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Persuasive Essay On Incarceration System

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Mr. Parks stars that the ex-convicts were always hungry. Released inmates lack the skills and the support system to help them qualify to get a job and find housing. Incarceration is very expensive. Released inmates receive almost no support in cash and counseling upon release. Many do not have the means to feed themselves.

Long-term incarceration increases the crime rate because it devastates communities and families. The US is the world leader in jailing people. About 69% of black males, high school dropouts that were born on the 1970s have served time rather than families, communities, and economic interests. Inmates are not able to participate in society after their release. They are not training, educated or rehabilitated. The reforms …show more content…
Inmates need work training and rehabilitation while in prison, not a neglectful system and unhelpful personnel. The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act only applies to a select few that are in federal prisons and most states have done nothing to change that. Not preparing prisoners for the outside world has presented enormous challenges for convicts who have few skills when they are released. The mass incarceration problem will exist without the reformation across all the states.

What is the goal of our criminal justice system? Education, counseling, job training? It's about the complications it would form for society as a whole. The state of Texas approved a two-year experiment that funded probation, parole, and re-entry programs. It worked and recidivism rated declined. The prison population dropped by 9,000 saving $443 million dollars and closing 3 prisons. Other states are funding substance-abuse counseling, mental-health treatment, and educational programs.

I agree that we need to do something about the mass imprisonment within our country. Fixing the mass incarceration problem is a matter of public safety, about protecting the larger community from repeated criminal activity. Consider punishment vs. rehabilitation; warehousing human beings in degrading conditions vs. effectively preparing them for successful participation in society after their

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