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Integrated Nursing Concepts

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During labor and delivery clinical observation day there were three clients in labor. All of them were in the first stage of labor at seven that morning. What that means is all three clients were less than three centimeters dilated with mild and irregular contractions. By two o’clock that afternoon only one mother had given birth. All three mothers received an epidural, which is administered based on the mother’s height and weight (Khajehei & Assareh, 2018). Each client had their own nurse, but the nurses were always busy. The nurses were kind and knowledgeable. The nurses’ demonstration of the five integrated nursing concepts were very visual throughout the day. Those five concepts include safety, professionalism, teamwork and collaboration, …show more content…
Each nurse observed the fetal and maternal monitors closely. When the monitor displayed something abnormal the nurse would go in the client’s room and perform the appropriate intervention. If the monitor displayed early decelerations, which is a dip in the fetal pattern before the mother has a contraction (Gysegem, 2015), the nurse would reassess the client. Early decelerations are usually positive, so the nurse would make sure a vaginal exam was performed to check the progression of labor. Other ways the nurses displayed safety checks were monitoring lab values, monitoring IV fluids the mothers were receiving, and knowing the history of the mother before and during the current pregnancy.

Each nurse maintained a professional attitude. One nurse came into a satiation where a client did not want her family member to be in the room during the delivery process. The family member would not listen to the client and the family member was causing the client and the other family members to become agitated. Once it was time for the client to deliver the baby, the nurse sternly and politely directed the family member out of the room. The family member complied and the tension in the room seemed to …show more content…
All the activities performed by the nurses were patient specific. Some interventions the nurses performed were offering fluids, pain management, assessing the client frequently. The nurses helped each client with their breathing techniques. While all these tasks are standard protocol the time and ways to perform them were different depending on the client. Information like client’s history of pregnancies and deliveries is essential for a nurse to know so the nurse can be aware of possible future complications like hemorrhage. Also knowing a client and fetus’s blood type is important so that the nurse can prepare to give a dose of RhoGAM once the baby is delivered. Just as importantly knowing a client’s education and psychosocial levels are critical so that a nurse can provide the appropriate care and teaching for each

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