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Personal Narrative: A Career As A Baseball Player

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The odds of a high school player getting the opportunity to play on a Major League Baseball team are one in 6,600, which is equivalent to 0.015 percent (ProSportsOdds.doc). Ever since I was a little kid playing T-ball, I have always aspired of one day making the major leagues. There is no better feeling than stepping on a baseball diamond: smelling the fresh-cut green grass, feeling the soft, raked dirt, and seeing the opposing team you are about to go to battle against. Baseball has always part of me that I can not live without. It stays with me everywhere I go. I am always thinking about baseball, playing it, or talking about it. The odds of making the major leagues are against me, but I am willing to do anything to get the opportunity to play baseball at the highest level possible. …show more content…
This past summer, I went to Long Island, New York with the Jerry Manuel Foundation team to compete in the National Youth Baseball Championship. This tournament was a collection of some of the best players and teams from around the country. Playing in this tournament helped me because I was surrounded by players with the same goal as and learned from them. I worked with trainers who have played professionally and used their advice to try to make me better. I recently joined a team that goes to prestigious showcase tournaments where scouts from college and professional teams will be. I have been working hard at improving my physical side of the game and mental. I competed in little league from when I was six to thirteen. When I was twelve, I decided to join a travel ball team and have been doing that ever since. There has been a great deal of things that I have done to help fulfill my dreams, but I still have much more work to

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