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Insurance Claims Adjusters Essay

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If you have been in an auto accident, then you probably know that you are going to have to deal with your insurance company. In fact you may have already contacted them, and either spoke to a claims adjuster or are expecting to speak with one soon. Well, be warned, the claims adjuster doesn’t have your best interest in mind. Here are eight things you need to know about claims adjusters:
1. Claims adjusters aren’t there for you. The claims adjuster sounds friendly on the phone, right? But simply put, he or she is not there for you. The claims adjuster works for the insurance company, and is there to make money for the company. He or she is not there to pay you what you deserve. 2. Claims adjusters are highly trained professionals. Claims adjusters are trained to do what is best for their company, not what is best for you. Their training is highly specialized to deal with insurance claims.

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Claims adjusters are taught how to be your friend. As part of their training, claims adjusters are taught how to be every customer’s friend. They don’t want you to dislike them because then you are less likely to settle and will then seek the help of others. They are trying to dissuade you of this, when in fact, it is best for you to seek the help of an experienced attorney.

4. Claims adjusters are taught how to minimize the amount they pay out to you. First, claims adjusters have a range that they are looking to settle at, and of course they are going to offer you something at the lower end. On top of that, claims adjusters are taught how to get you to accept that lower payment.

5. Claims adjusters are trained to manipulate. Claims adjusters aren’t bad people, but they know how to manipulate so that you do not get all the compensation you most likely deserve. Remember, they’re trained to be friendly to your

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