...I agree with you Ms. Sandra. As you mentioned, “It is important to employ strategies that enhance professional communication within inter-professional team setting,” (Iyegbu, 2015). If the information conveyed to the patients and family by the health care team is not understood, it can lead to errors. These errors can lead to injury to the health or even death. So it is vital that the content be accurate, clear and non-biased (APA 2010). Nurses and other members of the health care team work usually under stress. So it is easy to make mistakes. When people get sick and hospitalized, their anxiety level increases. This adds to the chances of misunderstanding the information provided to them. Health care teams deal with different types of people...
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...Inter Company Analysis Britannia can be compared with its competitor on the basis of various ratios as mentioned below Current Ratio Britannia has a current ratio of 1.054 in comparison to HUL which has a current ratio of of 0.79.The high current ratio mainly is because of a more than proportionate increase of the Current Assets when compared to the Current Liabilities. Debt Equity Ratio There is a stark comparison between the two companies in terms of funding. While HUL funds its operations from lower and lower loans every year, Britannia increasingly funds its operations through more and more debt, possibly due to lesser cost of debt. This is visible in the DER of HUL at 0.07 and 1.084 of Britannia. Interest Coverage Ratio The interest coverage ratio is a measurement of the number of times a company could make its interest payments with its earnings before interest and taxes. Lower the ratio, higher is the company’s debt burden. This is measured as the ratio between the profit before interest and taxes to the interest amount paid that year. The ICR of Britannia has improved over last year from 20.77 to 29.62.But in case of HUL there has been a drastic improvement .ICR has rose from 122.22 to 409.36. Earning Per Share Over last one year, EPS has declined for Britannia due to drastic decline in profits, and hence the EPS has fallen from Rs 75.51 to Rs 48.77.However in case of HUL the EPS has declined due to slight increase in the number of shares...
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...Microeconomics UNIT 10: Sample Case 9 “A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. In order to be patentable, the invention must fulfill certain conditions.” (www.wipo.int/patientscope/en/, 2012) To translate, if you develop a new method or procedure of constructing a product that has never been done before, no one else can copy or use the process for a set amount of time. By granting ownership on the basis of a filed patent application by a nation and/or regional authority to be enforced within the same nation and/or region, it protects your invention from being commercially exploited and may extend to most known countries within one year of filing the patent application known as ‘priority’, that may be extended as much as 20 years from the date of filing. It is enforced by the proprietor and is meant to protect industrially applicable/technical inventions only. (Nissen, 2012) Patents ensure that the payoff from R&D and a business’ competitive advantage are maximized, they can also be valuable in generating interest and investments in new and also growing business. This is especially important in new business’ attempting to establish themselves in high tech industries where a new technique can mean the difference between making it in the industry and going bankrupt. It also serves as a readily available and accessible public...
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...QUESTION 1 ● An inter-vivos gift is different than a Will in that… ○ An inter-vivos gift is only valid if the donor is alive at the time of the gift ○ An inter-vivos gift requires consideration to be binding, while a Will does not ○ A Will is irrevocable, while an inter-vivos gift can be revoked ○ All of the above QUESTION 1 - ANSWER ● An inter-vivos gift is different than a Will in that… ○ An inter-vivos gift is only valid if the donor is alive at the time of the gift – correct answer ○ An inter-vivos gift requires consideration to be binding, while a Will does not ○ A Will is irrevocable, while an inter-vivos gift can be revoked ○ All of the above QUESTION 2 ● Archie tells Edith, “Edith, because I love you so much I hereby give you my piano. It’s still sitting in my living room. But you can take it whenever you like.” Is this gift valid? ○ Yes ○ No, because donative intent has not been established ○ No, because there was no delivery ○ No, because there was no acceptance QUESTION 2 - ANSWER ● Archie tells Edith, “Edith, because I love you so much I hereby give you my piano. It’s still sitting in my living room. But you can take it whenever you like.” Is this gift valid? ○ Yes ○ No, because donative intent has not been established ○ No, because there was no delivery – correct answer ○ No, because there was no acceptance QUESTION 3 ● Which of the following could constitute a valid delivery of a gift of a car? ○ Parking the car in the donee’s driveway ○...
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...Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 7(6), 839–847, June 2014 ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645 A New Approach for Inter Process Communication with Hybrid of Message Passing Mechanism and Event based Software Architecture Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh*, Esmail Amini and Isa Maleki Computer Engineering Department, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, West Azerbaijan, Iran; bonab.farhad@gmail.com, es.amini56@gmail.com, maleki.misa@gmail.com Abstract In this paper, we use software architecture style based on event-driven and message passing communication method and determine a framework for interaction among practicable processes on Operating System (OS). In the proposed method, the required data are sent to the process or other processes in a standard message frame and with determined structure to the OS, then, the OS distributes the received message considering its recipient processes in the system, rather a process communicates directly with other specific process. The major features of the proposed method include the synchronization among the processes, the simplicity of implementation, easy extensibility, remote access which finally can improve the interaction between the OS and processes. Along with producing the systems based on an integrated frame, we obtain a determined standard in Inter Process Communication (IPC) by mediating an OS. 1. Introduction Keywords: Event-driven, IPC, Message Passing, OS, Software Architecture ...
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...BLEND TWO COUNTRY ANALYSIS ITALY Task: You will carry out an analysis of Italy today in order to have a general idea of its current state of affairs. To do this you will visit several sites to gather the necessary information. This information should then be transferred in note-form onto the table below. You will then use these notes to give a short, informal presentation during the following class session. Procedure: You will use a well-known analytical tool: THE PEST ANALYSIS. Although this tool was originally created for the business environment, it is now used in many sectors to analyse organisations, projects and systems. STEP ONE: WHAT IS A PEST ANALYSIS 1. First you need to find out what a PEST analysis is: Go to http://www.rapidbi.com/created/the-PESTLE-analysis-tool.html#political Read quickly through the information and write short answers to the following questions: What sort of picture does a Pest analysis offer? Why is it important to take these factors into account? What are some common uses of the Pest? In what situation might you use a Pest in your own professional context? The Table below gives some of the indicators which may be relevant for each category. Can you think of any other factors to consider? Add them to the corresponding column. PEST ANALYSIS TEMPLATE Political / Legal Economic Social Technological - Government organisation / attitude - Economic growth (overall; by industry sector) - Income...
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...[pic] BLEND TWO COUNTRY ANALYSIS ITALY Task: You will carry out an analysis of Italy today in order to have a general idea of its current state of affairs. To do this you will visit several sites to gather the necessary information. This information should then be transferred in note-form onto the table below. You will then use these notes to give a short, informal presentation during the following class session. Procedure: You will use a well-known analytical tool: THE PEST ANALYSIS. Although this tool was originally created for the business environment, it is now used in many sectors to analyse organisations, projects and systems. STEP ONE: WHAT IS A PEST ANALYSIS 1. First you need to find out what a PEST analysis is: Go to http://www.rapidbi.com/created/the-PESTLE-analysis-tool.html#political Read quickly through the information and write short answers to the following questions: What sort of picture does a Pest analysis offer? Why is it important to take these factors into account? What are some common uses of the Pest? In what situation might you use a Pest in your own professional context? The Table below gives some of the indicators which may be relevant for each category. Can you think of any other factors to consider? Add them to the corresponding column. PEST ANALYSIS TEMPLATE |Political / Legal |Economic |Social |Technological...
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...Assignment 1.1 Chart one Who was the sender? Friend | | Who was the receiver? Myself | | What was the message? To meet up at southland mall at 7pm in the parking lot. | | What channel was used to send the message? Verbal channel was used | | What was the misunderstanding that occurred? The miss understanding happened during the decoding process | | How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? The miss understanding could have been avoided if I would have paid more attention to the end portion of the message. | | 1. What did you learn about the communication process from this activity? What I learned about the communication process in this exercise is the complexity of the communication process steps. Every step is important to the complete success of the message leaving the sender and arriving to the receiver. In this example the message was distorted by distractions or noise that cause me to miscode the message during the decoding process. 2. What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstandings? The main causes of the misunderstanding was the fact that I was excited and in a hurry to meet up with my friend that I didn’t pay enough attention to the details of the message and missed understood. Chart Two Who was the sender? Myself | | Who was the receiver? Coworkers | | What was the message? Grab large packages off the belt before they jam in curb. | | What channel was used to send the message? Verbal channel...
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...In today’s businesses information systems are a very important part of almost every company. The company I am choosing to write about is the Department of Veteran Affairs for which I work for. Information systems within the Department of Veteran Affairs make the job a lot easier. It simplifies the way we write letters to veterans because we have a program that once you put in the veterans file number it puts in all of his information into the letter such as his address and then it comes up with prompts to choose what to input in the letter. It requires little modification once you choose all the prompts. Information systems also stores most of the veterans information making it quicker to process claims because we don’t have to look into the veteran’s paper file all of the time. They also reduce the amount of mistakes that we make because if you input wrong information most of the time the system won’t process the claim, if it won’t process you know something isn’t matching up and you did something wrong. Our information systems also act as a tracking system. We have a program that can look up a veteran’s file anywhere in the country and can tell who has the file and when they scanned it in. Of course the accuracy of this program still relies on the human input but it is a VA policy that you must scan all the files into your desk as soon as they get to you and you are supposed to scan them to the next location when you send the file away. All the information systems at the...
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...QA Concept Introducing LoadRunner • Why should you automate performance testing? • What are the LoadRunner components? • Understanding LoadRunner Terminology • What is the load testing process? • Getting Familiar with HP Web Tours • Application Requirements The Power of LoadRunner • Creating the Load Test • Running the Load Test • Monitoring the Load Test • Analyzing Results Building Scripts • Introducing the Virtual User Generator (VuGen) • How do I start recording user activities? • Using VuGen’s Wizard mode • How do I record a business process to create a script? • How do I view the script? Playing Back Your Script • How do I set the run-time behavior? • How do I watch my script running in real time? • Where can I view information about the replay? • How do I know if my test passed? • How do I search or filter the results? Solving Common Playback Problems • Preparing HP Web tours for playback errors • How do I work with unique server values? Preparing a Script for Load Testing • How do I measure business processes? • How do I emulate multiple users? • How do I verify Web page content? • How can I produce debugging information? • Did my test succeed? Creating a Load Testing Scenario • Introducing the LoadRunner Controller • How do I start the Controller? • The Controller window at a glance • How do I modify the script details? • How do I generate a heavy load? • How do I emulate real load...
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...Preparing Business Scenario Analyses The following general guidelines may be used in preparing for an oral or written business scenario analysis and presentation. There may be several feasible courses of action regarding the solution to any case. It is more important to concern yourself with the process of problem definition and isolation, analysis, and evaluation of alternatives, and the choice of one or more recommendations, rather than trying to find a single answer. Very often, the right answer is the one that you can propose, explain, defend, and make work. • The Process of Analyzing a Case 1. Read and study the scenario thoroughly and efficiently. Read the scenario once for familiarity, noting issues that come to the forefront. Read the scenario again. Determine all the facts, making notes about symptoms of problems, root problems, unresolved issues, and roles of key players. Watch for issues beneath the surface. 2. Isolate the problem(s). Get a feel for the overall environment by putting yourself in the position of one of the key players. Seek out the pertinent issues and problems. 3. Analyze and evaluate alternatives. a. Once the problems and issues are isolated, work at gaining a better understanding of causes. In what area of the unit do the problems exist? Why? What caused them? Examine and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the unit’s processes (e.g., planning, communication), human behaviors, and/or exhibits (e.g., financial statements,...
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...PEST Analysis One way of planning your business is to undertake a PEST analysis.1 PEST analysis involves looking at the Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological factors that could affect your business. Every business needs to consider a range of external forces in order to take decisions. For many people imagination is very limited and is coloured solely by their own experience and personal beliefs. This can lead to wish fulfilment or a refusal to see reality or recognise the critical changes that are happening in the world around them. It can also lead to grabbing short-term solutions that, if they do not exacerbate problems, certainly ignore the longer term. In the business world pressure is often applied to take decisions quickly, acting on judgement and instinct rather than careful analysis. There are many driving forces in the external environment that might impact on your business. These can be categorised as: • Social; • Technological; • Economic; • Environmental; and • Political. Social forces Social forces include, for example, changing demography and education, etc. The population in Western Europe is relatively static, but the age bands are changing. The number of older people, for example, is growing rapidly. Technological forces Technological forces are changing dramatically quickly. What effects will this have on your production, marketing and distribution plans? Depending on your market, technology might either raise or lower entry barriers...
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...Experimentation Critique of The Balance Evaluation Systems Test to Differentiate Balance Deficits RES/320 Patti Moser July 5, 2010 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY: I certify that the attached paper, which was produced for the class identified above, is my original work and has not previously been submitted by me or by anyone else for any class. I further declare that I have cited all sources from which I used language, ideas and information, whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, and that any and all assistance of any kind, which I received while producing this paper, has been acknowledged in the References section. This paper includes no trademarked material, logos, or images from the Internet, which I do not have written permission to include. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have the same validity as my handwritten signature. Student's signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Sherri L. Eveland___________________________ ___ Experimentation Critique of The Balance Evaluation Systems Test to Differentiate Balance Deficits This article presents the theoretical framework, interrater reliability, and preliminary concurrent validity for this new instrument, the Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest). The goal of this study was to develop a clinical balance assessment tool that aims to target 6 different balance control systems so that specific rehabilitation approaches can be designed...
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...James F Sloan III 4/2/15 IT250 Chapter 5 1. The “who” command helps you determine who is logged in on a specific terminal. 2. Give the command “mesg n” to keep other ordinary users from writing to your terminal. You can take this action when you do not want to be disturbed or are viewing something on your screen that you do not want overwritten. 3. $ cp to_do done – it will overwrite the done file with the new file names to_do. $ mv to_do done- it will do the same as cp, the to_do file will overwrite the done file. 4. Give the command apropos editor. Most systems have vim, ex, ed, and more. 5. $ grep "Ace Electronics" phone $ sort phone $ uniq phone 6. When you compare binary files with diff, diff displays a message saying the files differ when the files differ or no message when the files are the same. The diff utility compares ASCII files on a line-by-line basis; it is not designed to compare binary files on a byte-by-byte basis. Use cmp to compare binary files in that manner. 7. The answer is system dependent. 8. The utility displays a message saying that the command you are looking for is not in the list of directories that are in your search path. For example, $ which me /usr/bin/which: no me in (/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6bin:. 9. No. However, some commands that are built into a shell have an executable counterpart that exists as a file (for example, echo). 10. Approximately twenty, not counting...
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...This week I worked on virtual taxes for the first time. I did a few preps and a quality review, it is pretty much the same process but without the pressure of the clients in front of you. It was helpful when there were notes for some situations. For example, the calculations were already done for tuition so it made it easy to just input the numbers. I did run into one where they did not include their birthday or did not answer the healthcare portion, therefore, I was not able to continue with the return. Towards the end of the night I had a client that just recently got married last year and wanted to file separate. The problem I came across was that she did not know her husband’s social security. I was then informed we could not process her return at this time and to come back once she has the information. Amy also explained to me and the client that is always better to file jointly if the couple is married and on good terms and it could really only benefit them more versus filing separately. The highlight of this week of VITA for me was on one of my virtual returns a client wrote a sweet message at the end stating how thankful she was for the program and all of the volunteers. It really shows that what we are doing is so great and just knowing that we are helping people out is so heart...
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