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Intel Research: Exploring the Future


Submitted By mike85re
Words 1122
Pages 5
Intel Research: Exploring the Future
This report discusses the case study ‘Intel Research: Exploring the Future [1], published in 2005 by the Harvard Business School. The discussion is divided into three different sections: overview, analysis and conclusion.
In 2013, Intel spent more than 10.6 billion in Research and Development (R&D), and became the third biggest spender in R&D. Intel invests in R&D to get on with Moore’s Law, an observation by company co-founder Gordon Moore in 1965 that computing power doubles every two years. As the company works to cram more transistors onto its circuits, development eats most of the company’s R&D spending. “It’s getting more expensive to do the development piece of it because wafers get more expensive over time as more steps get added to the process,” says Michael Mayberry, vice president and director of components research at Intel. “Complexity drives cost.” One recent example of the company’s R&D efforts includes the 14nm Intel Core M processor, which is half the size of the previous generation of chips with 20% longer battery life and 60% less energy expenditure [2].
In late 1999, Intel Research was formed to perform a new model of conducting information technology (IT) research. At that time Intel already had a process for research in new product development (Figure 1). In this research approach, the approximate feature capabilities of a new product can be predict by Moore’s Law. Then the technical barriers to achieve these capabilities identify and alternative approaches to overcome the barriers will evaluate. At the end the most effective alternative will implement [1]. Figure 1. “Roadmap” research to support development of next generation microprocessor
This approach is effective for semiconductor and microprocessor research to support the Intel roadmap, but it cannot satisfy two

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