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Integrated Health Management And Recovery Essay

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exercise, substance use, problem-solving skills, engaging social support systems, and setting personal goals. In the second phase of TTIM, the nurse educator and peer specialist engage participants in brief maintenance sessions over the telephone. In a randomized control trial of 200 adults (mean age 53 years old) with serious mental illness (schizophrenia 25%, major depressive disorder 48%) and diabetes mellitus, TTIM program participants reported improved psychiatric symptoms and general functioning compared to usual care 37. TTIM participants demonstrated significantly greater knowledge of diabetes compared to the control group and 98% of TTIM participants considered the program to be useful. However, no differences were found between the intervention and control group with respect to general health status, self-management of diabetes, systolic blood pressure or body mass index.

Integrated Illness Management and Recovery (I-IMR)
Integrated Illness Management and Recovery (I-IMR) is a recovery-oriented intervention that combines training and coaching in both psychiatric and medical illness self-management into a single integrated curriculum and program aimed at improving outcomes for older adults (age 50+) with SMI and chronic health conditions38,39. Integrated Illness Management and Recovery (I-IMR) …show more content…
Health and Recovery Peers (HARP) and Targeted Training in Illness Management (TTIM) primarily focus on medical illness self-management interventions for persons with SMI and include all ages. In contrast, Integrated-Illness Management and Recovery (IIMR) provides a balanced curriculum of both psychiatric and medical self-management and is specifically designed for older

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