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Inmate Vs Recidivism

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After reading this article, I can agree with the writer that implementing this system of graduated re-entry would benefit our prison system and decrease the recidivism rate. This concept of gradually conditioning and basically weaning someone into society, can have tremendous benefits for both the inmate and the general population. Furthermore, I can agree with the author that it is often true that prisoners will go back to a life of crime due to poverty, low self-worth and even the appeal of the old neighborhood “crime family.” The problem with this system is that the writer is trying to propose a system that may actually lead to a lower recidivism rate. This system is relatively of a similar cost to our current prison system. Currently, …show more content…
If done properly, the inmate's chances of returning to prison or a life of crime substantially decrease. The main problem of our prison system today is that we focus on a generic structure for all prisoners. Minor accommodations are made for certain inmates, but an individual prison plan is not instituted for each inmate. Similarly to the concept of an IEP (Individual Education Plan) an IPP (Individual Prison Plan) incorporates and tailors to the educational, psychological, cognitive and emotional factors of each inmate. The bases of the IPP plan, enforces the rigorous testing, evaluation and placement of each individual prisoner. For example, when an inmate enters into the prison system they are handed a basic educational exam (high school level) which incorporates math, reading and writing. Depending on their score, it's the administration's discretion to allow them to advance to a higher level or repeat the necessary courses in a remedial sense. In addition they are given an IQ test, a cognitive ability test, and a full scale detailed psychological evaluation. The final results of these evaluations are calculated and thus the inmate is categorized into a specific level (1-10). Within this plan, level one is the lowest level and level ten is the highest level. For instance, a level one prisoner …show more content…
The main function of this plan is that everyone has something to contribute to society regardless of the level that they are categorized in. It is these evaluations that find out or depict as closely as possible as to what these skills are. On the other hand, an inmate that scores within the higher levels of 6-10 should have access to online college courses or simulated college courses. That way, they are able to not only receive credits but have an idea of the rigor of a college course. This will undoubtedly help with cognitive development, skill development and even the raising of self

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