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Institutional Racism In America

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Institutional Racism Does institutional racism exist within the United States? Of course it does, the history of America is rough one in terms of racism.In an article written by History, it claims that slavery ended hardly over one hundred and fifty years ago and Jim Crow laws were completely abolished barely over fifty ago, so to claim that racism is eradicated completely within America is a very rash and uneducated statement. In more systems than one including schools, law enforcement, and even the medical field, mistreatment of people of color is still very much a common practice. The history of Jim Crow, an absurd collection of statutes that supported legal segregation is a good example as to what institutional racism is. Institutional …show more content…
Recently, Britain has had a problem called the Windbrush Scandal. The problem consists of the mistreatment of former immigrants, because they were brought to Britain to from Central America and must now prove they are British or be forced to be relocated. Many leaders have resigned due to this, and hopefully it gets resolved in favor of the innocent people who have lived most of their lives on the British island. Institutional Racism is still prevalent in modern day America, though it is not nearly as bad as it once was. The fact that it is still a problem proves just how weak America is when it comes to either enforcing or accepting change, so when things like the End Racial Profiling Act makes its debut to be enacted, it will probably be shot down quickly, and that is a shame. Nothing is more problematic than living in a country with weak policy in terms of making its people feel …show more content…
An entire group can’t be blamed for the viewpoints of a few people, so saying that every single American is racist is like saying that every single Police Officer only searches for colored people to arrest, it’s total blasphemy. With there still being an existence of hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, America is ultimately failing in progressing to the point of no racism. Not only does the existence of the KKK prove that America isn’t progressing as it should in eradicating racism, but also the existence of Neo-Nazism really proves just how prone to being racist many Americans are. It is a national embarrassment, and should be dealt with

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