...340 American Military University Prof Kageorgis Throughout this paper we will review all the concepts regarding the ISDN and DSL technologies, definition, usage, benefits overall and costs. We will also compare to newer technologies overall to understand where our connections capabilities were and where they are over today’s date and where it is going. ISDN (Integrated Services for Digital Network) is a standard way to communicate digital transmission of data, voice, video and other network devices at the same at the same time over the traditional ‘’phone lines’’, basic telephone copper wires, called RJ-48 connectors. Prior to ISDN, the telephone system was only related to voice transportation, with very limited to none data service availability. The ISDN has the capability to support at least two or more connections at the same time, in any combination of voice, data, fax and video over a single line. At first ISDN speeds were only at max 128 kbits over download and upload speeds. Eventually carried over an E1, speed rates could be at 2048 kbps. (PC Magazine, 2001) ISDN-BRI (Basic Rate Interface), service is delivered through a pair of standard telephone copper wires at 128 kbps rate. Following available interfaces and their characteristics: * U Interface, usually a non-North American network, two wired interface between the network terminating unit and the exchange. * T Interface is a serial interface between a terminal adapter and a computer device, a digital...
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...Ram Basics – is used for programs and data, and by the operating system for disk caching( using ram to hold recently accessed disk sectors). Ram types – (RAM) RANDOM ACCSSES MEMORY DRAM – Dynamic-RAM requires frequent charges of memory to retain its content or dose need to be refreshed. SRAM – Static-RAM does not need to be refreshed. SDRAM- Synchronous Dynamic-RAM, was first to run in sync with the processor bus DDR SDRAM – Double Data Rate , performs two transfers per clock cycle rather than one as in regular SDRAM. RDRAM -RAMBUS DIRECT RAM also known as RIMMs ATA Specs – A series of standards for ATA/IDE and SATA drives are referred to as ATA specs. PIO stands for Programed Input Output and UDMA stands for Ultra Direct Memory Access. This Is protocol for transmitting data between the hand drive and RAM directly, by passing the CPU. Configuring PATA Bios – consist of hard drive Geometry, Data transfer rate, Logical Block Addressing, the number of sector per track, number read and write track and number cylinders. Understanding Bios and Firmware – Bios I a complex piece of Firmware (“software on a chip”) that provides support for the following features and devises, storage devices connected to the motherboard, configuration of the main cache memory, configuration of built in ports-PATA-SATA-USB-PS/2, hardware monitoring. BIOS also runs POST and is to identify test and initialize components. BIOS updates – is needed when you upgrade hardware and you bios doesn’t...
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... 2. Packet-switched or cell-switched connections 3. Dedicated connections Each type of connection has its advantages and disadvantages. This article will summarize what each connection type has to offer, with consideration given to bandwidth, availability, cost, and ease of management. Circuit-switched connections Circuit-switched connections are currently the most popular type of WAN connection. Circuit switching transmits data streams and datagrams across dedicated physical circuits. To provide asynchronous dial-in and ISDN services, the telephone companies use circuit switching. Asynchronous dial-in The public switched telephone network (PSTN) uses circuit-switched technology to provide asynchronous services (otherwise known as normal telephone service). Asynchronous dial-in connections offer a low-bandwidth, easily managed, cost-effective solution that is available almost anywhere in the world. ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a digital circuit switching technology used to transport voice, data, and video. With speeds up to 1.54 Mbps (T1) in North America and 2.048 Mbps (E1) in Europe, ISDN is a low- to medium-bandwidth solution with relatively low cost. However, availability is somewhat limited and configuration and...
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...Final Notes Parity is what we use with RAM for error checking. Static RAM does not need to be refreshed. Rambus is a type of RAM not frequently used today. SMART is used with ATA hard drives. Tracks, cylinders, sectors, read/write heads are parts of a hard drive’s geometry. BIOS gives the computer initial instructions when it is first booted. Fully updating the BIOS by erasing and rewriting is flashing. New hardware, faster CPU, and new operating system are three reasons to update the BIOS. Safari is the main web browser for Mac OS X. Linus Torvalds is the person who wrote Linux. Windows Explorer is a graphical file management utility used by Windows. Open windows applications show up in the taskbar. The disk partition must be active before it can be booted. .COM, .EXE, .BAT are three types of files that can be executed from the command prompt. 255 characters are the maximum number of letters a long file name can contain. CHKDSK.EXE is the utility used to check drive errors. Biometrics is authenticating users based on physical features. Downloading free programs from the Internet is good way to protect software from viruses and malware. FALSE Disk scrubbing and wiping prevents data recovery and drive forensics. An example of social engineering is phishing. An antistatic wrist strap protects against electrostatic discharges. The first step in the troubleshooting process is ascertaining what the problem is. Using event viewer views a log file when troubleshooting...
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...http://publications.ksu.edu.sa/IT%20Papers/e-GOV-Articles/egovPapers/dr%20azab.doc تنمية الموارد البشرية الكترونيا أ.د. محمد عبد الفتاح العزب تنمية الموارد البشرية إلكترونياً أ.د/ محمد عبد الفتاح العزب رئيس الجمعية المصرية للتنمية التكنولوجية و البشرية قد جرى الاعتراف بقوة الدور الذي تلعبه تكنولوجيا المعلومات و الاتصالات في كل جوانب الاقتصاد، و ذلك في "خطة العمل للبنية الأساسية القومية للمعلومات" التي أصدرتها إدارة الرئيس الأمريكي و التي ورد فيها: "تعد المعلومات أحد أكثر موارد الأمة خطرا... ففي عصر الأسواق العالمية و المنافسة العالمية، تمثل تكنولوجيات خلق، و معالجة، و إدارة، و استخدام المعلومات أهمية استراتيجية للولايات المتحدة " إن "المعلومات هي شريان الحياة الذي تعتمد عليه القرارات السياسية و الاجتماعية الخاصة بأنشطة الأعمال " و خلال حقبة الثمانيات استثمرت أنشطة الأعمال وحدها في الولايات المتحدة تريليون دولار في تكنولوجيا المعلومات و منذ عام 1990 أنفقت من المال على الحاسبات الآلية و معدات الاتصالات ما يزيد على ما أنفقته على كل المعدات الرأسمالية مجتمعة و قد أنفق المستهلكون الأمريكيون في العام الماضي من المال على أجهزة الحاسب الآلي الشخصية ما يزيد على ما قاموا بإرساله عن طريق هيئة البريد الأمريكية. و تعتبر الغالبية العظمى من المعلومات في الدول الصناعية اليوم معلومات إلكترونية فالنص يتكون في معالجات الكلمات و يخزن في ذاكرات أجهزة الحاسب الآلي و ينقل عن طريق الشبكات المحلية و خطوط الهاتف و الأقمار الصناعية و يسجل على الطابعات و أجهزة الفاكسميلى و مراقابات أجهزة الحاسب الآلي و يتم التقاط الصور و الأصوات...
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...SCIENCES 2 INTEGRATED DESIGN MUHAMAD NAZMI FITRI BIN ABD AZIZ 2014406812 INTEGRATED DESIGN Integrated design is a collaborative method for designing buildings which emphasizes the development of a holistic design. INTEGRATED DESIGN IMPROVES THE ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF BUILDINGS. The conventional definition of integrated design is that project team members from all disciplines work together early and often throughout the project design process. ORIGINS OF MODERN-DAY INTEGRATED DESIGN Integrated design has become a buzzword in the green building world. Everyone claims to do it, although not everyone understands it in the same way, and not everyone is successful at it. DESIGN FEATURES THAT BENEFIT FROM INTEGRATION * DAYLIGHTING * GREEN ROOFS * EXPOSED THERMAL MASS Conventional building design usually involves a series of hand-offs from owner to architect, from builder to occupant. This path does not invite all affected parties into the planning process, and therefore does not take into account their needs, areas of expertise or insights To a growing number of building owners and designers, this linear process needs to change. The process they prefer is called integrated design. It’s built around better communication and more planning. Through the use of integrated design, owners and designers are able to build better, less expensive buildings. The problem is that even though integrated design has been around for nearly a decade, few building owners...
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...This paper analyzes the Building Management System for a property. All buildings have some form of mechanical and electrical services in order to provide the facilities necessary for maintaining a comfortable working environment. These services have to be controlled by some means to ensure comfort conditions. Basics controls take the form of manual switching, time clocks or temperature switches. Here if Building Management System is introduced, we are able to get a comfortable working environment in an efficient way. Building Management Systems (BMS) comprises a massive variety of technologies, across commercial, industrial, institutional and domestic buildings, including energy management systems and building controls. (Gary Mills 2004-2009) A Building Management System (BMS) is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building’s mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems. Manual work consumes time and energy and there are always chances of human errors. Technology and new systems are always changing with time and therefore it is very important for any property to keep up to date with the new technology and system. A BMS plays a vital role in any hotel or any business property. (Native Systems 2011) Building Management Systems (BMS) are computer based systems which control and monitor building services automatically. These services include heating, air conditioning...
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...Integrated project based information systems provide good quality information but are not commonly adopted in the property and construction industries. The modern world is shaped by technology as it is the means through which various economic sectors engage in while executing their duties. With advancement in technology, various changes have been adopted regarding the manner in which businesses carry on with their operations. A major attributable factor to this end is the aspect of globalisation whereby technology has played a very important role. In this respect, information systems are key players in meeting of organisations goals. According to Moursund (2003), information system refers to a wider system of activities, people and data that helps an entity to gather, process, store, and disseminate information through computerised or manual ways (p.11). As a major discipline in relation to promotion of organisation’s information needs, information systems focus to explore an interface between management, computer science and information science. Computer science a major attribute of information systems basically focuses on information technology. Two common opposing worlds such as human activity and information technology are brought together through the application of information systems. As per Devaux (1999), business businesses in the modern world have become more and more dependent on information systems as a measure of dealing with complex markets in which they...
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...1. (TCO A, B, C) Describe a value proposition and provide an example. How important is value to the consumer? (Points : 5) There is no universal definition of the term value proposition. Value proposition in marketing is a statement that summarizes why a consumer should buy a product or service. Basically, value proposition should convince a potential consumer that the product or service will solve his/her problems and it is impossible to live without that product or service. Value proposition can be in form a statement or an ad. Prime example is Apple iPad ad. Apple does not have a convincing written statement on this product, but what they have is very convincing ad. From a consumer point of view, a value of a product or service is linked to quality and reliability. Most consumers are cost conscientious. They always look for a good value and they only decide what is valuable and what is not! 2. (TCO A, B, C) How would you describe relationship marketing? Why are these relationships so important to successful marketing? (Points : 5) Relationship marketing is relatively a new concept surfaced in late 1980s. It can be defined as marketing activities that attract, maintain and enhance customer relationships. In a nutshell, relationship marketing simply means customer retention and satisfaction. Basically, a trust relationship—thru quality product offering, is built among all stakeholders, especially with the customers (this is not a “buddy-buddy” relationship)...
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...interdependencies. (Kotler et al. 2009). This type of marketing looks beyond just sales and results, but instead recognizes that everything matters. It looks at a business’s marketing efforts as a ‘whole’ Holistic marketing focuses spiritually on the personality of the consumer that it is attempting to target. It addresses who the target market is, what they want, and how to best fulfill these wants using all areas of marketing. Holistic marketing can be broken down into four main components: relationship marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing and performance marketing. These components are looked upon as an integral part of an organisation’s operations as well as a way in which it can reach larger numbers of consumers with greater success. By embracing holistic marketing and both effectively and efficiently integrating its components into the marketing operations, organisations are able to better to connect with customers, communicate and deliver value, as well as building their own brand. An integral part of holistic marketing revolves around relationships. Relationship marketing aims to build mutually satisfying...
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...Building a Brand using Integrated Marketing Communication Target Shaun Stillwell MKT 544 August 11, 2014 Faculty: Ron Zimmerman Building a Brand using Integrated Marketing Communication Target Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), is part of Target Retailer brand building. The retail giant recognized IMC evolution helps Target get better with advertising. Sloan states, “One awesome practitioner of the art of branding is Target” (Sloan, 2000). Using a supplement ad in prestigious food magazines with the Target icon helps consumers identify with upper-end retail stores. Expansion progress and development of the retail giant has successfully brought attention to the consumer with quality products. Target focused on the company’s dot.com site with a dramatic flurry of activity. The ad supplements in publications of the New York Times home section and House & Garden during the month of October was successful. Target use of promotions spoke volumes about entertaining, lifestyle, and gift items. Two examples are: • All that Glitters for the holidays included an exclusive Tina Turner CD and gifts with sparkle, dazzle, and shine. • All through the house used relevant merchandise for each room within the home (Sloan, 2000). Taylor Swift had a retail partnership with Target and launched a multimillion-dollar ad campaign after picking up an award. John Butcher, VP of entertainment at Target states, “She's probably the hardest-working...
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...company * Outsourced Marketing Firm * Internal public relations department * Internal Marketing department Approvals Required CEO and VP of Marketing Messaging * Value of how AT&T merger will benefit the customer on service, time, product and technology * Building excitement on what is to come with the merger * Building awareness on what is the new AT&T brand * Building awareness on new and existing products being offered “AT&T is your new and improved communication provider. We are mature enough to know how to do business, and innovative enough to provide you the best products and services to keep you connected all under one roof” Challenges * Customer confusion in the transition with billing * Customer confusion with product line of new company * Customers not seeing the value in the merger * Customer succumbing to competitor messaging. Competitor Messaging Research what the competitors are saying about the merger to their customer base and create messaging to counteract. Communication Plan Budget $20 Million budget. * 30% to Television * 20% to Radio * 20% to Print (Press release, newspaper, posters, advertisements) * 15% to Customer service training * 5% to billing inserts * 10% to AT&T...
Words: 1442 - Pages: 6
...marketing process 2. Explain the importance of understanding customers and the marketplace, and identify the five core marketplace concepts 3. Identify the key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and discuss the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy 4. Discuss customer relationship management, and identify strategies for creating value for customers and capturing value from customers in return 5. Describe the major trends and forces that are changing the marketing landscape in this age of relationships 1-2 Chapter Concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What Is Marketing? Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan and Program Building Customer Relationships Capturing Value from Customers The New Marketing Landscape So, What Is Marketing? Pulling It All Together 1-3 What Is Marketing? Marketing Defined Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships to capture value from customers in return 1-4 What Is Marketing? The Marketing Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Understand the marketplace and customer wants and needs Design a customer-driven marketing strategy Construct a marketing plan that delivers superior value Build profitable relationships and create customer satisfaction Capture value from customers to create profit and customer equity 1-5 Marketing process Determine...
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...MCS0021 GM’s Saturn Story: Integrated Strategy for Communication and Brand Building “Untill 1989, Americans thought of Saturn, when they thought of it at all, as the sixth planet from the sun. After 1989, Saturn the planet was preempted by Saturn the brand, a new shape of matter that signaled the comeback of a renovated universe called Detroit.” – Lynn B. Upshaw, Author, Building Brand Identity: A Strategy for Success in a Hostile Marketplace Genesis of Saturn On a wintry day in Detroit, the CEO of General Motors (GM), Roger B. Smith (Smith) was about to make an announcement. Since he had taken over in 1981, ‘the cherubic chairman’ 1 of GM had already brought about big changes in reorganising GM’s lumbering organisation structure. He had invested in robotics, space satellites and data-processing for which he had bought over entire companies such as Ross Perot’s Electronic Data Systems and Hughes Aircraft Company when he could have just contracted their services. On January 8th 1985, Smith was unveiling Saturn, GM’s first new brand in 70 years. It was to be a lot more than just another car brand. At that time, Smith was famously quoted as stating, “Saturn is the key to GM’s long term competitiveness, survival and success as a domestic producer.”2 As an independent subsidiary that relied on innovative technology and was managed by the workers and management in a joint decision making format, its mission was to “develop and produce an American made small car that will be...
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...BUS 497 WEEK 4 PROMOTION AND INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION A+ Graded Tutorial Available At: http://hwsoloutions.com/?product=bus-497-week-4-promotion-and-integrated-marketing-communication Visit Our website: http://hwsoloutions.com/ Product Description BUS 497 Week 4 Promotion and Integrated Marketing Communication, BUS 497 Week 4 Promotion and Integrated Marketing Communication Promotion is a term used commonly in marketing and is one of the market mix features or elements. Marketing mix has four p’s that is price, promotion, product and place. Promotion is defined as raising customer awareness of a company’s product or brand, creating brand loyalty and generating sales. Promotion may also be found in the requirement of five promotional plan or promotional mix . These elements include personal selling, sales promotion, publicity direct marketing, and advertising. The objectives of the promotion include Building Awareness. This means that new companies and new products are frequently unknown to a market that means original promotional efforts have to be concentrated on determining an identity. In this position the marketer has to concentrate promotion to: inform the market who really they are and what they must offer and effectively reach customers (Caywood, 2013). Secondly, is to create Interest. This is moving a potential customer from awareness of a commodity to making a buy and can present a major challenge. From the point of view of business and consumer...
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