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Insubordination In The Workplace

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Insubordination vs Attitude in the Workplace

Whether you are dealing with insubordination or just a bad attitude it can be hand to handle. However, even though the two often can be mistaken for each other, they are equally different and need to be handled in their own way. In this article you will learn how to tell the difference between the two, some underlying causes, and ways to successfully shut it down.

What is Insubordination?

This comes in several different forms and has a few different reasons it happens. However, what it comes down to is a problem with authority. Whether this authority issue is with the law, with a teacher, or employer, it just comes down to having an issue with someone who is in charge and gives you orders. But what drives insubordination? …show more content…
Therefore, it is important to get to the bottom of the issue. There are several reasons why insubordination happens but we will just cover a few of them.

1. Personal Ambition

Often times when insubordination is an issue, it is because the employee dealing with it believes they would be better of the a position of charge. Therefore, they ignore the orders they have been given to take matters into their own hands in hopes that it will get them noticed more quickly, so that they can meet their personal goals within the company. Some times it works, but more often then not it doesn't because it shows the employee is not a team player.

2. Testing Limits

This is typically a lesser case of insubordination and can be handled rather quickly unlike the above case. When dealing with this type of situation, you just need to let the employee that is testing their limits and boundaries know that you will not handle this with out punishment. Yes, they will probably get mad but they will either stop with the insubordination or face the

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