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The American Dream: Social Injustice In The United States

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Social justice is a simple concept that unfortunately is not fulfilled within our society. Obtaining my Bachelor’s of Science in Criminal Justice last spring has given me the opportunity to take various courses such as juveniles and the criminal justice system, social psychology, and ethics. I believed the basic concept of social justice is that every human being has equal rights and opportunities regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, etc. America has sold this idea that we can all have what is known as the “American Dream”. The American Dream refers to a big house with a white picket fence along with a nice car and so forth, but what they do not emphasize is how unrealistic that idea is for many American, which is a social injustice. It is very unfortunate that slavery ended 151 years ago, but yet African Americans still face oppression. They are fighting odds not put forth on themselves but the odds society has created for them. A prime example, the current amount of police brutality cases against African American is a tremendous societal …show more content…
Our legal system, as much as it is denied, is what I believe to be the core of such injustice. If you are a white wealthy man the courts are more likely to be in your favor opposed to a minority lower class male. Recently a white male college student, Brock Turner, was convicted of rape but the judge stated “ A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him.” therefore he was only sentenced to 6 months. While the average sentence for such a violent crime is approximately 10 years. (US Department of Justice 1997) There are two types of injustice with this case. The first injustice is white supremacy, Mr. Turner was given a ridiculously light sentence because he was privileged and white. Secondly, the injustice that the poor victim must have felt to see her rapist released from jail just after 3 months for “good

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