteror i perjetesise,die11i i Babi1onise,”mbreti te ci1it i nenshtrohen te kater anet e botes”,Po aty 6 “Pasaardhes mbreteror te ci1in e krijoi perendia”, Po aty

7 “...Ne ate kohe ...Ea dhe Beli me thirren ne emrin tim mua-Hamurabin,princin e madh...” Po aty 8 “...une personalisht Hamurabi,bariu te ci1in e zgjodhi Beli...” Po aty 9 ”Kur Marduku me dergoi qe te sundoj njerezit,qe vendit ti shpa11 te drejten,ne goje te njerezve vura te drejten dhe drejtesine,krijova mireqenjen e shtetasve” Po aty 10.Hilmi Ismajli dhe Fatmir Sejdiu,Historia e shtetit dhe se drejtes I,pjesa e pergjithshme,Universiteti i Prishtines, Prishtine,2002,fq.4? 11.Nese ndonje njeri e fajeson njeriun tjeter dhe nuk e provon fajin,ai qe e fajeson tjetrin,te vritet,Neni 1 i Kodit,Jasic Stojan,po aty. 12.Denimet per mossuksesin ne provimin e fajesise ishin te ndryshme:me vrasje-neni 1,me konfiskimin e shtepise nga ana e te akuzuarit-neni 2 I Kodit,jasic Stojan,Po aty.


Kodi sansiononte deshmimin e rrejshem duke percaktuar per kete denime,sipas natures se akuzave.13 Pallatit dhe tempujve ,ne menyren e natyrshme per rrethanat,u ishte dhene mbrojtja me e larte juridike.Keshtu,nese dikush vidhte sendet nga pallati apo tempulli denohej me vdekje,sikurse ai i cili I kishte pranuar sendet e ketilla.14Respektivisht,nese te ketilla ishin shtazet detyrimi ishte kompensimi i tridhjetefishte i gjese se vjedhur.15 Denimi me vdekje parashihej edhe per grabitjen e femijes se mitur dhe te skllavit te tjeterkujt.16 Kodi shpesh parashihte edhe denime net e holla e qe behej ne monedhat e vetra prej argjendi-“Shekela”2 dhe “mina”.17Edhe kompensimet e ndryshme ishin te parapara ne keto monedha. Dispozitat e caktuara te Kodit ishin te dedikuara per ceshtjet qe lidheshin me pjesmarrjen ne lufte.Keshtu ishte e sanksionuar mospjesmarrja ne flute per mbretin,18 pastaj shperblimi per ata qe ne lufte ishin zene robber nga artmiku,19 shperblimi per pjesmarrjen ne lufrte,20 dhe ceshtje te tjera ne lidhje me kete. Kodi percakton masa pere punimin e tokes dhe me shume dispozita e rregullon kete ceshtje,21sikurse pastaj per kopshtin,mbrojtjen e diges se ujit,22 per kullotjen e bagetise,23 etj.


13.Personi i akuzuar per magji ishte i detyruar qe te kerceje ne lume dhe nese arrinte qe te notoje atehere konsiderohej ipafajshem/me kete rast akuzuesi vritej kurse i akuzuari e merrte shtepine e tij,Neni 2 i Kodit,Jasic Stojan,Po aty. 14.Nese dikush ne process deshmon ne dem te te pandehurit dhe ate qe e thote nuk e provon,nese procesi ka te bej me jeten,deshmitari te vritet-Neni 3,respektivisht denohet me denimin e atij procesi-Neni 4,Jasic Stojan,Po aty. 15.Neni 6 i Kodit,Jasic Stojan,Po aty. 16.Neni 8 i Kodit,Jasic Stojan,Po aty. 17.Nese dikush vjedh djalin e huaj te mitur,te vritet”-Neni 14 I Kodit,Jasic Stojan,PO aty 18.Kishte vleren e barabarte me 6 gr.argjend/Shiko nenin 17 te Kodit,Jasic Stojan,Po aty. 19.Kishte vleren e barabarte me 324 gr.argjend/Shiko nenin 24 te Kodit,Jasic Stojan,Po aty. 20.)Neni 26 te Kodit,Jasic Stojan,Po aty. 21.Neni 28 te Kodit,Jasic Stojan,Po aty. 22.Neni 28 dhe 29 te Kodit,Jasic Stojan,Po aty. 23.Neni 43-48 te Kodit,Jasic Stojan,Po aty.


III/3. Epilogu: Sikurse ne prologun edhe ketu Hamurabi larteson meritat e veta te sundimtarit dhe personifikohet me hyjnine e drejtesise.Konsideron se me kete vendit ia siguroin ligjin e drejte,njerezve ua ka hapur rrugen dhe u ka siguruar driten e mireqenjen.24Kjo pjese eshte plot me misticizem.Ketu ai urdheron qe ligji i tij te zbatohet gjate jetes dhe pas vdekjes se tij.Dhe porosite qe:”ne te ardhmen,secili mbret i ketij vendi le ti ruaje pergjithmone fjalet e drejtesise,te cilat i gdhenda ne monumentin tim,te mos e ndryshoje ligjin e vendit te cilin e dhashe,te mos e demtoje monumentin tim.Nese ai princ eshte i mencur dhe nese deshiron qe ne vend te mbaje rend,le tu permbahet fjaleve qe i gdhenda ne pllaken time,ai mbishkrim le tia mesoje rrugen,rregullin,ligjin qe ia dhashe vendit….”.25

Hamurabi mallkon sundimtaret e ardhshem-pasaardhesit e tij,nese nuk e zbatojne ligjin ose bejne cfaredo ndryshimi ne tekstin e ligjit,te cilin ai e quan mbishkrim ose monument te vetin.26Dhe ata qe nuk e respektojne kete ligj mallkohen me:”…shperthimin e kryengritjes te cilen nuk do tem und ta shuajne,fryerjen e ererave te shkaterrimit,jeten e shkurter,vitet e urise,terri pa drite,shperndarjen e shtetasve,nderprerjen e sundimit,harrimin e emrit dhe te kujtimeve…”27 IV.PERFUNDIM: Padyshim se Kodi i Hamurabit eshte nje monument i vertete i historise juridike dhe ne pergjithesi njerzore.Ai eshte pasqyre reale e rrethanave shoqerore nga te cilat edhe ka qene i kushtezuar.Me zbulimin e tij eshte zbuluar nje histori e tere e kultures, religjionit,artit,filozofise,rregullimit shoqeror dhe te drejtes.Rendesia e tij e pakontestueshme vereht edhe ne faktin se ky kod edhe pas shkaterrimit dhe ramjes se perandorise se babilonise,per nje kohe te gjate vazhoi qe te zbatohet ne pjesen me te madhe te Mesopotamise.Perveq kesaj,ai ka sherbyer edhe si shembull per shume ligjvenes te ardhshem dhe sipas modelit te tij jane nxjerre edhe shume ligje te tjera,meqe shprehte mardjhenjet ne nje ekonomi mjaft te zhvilluar. Kodi i Hamurabit perligj ndasite faktike dhe ishte nje ligj per njerezit e shtreses se larte siq ishin fisniket e tregetaret,pra per njerezit e pasur qe ne pergjithesi ishin skllavopronar.

Normat e shumta mbi gjyqet,mbi sendet,te drejten reale,mbi martesen, familjen, pajen,trashegimin,pjesmarrjen ne lufte,mbrojtjen e dinjitetit etj.,e bejne ate permbledhjen ligjore me te rendesishme te kohes se lashte.

24.Dr.Hilmi Ismajli,Burime te zgjedhura juridiko historike,Prishtine,2001 25.Dr.Hilmi Ismajli,po aty 26.”Nese nje princ nuk kujdeset per fjalet e mia,te cilat i gdhenda ne piedestalin tim,mallkimin tim e perbuze,nuk i frikohet mallekimit te perendive,e abrogon ligjin qe e dhashe une,fjalet e mia i ndryshon ,emrin tim e fshin,emrin e tij aty e shkruan,ose nese nga frika prej mallekimit urdheron qe tae ta beje tjeterkush,ai njeri mbret,zoteri ose qytetar,qofte ai edhe perendi I madh,baba i perndive i cili ka percaktuar sundimin tim,le tia marre shkelqimin e mbretrise,tia ktheje skepeptrin,ta mallekoje fatin e tij”,Dr.H.Ismajli,po aty 27.Dr.H.Ismajli,po aty

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Costitutional Validity of Various Provisions of Hindu Succession Act

...CONSTITUTIONAL VALIDITY OF VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE HINDU SUCCESSION ACT,1956 INDEX: INTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________________ ARE PERSONAL LAWS REALLY LAWS? _______________________________________________ ARE PERSONAL LAWS SUBJECT TO PART III OF THE CONSTITUTION? _______________________ TYPES OF SUCCESSION___________________________________________________________ WHO IS A HINDU?_______________________________________________________________ BEFORE HINDU SUCCESSION ACT__________________________________________________ INTRODCUTION TO HINDU SUCCESSION ACT, 1956____________________________________ CONSTITUTIONAL VALIDITY OF: 2005 AMENDMENT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. SECTION 6, HSA………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. SECTION 7, HSA………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION 14, HSA…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. SECTION 15 &16, HSA…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. OPINION_________________________________________________________________________ CONCLUSION______________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION: Through this paper, I want to analyse the constitutional validity of various provisions of the Hindu Succession act, 1956 , which is a personal law applicable to Hindu citizens of India. I have attempted to briefly explain how the flaws in the said act pose a constitutional challenge and have also tried arriving...

Words: 5545 - Pages: 23

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Estate Planning for Same Sex Couples

...Estate Planning for Same Sex Couples I. Introduction The benefits of marriage are unavailable to same-sex couples. Moreover, outdated intestacy statutes fail to recognize the close family bond between same-sex partners. Moreover, most intestacy laws discriminate against same-sex couples in that gay or lesbian relationships are generally considered invalid for the purposes of distributing the estate of a deceased partner who dies without a will. Accordingly, in order to reap inheritance and tax benefits that are automatically afforded to traditional married couples, these same-sex couples must rely on extensive and creative legal planning. There are several tools that provide solutions to this issue. Contract based estate planning techniques are the most commonly used tools for distributing a decedent’s property at death. Though the following planning mechanisms provide certain advantages, they are also accompanied by various disadvantages. II. Wills A will is an instrument by which a person directs dispositions of property to take effect upon death. It is the only document that allows a decedent’s probate assets to pass testate to persons of his or her choosing as opposed to passing via the strict laws of intestacy, under which the surviving partner would receive nothing. Even in the presence of strategies used to avoid probate such as intervivos trusts, wills are an essential precautionary measure to demonstrate the intent to pass property outside of probate, to...

Words: 2337 - Pages: 10

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Natural vs Supernatural

...Joshua Clarke Prof. Bisla ENG 333 5.8.2014 How Natural is the Supernatural Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto makes frequent use of supernatural effects. The novel's uses of the supernatural are a perfect example of its predecessor status as the first gothic novel, as well as question the purpose for all of its supernatural occurrences. Is it God punishing those deserving of the sentence? Or is it all just a very big coincidence and in our characters’ imagination? Most of the supernatural incidents in the novel are directed towards the themes of succession and inheritance. They revolve around the issue of establishing the rightful heir to the seat of Otranto. Because of the murderous actions of his grandfather Don Ricardo, who poisoned the previous rightful owner Alfonso the Good, the current prince Manfred has ruled over the region contrary to the precepts of genealogical law. In fact, many of the ghostly occurrences relate to exposing the usurper Ricardo before establishing Theodore, the rightful heir, onto the throne. The apparitions are portrayed in a bizarre and exaggerated manner, allowing the story to take on a rather surreal, unbelievable route where it is safe to say that spiritual vengeance is being exacted on those “got away with it”. This is apparent in the opening scene, when Manfred discovers that his only son has been crushed to death under a giant helmet which appears to have fallen out of the sky. It would later be discovered that the helmet is similar...

Words: 689 - Pages: 3

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Thomas Paine

...obtained easily and esteemed too lightly. We see in some of these episodes where individuals and couples squander through millions of dollars in short periods of times. They find themselves bankrupt and in more turmoil than when they did not have the extravagant means upon winning a lottery. If these individuals had worked hard for their money it would have meant more to them. Earning their means could have prevented them from squandering through millions of dollars. I know a young man who lost his parent tragically when he was ten years old. He inherited a very large sum of money. The inheritance was not set up in a trust fund that required him to wait until he had learned life’s values of earning what you have. This young man received his inheritance at the tender age of 18 with the only requirement being that he graduates high school to be eligible to collect this inheritance. Upon turning 18, he went on lavish vacations, purchased a new truck, boat...

Words: 627 - Pages: 3

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...lead. He was however, incredulous by the fact that this may not be achieved in the future of the perfect society. To this fact he gives an ingenious riposte, such societies will be under the guardianship of the offspring of the current guardians. That means what the future society will be under the guardianship of a not skill but the benefits of inheritance. In such a society, dissatisfaction is possibly the way of the day. Plato maintained that for dissatisfaction an understanding of the nature of the human being is the answer. That is, people are naturally different and they have where they fit in the society (Philosophyprofessor). In such a situation, they will be able to rule the society. A perfect society, I believe, is one that is distinctive by leaders who have the interests of the society at hand. That is, a society under the reign of guardians who are in favor of the members of the society and their needs. A society that is simply having rulers who have inherited power is liable to doom. This is because, in most cases, such kinds of people not only lack the wisdom to rule, but they are also corrupted by the benefits of inheritance that they become nefarious with power. However, in a situation where someone who has inherited power is able to stand for the wishes of the people then can lead a perfect society. The wishes of the governed should the guiding factor here. It defines what the society stands for and what it aims to...

Words: 356 - Pages: 2

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Huguette Clark Estate Case Study

...I appreciate the opportunity to advise you regarding this inheritance case. To ensure a complete understanding between us, I am stating the pertinent information about the advice that I will be rendering and the facts I have gathered. The law imposes various outcomes that shows how you are the rightful heirs to the late Huguette Clark estate. Querela This is the process that I would recommend that we use Since you would naturally succeeded Ms. Clark under the ius civile as sui herdes if she would have died intestate. Then under testamentary you should have succeeded Ms. Clark also. Exherdatio Since under law the person making the will have to list all disinherited male and female suis by name. Skipping any names of potential heirs could lead...

Words: 844 - Pages: 4

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Pros And Cons Of Residuary Estate

...Also, the residuary estate includes all specific gifts that failed or lapsed. To plan your residuary estate in the will, you would list a residuary beneficiary to inherit all the remaining property. Otherwise, the remaining property would default to the estate. Typically, sound estate plans will have a residuary clause in the will listing a residuary beneficiary. 2) Guardian for minor children - Although guardians aren’t really beneficiaries, they could be handling the inheritance of a minor child. Appointing guardians is possible only by the will. 3) Property that can’t have designated beneficiaries – In some states, property such as vehicles and personal accounts don’t allow ways to designate beneficiaries for the property. As a result, the property must pass through the will to listed beneficiaries. 4) Heirlooms and specific gifts of personal property – If you have heirlooms or personal property you want to give to a specific person, then list that person as a...

Words: 452 - Pages: 2

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Land Related Challenges to Slum Upgrading

...LAND SUCCESSION IN KENYA: THEORY AND PRACTICE By Ronald Matende Omwoma (BA, MA, Dip, LA) A private Land Administration Expert Paper presented to Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK) South Rift Seminar on Saturday 24th October, 2015 at NAC 1.0: Introduction 1.1: Background The Kenya National Land Policy notes that ‘land can be acquired through inheritance which entails, testate or intestate succession’ (GOK, 2008). It further noted that majority of Kenyans rarely follow the succession act, and instead transmission of land rights upon death is undertaken within customary and religious systems which discriminate against children and women. Such systems also rarely leads to legal and documented land tenure security, hence further complicating the chances of the future generations to access secure land. Many Kenyans perceive the legal land succession process as tedious, complex, inaccessible and expensive. This has made the majority of Kenyans to live on land for which they don’t have a title. The government and other stakeholders in land have for some time now been pre-occupied with finding ways of making the land succession process easier, cheaper and more accessible to the majority of Kenyan especially those living in rural areas. In the National Land Policy the government undertook to: 1. Sensitize and educate Kenyans on the provisions of the law of succession Act; 2. To expedite the application of the law of succession Act; and 3. To require that...

Words: 9089 - Pages: 37

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Willis & Wanda

...Business Law – 312 Carol Parker October 31, 2012 Willis and Wanda Notimeleft Estate Plan In reviewing the situation we know that the Notimelefts have a net estate of $8,500,000 and three children. The goals are: to cover their own needs; pass funds on to three children equally; avoid taxes; protect their funds; keep their business private; and give no money to charities. The issues here are: will the Priest be allowed to have an inheritance or would it be given to the church (which looks like a charity to Willis and Wanda); would Darlene’s manipulating husband spend the money and what would happen in the case of divorce; what about possible grandchildren (does Ohno have a sibling?); and when Derelict is in prison would his inheritance be required to pay restitution? What happens if Willis or Wanda are incapacitated? The first thing I would advise would be to open a Revocable Living Trust for Willis (Trust A), one for Wanda (Trust B), and a Children’s trust with a spend-thrift clause to keep Derelict from spending his inheritance foolishly. Trust funds up to $5,120,000 are excluded from estate taxes so I would fund Wanda’s trust to that amount, and fund Willis’ trust with the rest. This would give them lower estate taxes because they would not be paying on the total amount. These trusts will avoid probate when the time comes which is a concern of Wanda and Willis. I would list the children’s trust as the beneficiary to Willis’ and Wanda’s trusts upon their deaths...

Words: 727 - Pages: 3