...| Instructor PoliciesLAW 421Business Law | Campus/Learning Center: Murrieta Learning Center | Course Schedule for MU11BSB10 (Wednesdays 6:00- 10:00 pm PST)Workshop 1- October 31, 2012Workshop 2- November 7, 2012Workshop 3- November 14, 2012Workshop 4- November 21, 2012Workshop 5- November 28, 2012 Facilitator Information Kenneth C. Kanouse, J.D.kkanouse@email.phoenix.edu (University of Phoenix)kckanouse@yahoo.com (Personal)714-299-8189 (PST)Facilitator AvailabilityI am available from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Pacific Time on most days, but I attempt to reserve Sunday for my family. On Saturdays, I tend to be online in the morning only. If these times are not convenient for you, please let me know. I will be happy to accommodate your schedule, if possible. I provide you with these times to make it easier to communicate with me, and not to limit our contact. I want you to know that, should you need to contact me outside these time frames, you should not hesitate to do so. | ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION TIME: All written assignments are due on their due date by the beginning of the workshop in which they are due (6:00 p.m. Pacific Time) and must be submitted electronically to a student’s Assignment forum.Late Assignments Late work will not earn the full points possible. Students...
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...Engineering Summer I 2015 Instructor: Dr. Sumi Seo Office: 535 NI (Nightingale Hall) Phone: 617-373- 2080 Email: s.seo@neu.edu Office Hours: TWR 12.15 – 1.15 pm, or by appointment Textbooks: Worldwide Multivariable Calculus, by David B. Massey PDF and printed versions available at: http://www.centerofmathematics.com/wwcomstore/index.php/ The PDF is priced at $9.95, while the black and white (grayscale) soft-back printed version is $29.95. The PDF textbook contains a link, at the beginning of each section, to one or more free video lectures, by Prof. Massey, on the contents of that section. The PDF has hyperlinked Tables of Contents, Indices, and cross-references; you may need to activate the Forward and Back buttons in your PDF viewer to take full advantage of the hyperlinks. To use the textbook on an iPad, we recommend the GoodReader app. It is absolutely NOT required that you purchase a printed textbook. Web Materials: All class announcements, material, and grades will be posted on Blackboard. Homework and Quizzes: No homework will be collected. We will have quizzes on Thursdays (at the beginning of the class) starting from the first week. The quiz in the last week will be given on Wednesday. No quiz will be given in the mid-term exam week. Ordinarily there will be no make-up quizzes; instead, I will drop the one lowest quiz score. A missed quiz will be counted in the dropped lowest score. There may be exceptions to this policy for students due to their participation...
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...[pic] Global Management Studies GMS 200: Introduction to Global Management Fall 2009 (Section 2) INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Professor: Dr. Shavin Malhotra Class Room: Main LIB072 Class Time: Friday 12:00 to 15:00 Office: TRS 1-101 Office Hours: Monday 14:00 to 15:00 E-mail: shavin.malhotra@ryerson.ca Phone: 416- 979 5000 x 2445 Teaching Asst.: Issa Guindo E-mail: iguindo@ryerson.ca COURSE INFORMATION Pre-requisites and/or Exclusions: None Posting of Grades and Feedback on Work: Grades on assignments and tests will be posted on the Blackboard site for the course. All assignments submitted for grading will be handed back within three weeks except for the final assignment which will be available for pick-up after official final grades are available. E-mail Communication: Students must use the e-mail address listed above to communicate with the instructor. Students are required to activate and maintain a Ryerson Matrix e-mail account. This shall be the official means by which you will receive university communications. Faculty will not respond to student enquiries from any other e-mail address. See Pol# 157 found at www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/ for further information on this issue. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces the concepts and complexities of the contemporary global business environment with an emphasis on global competitiveness and the main functional areas of management: planning, organizing, controlling, and leadership. Topics...
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...Return form to Instructor by________ Service Learning & Community Outreach Student Placement Agreement The Service Learning program at TCC is committed to enhancing our students’ education by integrating academic courses with community service, as stated in TCC’s general education goal “civic responsibility”. By connecting their classrooms with local issues and challenges, faculty give students the opportunity to apply their course learning, to reflect on serious social problems and solutions, and to see themselves as engaged community members. To be completed by instructor: | Course: | BIOL1224 | | Instructor: | Mary Phillips | Service hours Assigned: | | | Instructor’s phone: | 918 595-7689 | Learning goals: | | | To be completed by student: | | To be completed by community site supervisor: | | | | (Student name – printed) | | (Community site – printed) | | | | (Student address) | | (Site address) | | | | (Student phone) | | (Site phone) | | | | (Student email) | | (On-site supervisor – printed) | To be signed by Student and Site SupervisorPlease read the agreement located on the other side before signing | | (Student signature) | | (Date) | | (On-site supervisor signature) | For more information, contact: Carol Carr, Director Engaged Student Programming TCC Northeast Campus 3727 E. Apache, Room 2220 Tulsa, OK 74115 ccarr@tulsacc.edu (918) 595-7595 ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...[pic] Foundations of Finance BUSI 506 40 Fall 2013 – 2014 Instructor: Dr. Mela Wyeth Office: Jones Hall – Room 102, Business Department Suite, parking lot side Office Phone: 863-8092 E-mail: mwyeth@csuniv.edu Skype: drmelawyeth Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 2:00 – 5:00pm; Thursdays and Fridays by appointment only. These office hours may not be convenient for all students. I will be happy to arrange for meetings outside of these hours. Please send me an e-mail or call for an appointment to ensure my undivided attention. Required Textbook/Resources 1. Textbook: FINANCE 2nd edition Cornett, Adair, Nofsinger McGraw-Hill Irwin 2014 ISBN 978-0-07- 803481-7 2. Access card: Connect/LearnSmart (available from CSU bookstore or on-line at www.mhhe.com/canM2e) 3. Financial calculator, recommended HP 12C 4. Skype Account Prerequisites: ACCT 211 (Accounting II) with a C or higher, COINS 209 (or preferably COINS 211) with a C or higher. If you have not met these requirements, please contact the instructor immediately. You will need intermediate proficiency in Excel to do well in this class. Course Description: This course deals with the principles of capital management within corporations. Topics include the time value of money, valuation concepts, capital budgeting, project cash flow analysis, cost of capital and capital structure. Forecasting, planning and control, specifically financial statement analysis, as well...
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...UTILITY BUTTONS START UTILITY BUTTONS END InstanceBeginEditable name="textArea_syllabus" NURS 3020: Health Assessment Student Support and Calendar Information So you have all key information available to you off-line, it is highly recommended that you print the following items for your reference: * This Syllabus, including the Course Schedule that is linked on this page as a PDF * Term Calendar * Student Support Credit Hours 5 quarter hours Walden University assigns credit hours based on the number and type of assignments that enable students to achieve the course learning objectives. In general, each semester credit equals about 42 hours of total student work and each quarter credit equals about 28 hours of total student work. This time requirement represents an approximate average for undergraduate work and the minimum expectations for graduate work. The number and kind of activities estimated to fulfill time requirements will vary by degree level and student learning style, and by student familiarity with the delivery method and course content. Course Description Students have the opportunity in this course to gain the knowledge and skills required to collect data related to the assessment of individual and population health status. They learn physical examination skills including palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Students gain practical experience in taking patient histories, using interviewing techniques and communication skills, and they...
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...Your Last Name Your Full Name Professor_______________________________ IST 123, section ___, Journal 24 Date: 2 September 2015 Journal 24 (Delete These Instructions Before Printing: Please use double spaced for line spacing. Double sided printing is ok. YOU must staple all assignments. Unstapled assignments will not be accepted and counted late. Fill out the rubric attached at the end. Do not change the font or margins. Delete These Instructions Before Printing.) 7 Rules for Success in College (as determined during class exercise): |1 |Fill in from class notes | |2 | | |3 | | |4 | | |5 | | |6 | | |7 | | Choose...
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...MAN222 – Investment Principles Instructor Contact Information Name: Scott Robbins Email: scott.robbins@stevenshenager.edu Telephone: 801-558-7914 Office hours: by appointment Course Information Credit Hours: 4.0 Hours Course Length: Four weeks, 40 hours of instruction, 10 hours per week. Students should plan on 20 hours a week of outside-of-class activity in support of classroom instruction. Prerequisite(s): None Textbook & Materials: Jacobus, Charles, Real Estate Principles, 11 ed., South-Western Publishing Company, 2006, 2010. Additional Resources: The Virtual Classroom offers live instructor sessions via Blackboard Collaborate (aka Elluminate); other resources as provided by the course instructor. Course Description: Focuses on real estate investments, both private and commercial. Terminology, mortgage and other financing means, valuation and appraisal concepts are discussed. Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: A. Understand and use real estate terminology. B. Describe physical and economic characteristics of land. C. Discuss central elements of the deed and ownership conveyance from one owner to another. D. Discuss essential mortgage documents. E. Identify various mortage lenders and the source of their money. F. Explain provisions of mortgage loan instruments. Teaching strategies: This course is a self-directed/instructor-guided learning experience. ...
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...Instructor Name and Contact Information Instructor Jayaraman Vijayakumar Office Address School of Business, Snead Hall Room B3123 Office Telephone 804-828-7157 Office E-mail jvijayak@vcu.edu (preferred for communication) Faculty Office Hours Monday, Wednesday, and Friday – 11-11.50 am, Wednesday – 4.10 – 6.40 pm, and by appointment if necessary for other times. Students are welcome to come into my office and do not need an appointment to see me during office hours. I will also generally be in my office most days from (Monday thru' Thursday at the very least) 10- 4 pm. I have almost (about 99%of the time) never refused to see a student who comes to my office without an appointment during these non-office hour times, but there may be occasions when I will say “could you please come some other time” because I have to attend other meetings or I have a very tight deadline to meet. To avoid the possibility of students being disappointed by coming in during non-office hours and not being able to see me, I request that you call me/email me and fix up an appointment before coming. Also, I have found email (jvijayak@vcu.edu) to be a very useful tool both for students and me in answering / clearing up most student questions / doubts. One request – Please do not knock on my door or ask to see me after 6.40 p.m. on Wednesday. I would like to have the minutes before class to myself to get ready for class. Student Learning Outcomes, Course Description, and...
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...Wayland Baptist University Hawaii Campus School of Business Wayland Baptist University’s mission is: To educate students in an academically challenging, learning focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success, lifelong learning, and service to God and humankind. HLAD 4337 HEALTH CARE LAW ADMINISTRATION Winter (October 3, 2011 to December 05, 2011) WBU-Tripler |Instructor: |Glenn K. Yoshida, J.D., MPA | |Office: |Mililani Mauka | |Office: Phone: |488-7002 | |Cell Phone No. |741-2237 | |Fax No: |488-7003 | |Email: |gyoshida@hawaiiantel.biz | |Office Hours: |4:30-5:30 p.m. Tripler Mondays :. | |Class Hours: |5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. | |Class Location: ...
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...University of Nevada Las Vegas Department of Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology Lee Business School IS 383-1002 Business Intelligence Spring 2015 Course Information Course Title: Business Intelligence Course No.: IS 383-1002 Location: CBC C125 Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00pm – 2:15pm Online Resources: WebCampus Instructor Information Professor: Dr. Marcus Rothenberger Office: BEH 335 Phone: 702-895-2890 (office) E-mail: marcus.rothenberger@unlv.edu Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:15pm – 5:15pm and by appointment. Catalog Description Skills, technologies, applications, and practices to leverage the organization’s internal and external information assets for making intelligent business decisions in data-rich organizations. Topics include online analytics, interactive reporting, data integrations, data mining, and business performance management. Materials * Required Textbooks: 1. Business Intelligence, Rajiv Sabherwal, Irma Becerra-Fernandez © 2011 Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-46170-9 * Required Trade Book Learn Excel 2010 Expert Skills with The Smart Method: Courseware Tutorial teaching Advanced Techniques Paperback – October 19, 2011by Mike Smart. ISBN-10: 0955459982 ISBN-13: 978-0955459986. Available from Amazon.com for about $20.00 or less See also video tutorial at http://excelcentral.com/ * Recommended Trade Book Excel 2010 Essential Skills: With the Smart Method, Mike Smart, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-9554599-7-9. This textbook is recommended...
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...understand it. 4. Find the instructor's office. This will save you time later on. 5. Find any tutoring or lab facilities that the instructor might mention. This will also save you time later. There is free tutoring in DH 143. 6. Ask about any policies of particular concern to you (attendance policies, late work, etc.). Do not ask questions which are answered in the syllabus. Every Day: 1. Go to class. Stay awake. 2. Make sure to sign or initial the attendance sheet if there is one. 3. Open you notebook. Write the date at the top of the page. Write the topic and sections to be discussed (e.g. Sec. 1.2: Graphs of Equations, and Sec. 1.3: Functions and Their Graphs). 4. Take good notes. This means: a. Your notes must be where you can find them. b. Your notes must be in good order and legible. c. Your notes should cover all the information that was covered in class. This means writing down everything the instructor wrote and almost everything she says. A great deal of important information may not be written. Remember; you are responsible for knowing anything that is even casually mentioned! 5. Ask intelligent questions. These are questions that occur when you do not understand something about the material being presented. 6. Make notes of the questions students ask and the responses given. 7. If and when the instructor asks for questions from the homework, be prepared to ask questions from your list of questions you still do not understand. 8. Take...
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...United International University School of Business and Economics Course Policies/ Brand Management |Program |Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) | |Course Title & Code |Brand Management (MKT 4311) | |Section |A, B, C | |Trimester |Summer, 2014 | Assessment Plan |Assessment Breakup |Contribution to Grade |Total Contribution | |Class Attendance & Participation |05% |30% | |Quiz/Class Test |15% | | |Assignment and Presentation |10% | | |Mid Term 1 |20% |70% | |Mid Term 2 |20% | | |Final Exam |30% | | Course Polices ▪ Attendance: Attendance in class is mandatory. Only two absences are allowed with prior permission. For each subsequent absence, you...
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...PrintSyllabus 1/13/15 8:23 PM 2015 Spring P450 Syllabus (Published) - Last update: 1/11/2015 2015 Spring P450 Details Course Title P450 - Career Development Prerequisite Schedule /Location Instructor Mon 4:15 PM / South - 311 Online Credits Load False 1.0 1.0 15.0 Contact Mr. Banafa, Ahmed (ahmed.banafa@mail.npu.edu) Hours Course Information Course Description This course is designed for graduate students to take in preparation for becoming working professionals. Topics include effective communication strategies, emotional intelligence, diversity and cultural awareness, and interview skills. This course is intended for all the engineering graduate students to take to sharpen the soft skills required for professionals and learn professionalism in preparation for their career development and job search. Emphasis will be placed on professional ethics and leadership behaviors. Major objectives are: 1. To learn about career paths, career planning, as well as the essentials of professional development ( P.D.), such as personality assessment, communicative techniques, networking skills, resume preparations, interview skills as well as professional behaviors, such as professional etiquette and professional images. 2. To learn about Silicon Valley business and technology trends, workforce demands, and job opportunities, 3. To gain exposure and learn to network with Silicon Valley business and high-tech professionals for expanded professional networks. Instruction Method Lectures...
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...assignment. The goal is to demonstrate your understanding of professional communication. Example Scenario: You cannot locate the Instructor Policies document for your course. You post a message in the Class Messages area. Poor Response: I can’t find the Instructor Policies. LOL! Effective Response: Hello, instructor. I looked throughout the course, but cannot find the Instructor Policies. Can you help, please? Scenario One: You review your points and see that you have received 0 points on your first assignment. You send your instructor a message through a Private Message, to understand why you did not earn any points. Poor Response: my assignments are not graded? Effective Response:Hello, I was looking through my graded and I noticed I did not earn any points for this week, I was wondering if you could explain to me why? Scenario Two: The payroll administrator at your work has sent you an e-mail asking why you worked overtime hours and who approved them. She also reminds you that overtime must be approved prior to working the hours. What is your reply to her? Poor Response: I lost track of time Effective Response:I apoligize I came in two hours late to work so I thought I would be ok if I stayed and extra couple hours past my shift. Scenario Three: You do not understand the assignment for Week Two. You post a message to your instructor through Private Messages, asking for clarification. Poor Response: I dont understand Effective...
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