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Hands On A Hard Body Play Analysis

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When I hear about the play title “Hands on a Hard Body” what come up in my mind was different until I watch the play. The production crew did a good job for putting this wonderful play together. The director of the play name is Beth Criscuolo and music director by Christopher Tolomeo. There are sometimes when you have a low expectation of a play and when u watch it, you get amaze and end up loving it. This is the situation of this play “Hands on a Hard Body.” Hands on a Hard Body is a fabulous play and it is also educative, funny, religious, and romantic play. The production company is The Arts at Delaware County Community College. The play is about a competition for a new shiny red truck that everybody wants. For others it an opportunity for many things to come and other to prove other people wrong that they can achieve something in life. Most of the scene took place at night and few in the day time. The play was tremendous and for many reasons; and also, the play is worth seeing …show more content…
The play makes me learn a lot about life and human creation. The play makes me know that you can go for anything in life if you put your attention on it. Also it makes me want to chase my dream with every little blood in my body just to prove people wrong. For instance, in the play, one would surprise to know the winner of the new shiny red truck. So I want you the reader to go watch this play. You would never think that the person would win the truck because of some reasons that I won’t mention. On the other hand, the play also teach us that the real world is not fair. There was a scene in the play when one of the organizer for the competition sleep with one of the contestant and that shows the unfairness in the world. The world is full of corruption and unfairness. So, one should chase their dream and forget about people opinions because the world is full of opinions and

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